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Group : a number of person BOUND together common social standards, interests etc Team: A Group of people ORGANIZED to work together.

Group Vs Team
1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Several people/can vary in size Common characteristics May or may not involve action Ex: class IX

Several people/vary in size Common goal Implies action or activity Working together Ex: Manchester United

What is Team Work & Team Building?

Team work Concept of people working together as a team Team Player A team player is to able to get along with their colleagues and work together in a group Team Building Process of establishing and developing a greater sense of collaboration and trust between members

Team and Group sizes

Dyad : A group of Two Triad: A group of Three Small Group: a group is generally considered small when it as 7 or fewer people large Group: can sometimes be very large

Characteristics of a Team

Team set clear and important goal Team is result oriented Members are competent and committed Members collaborate freely Teams have leadership Team is collectively stronger than individual Team work with other groups

Stages of Team Building

Forming Storming Norming Performing

Stage 1: FORMING

the problem Agree on Goals and formulate strategies for tackling the task Determines the challenges and Identifies information needed Individual takes on certain roles Develop trust and communication

Stage 2 : STORMING

Realize tat the task is more difficult than they imagined have difference in attitude about chances of success May be resistant to the task Have poor Collaboration

Storming Diagnosis
Do we have common goals and objectives? Do we agree on roles and responsibilities? Do our communication work? Do we have adequate interpersonal skills?

Stage 3: NORMING
During This stage member accepts ---Their team ---Team rules and procedures ---Their roles in the team Team members realize that they are not going to crash-and-burn and start helping each other

Team members have: o Gained a better understanding of each other's strength and weaknesses o Gained the ability to prevent or work through group conflicts and resolve differences o Developed a close attachment to the team

Recipe of a successful team


communication Beneficial team behaviors and ground rules Balanced participation Good personal relationships

When Team Fails


of skills a team members Abstract thinking, emotional involvement Lack of energy Lack of clear focus Unclear ,overloaded roles Lack of timely feedback

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