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TV Drama Teen Drama

Representations of Age Macro level Micro - level

To revise key terms:
Representation Stereotype Realism / Verisimilitude Target audience response and the terminology of the 4 micro-elements

To deconstruct screen shots (at micro-level) to read the representations created (at macro-level). To create a pitch for a new teen character to be introduced in a TV Drama, making choices at micro-level to create a non-stereotypical representation (if it is possible) collaborative task

Camera Shots, Angle, Movement and Composition

Shots: establishing shot, master shot, close-up, midshot, long shot, wide shot, two-shot, aerial shot, point of view shot, over the shoulder shot, and variations of these. Angle: high angle, low angle, canted angle. Movement: pan, tilt, track, dolly, crane, steadicam, handheld, zoom, reverse zoom. Composition: framing, rule of thirds, depth of field deep and shallow focus, focus pulls.

Includes transition of image and sound continuity and non-continuity systems.

Cutting: shot/reverse shot, eyeline match, action match, jump cut, cross-cutting/ parallel editing, cutaway; insert.
Other transitions, dissolve, fade-in, fade-out, wipe, superimposition, long take, short take, slow motion, ellipsis and expansion of time, post-production, visual effects.


Diegetic and non-diegetic sound; synchronous/asynchronous sound; sound effects; sound motif, sound bridge, dialogue, voiceover, mode of address/direct address, sound mixing, sound perspective.

Soundtrack: score, incidental music, themes and stings, ambient sound, parallel and contrapuntal.


Production design: location, studio, set design, costume and make-up, properties. Lighting; colour design.

Skins extract
Watch opening of Episode 1 season 3;
a brand new cast = new characters introduced

Discuss initial impressions of characters and how they are created. Study the stills below and look for elements at micro-level which build these representations. Focus on camerawork, mise-en-scene, editing.

Collaborative task groups of 3

Prepare a pitch for introducing a new teen character to a TV drama targeted at 15 - 25s (first 30 50 seconds) Try avoiding obvious stereotypes that you would find annoying or unfair. Outcome: 1 or 2 speakers from the group to present pitch, offering:
An overview of the character and intended impressions on the target audience; A shot list describing micro-level elements and explaining / justifying choices


Group 1 Shreyaa Josh Raju Omar Group 3 Khushel Nimesh Keval David Group 2 Devki Matthew Manan

Group 4 Yasmin Harshiv Viraj Ashwin

Target Audience Response Envoys

Take your pitch to another group 5 mins Target audience response: Be ready to justify!

Has the group created a convincing representation of a teenager? Evaluate. What elements at micro-level are most convincing in creating that representation? What problems or shortcomings can you identify with the way the character is represented? How might the target audience respond?

In your pair, discuss this shot from Skins using as many of the following terms:
representation (or represented) target audience response labels stereotype realism

binary oppositions (extra challenge)

Starter: In pairs, prepare to talk for at least one minute to the class about what the composition and mise-en-scene tell you about this shot and its characters, including how teens are represented. (Hint: The two red-haired girls are sisters)

To work out a narrative from the still shots of a sequence To address how the representation of teenagers is constructed in the extract. To practise structuring an exam response.

Narrative in Skins
In your groups from last session, study the still shots from the opening of Skins, series 1 episode 1 You need to be able to explain the narrative to the class, discussing the clues which helped you make meaning out of stills. Which are the shots or series of shots where having the soundtrack would really enhance our understanding of the narrative? Suggest what the soundtrack, including script , might be for these shots.

Narrative and representations in Skins

Analyse opening sequence of Skins, looking particularly at Tonys representation. 1. What can you deduce about the setting (and specifically the house) from the mise-en-scene? 2. What do you think Tonys representation is? Think about camera shots and his behaviour. Are stereotypes or/and countertypes used? 3. What is the genre? How does Tonys representation fit in to the genre? 4. Can we tell how the narrative will unfold? Suggest some ways. 5. We start with the shot of Tony in bed with the camera in a close up of him why use this shot? Then we see him in his under pants - why? 6. Discuss the mise-en-scene, particularly of his bedroom. Does it tell us anything about Tonys life style? 7. How is Tonys sister Effy represented? How is their relationship represented? 8. How are the parents represented? How is their relationship with the children represented? 9. Do the binary oppositions reinforce others representations?

Series 1 episode 1 ns/4od#2921869

How are representations of age constructed in the extract? In your response, address: camerawork, mise-enscene, editing and sound.

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