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A modern approach to integrate business

Who is Tiny sprl

Editor of the Open Source management software
Open ERP

85 employees

Self financed

100 % growth per year
Economic model

Global cost of proprietary integration
− Analysis : 0 to 10 %
Proprietary costs
− Licence : 20 to 30 %
− Integration : 50 to 70 %

Specific adaptations

Data recovering

Configuration, settings


Global cost of an Open Source ERP integration
− No licence revenue
− Only service
Open Source costs

Deficit of around 25 % (Licence)
How to compensate this deficit on integration ?

Mass distribution

Low cost structure

High level technical growth

Open Source = Mass distribution Mass distribution

− Open ERP is available on Linux distribution : Debian, Fedora

− Large number of articles
− Training center/Schools (France National Education)

Can't afford licence costs

Easier to sell to customers than to new contacts

Open ERP = 700 downloads/day
− Support
− Leads

Low cost structure
− Marketing & commercial
− No distributor, no intermediary Reduced costs

Research & Development part
− Proprietary editors : 10 to 18 %
− Open Source editors : 50 to 80 % !!!

Open Source = High level technical growth
− Community of contributors

Testers, documents redactors, translators, ... High level growth

Developpers with business skills

− Re-use of libraries and open source components

− GPL licence

Every contributor or partner development is an added value for the product

History of Open ERP modules
− October 2006 : 40 modules
− January 2007 : 112 modules
− April 2007 : 185 modules
− May 2007 : 200+ modules
− January 2009 : 350+ modules
Better Margins

A deficit of 25 % on a customer integration

But :

A mass distribution
− 700 downloads/day !

A low cost structure

High level technical growth of the product
Costs per customer integration Better Margins

Open ERP Margins : 40%

Proprietary Editor Margins: 20%

-> Margins Twice Higher

In few times
− 25 languages
− 700 downloads/days
It's working !
− 1000+ developers on launchpad
− Worldwide partner network
− Full ERP

horizontal : production, marketing, CRM, accounting & finance, stock, ...

vertical : associations, bookshop, agronomic, production, quality, auctions, ...

Service purchase no licence
Customer advantages ?
− Added value in each investment

Choice between time or money
− Total control of budget and independance

Test and assess before to buy
− Help in the decision

Future costs reduced
− New modules

Partner contract
− Portal access, leads, visibility, ...

− Bugfix guarantee
− Migration guarantee
− Life cycle guarantee

Guanrantee that we maintain your current version of Open ERP during all duration of the

Certification module
− Qualitative validation of your module


− Possibility to subscribe to a maintenance contract for this module

1st level Support
− By phone, email, IRC

SaaS : On demand offer
− Hardware (servers)
− Maintenance
− Hosting and support

− Functional
− Technical
Success stories
France National Education (ENA)

Open ERP selected after a market research by the
Bull company

Full integration project with specific developments

Project duration : 3 years

Users : 1500
Focus on ENA project

Introduction of the ENA specific menu

Web interface style completely reviewed

Gantt view specially developped for ENA project

This feature is now integrated in the official version
of Open ERP
Chamber of commerce and industry - CCI (Belgium)

Open ERP selected among proprietary editors such as
SAP & Navision
− Thanks to Open ERP modularity and it's easy
configuration/personalization without any specific developments

Workflow editor

View editor

Object editor
Focus on CCI project

Full integration project with 13 specific modules
− Members management
− Subsidies management
− Event & training management
− ...

Project duration : 1 year

Users : 70
Institut Formation Bancaire Luxembourg (IFBL)
(Financial & banking training center)

Open ERP selected after 2 integrations Failure

Full integration project with specific modules for planning
and training management

Duration of the project : 1 year

Users : 40 + 1000 bank employees (customers)
Open ERP

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