Audiences (AS Media Work)

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Shannon McCarthy


Our target audience is generally teenagers and young adults, typically from the age of 15 30, its not particularly gender specific but it could be said it appeals to females rather than males. Its aimed towards those that enjoy horror/thriller films.


As the genre for our film is Horror we researched many horror films to find certain techniques and conventions used. We tried to replicate some of these techniques in our own film- for example, slow panning and close up shots to create tension. We also looked at the music used and the effect it has on the audience. We researched more modern horror films that appeal to young, teenage audiences, such as The Ring, Insidious and Grave Encounters to see what we could use in our own film to make it more successful and attract the teenage audience that enjoy these sorts of films.


We used a questionnaire, aimed at teenagers, to find out what our target audience found of our idea and what specifically they might want from our sort of film, and also how we might improve our idea. We found that our target audience generally quite liked our idea and would enjoy to watch it. We also found out various other things that could help with the production, such as where someone would expect to see our film- for example, in the cinema, on dvd or online and what age certificate they would expect it to be. (In these cases we found that our target audience would prefer to view our film from an internet download and would expect our film to have an age certificate of 15).



We discovered what our target audience might want from a horror film by sending out a questionnaire to people we think fit our target audience- in this case, teenagers. We asked in our questionnaire what our audience thought of our film idea- our audience was generally positive, we were told the idea seems quite spooky and was well thought out. We also asked what genre they thought our film was, most of the responses being along the lines of Horror and Thriller. We asked where one might expect to see our film, most said as an internet download and what age certificate our film seems to be- most said 15. All this information is what we were aiming for with our film.

What age Certificate do you think our film would be?

U PG 12/12A 15 18

Where would you expect to view this film?

8 6 4 2 0 Where would you expect to view this film?


Upon showing our target audience our film we found that people generally enjoyed the film. We sent a questionnaire to see what people thought of the film and received quite positive feedback. The people we asked were from the ages of 15 18 and we received certain feedback saying things such as It seems to be a good mystery and The music was appropriate, it was eerie and causes suspense in parts. We were also told the film appeals to a female audience due to the main characters been female teenagers as people can relate to them. I think it appears like we have reached our target audience as the people we asked have found our film enjoyable and have said they would like to watch the film in its entireity.

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