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Interview Of High Profile Personality Dr.

Mahesh Patel
Guided By Dr.Govind Dave I2IM-CHARUSAT Prepared By Tushar R Gadhiya 11MBA015

1.Introduction 2. Resume of interviewee 3.Actual Interview 4.Analysis According To Big 5 Personality Model 5. Forming the habits for effectiveness 6. My Learning




Name-Dr M V Patel Director Drug Discovery Research, Wockhardt Research Centre 38years of experience pertaining to diverse aspects of Drug Discovery and Development based on Natural Products & NCEs. Educational Background o Post Doctoral Research at National Institutes of Health,USA, (Mechanisms of HIV Host cell interactions) o Ph.D. at University of Bombay, 1984 (Novel strategies for the screening of cell-wall active antibiotics) o M.Sc. at M.S.University of Baroda, Microbiology, 11MBA015 1973 ME Genetics 25-04-2013 o B.Sc. at Gujarat University, Microbiology- 1971

Professional Career 1.Wockhardt (1998 till date) Director Drug Discovery Research 2.Ranbaxy Labs (1994 1998) Head Microbiology, New Drug Discovery 3.Hoechst Research Centre (1973-1994) Jr. Scientist to Principal Research Scientist Played a pivotal role in the discovery of following novel natural antibiotics at Hoechst Research Centre. 1.Balhimicin- Anti-MRSA Glycopepetide 2.Nogabacin F- Anti-MRSA + Anti VRE Glycopepetide 3.Napsamycin- Specific anti-Pseudomonas cyclic pepetide 4.Maclafungin- Boroad spectrum antifungal macrocyclic lactone antibiotic
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Other CV Highlight
Member, American Society for Microbiology. Key Papers on discovered NCEs / Antibiotics in top

rated Journals Such as Antimicrobial Agents and Chemother, J. of Chemotherapy, J. Of Antibiotics, J. Med. Chem, J. Organic Chem. Several patents & publications in peer reviewed international journals & conferences Collaborated with leading international researchers from academia and industry such as Hoechst Germany, Roussel, Aventis. Number of Scientific Presentations made at top international meetings and leading Pharma Companies such as Aventis, J & J, Pfizer, GSK, Cubist, Wyeth
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1.Sir, first tell me about yourself and your family background I, Mahesh V Patel, hail from Saurashtra and originally belong to farming community. I have been a student of Microbiology and still continue to learn in that area through my professional role as a Director of Antibacterial Drug Discovery at Wockhardt Research Centre in Aurangabad. My all degrees are in the subject of Microbiology and as a career I am fortunate in able to continue in that field for almost 38 years.
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2.Please tell me the story of your interesting career, position by position. Started my career in 1973 as a Research Technician with a German company Hoechst (now sanofi aventis), continued working there for 21 years and rose to a level of Principal Research Scientist leading a team of seven scientists. Then I joined Ranbaxy labs as a Head of Microbiology responsible for Antibacterial screening program. At Ranbaxy the responsibility included setting up of screening labs and training a team of 15 scientists for antibacterial and antifungal screening program. I worked for Ranbaxy for four years,1994-98. Since 1998 I have been with Wockhardt as a Director of Drug Discovery, leading a 11MBA015 ME 25-04-2013 7 multidisciplinary tam of 70 scientists.

3.What do you currently do(job Responsibilities)? I help select Research project which could lead to promising new drugs which could address unmet medical needs and this benefit patients. I also guide the team in setting up novel biological screens which could help differentiate new drug candidates from products in the market and also bring out specific limitations of new drug under investigation. Other responsibilities include collaborating with international scientists,Pharma companies and administrative responsibilities such as budget planning, monitoring, scientific competition mapping, career planning for key team members.
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4.Can you please share some of the challenges which you have faced in your career? -Keeping team motivated and emotionally engaged in the project. -Convincing management on funding for research projects. 5.Can you please share some of the challenges which you have faced in your work life and personal life? Personal life challenge is to allot required time to the family and I think it is a daunting task but I manage accordingly. 6.How do you manage the work life balance? Professional and personal life. Not always possible to maintain right kind of balance. Require the support and understanding of family when they do not get their share of time. However, once a family understands the long term impact of responsibility and work one is handling then their support just flows in.
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7.How do you prioritize your day to day task? Keeping the long term objective in front is the best way to prioritize day-to-day to acivity 8.How do you manage your emotions during your work? And what are the best ways to handle our emotions at work according to you? By putting myself in to others shoes helps me mange my emotions 9.How do you manage your subordinate/co-worker in your work place? And what are the best ways to manage people at work according to you? See when you work in team you need to understand your coworker very deeply, you need to identify their need,their goal ,you have to find problem they face and after than you should respond by considering all the factor in your mind.You need to develop strong relation with your co-worker,express their importance in your team.If you care all the things than they work as per your wishes.After all they all are human being, they can understand as well. 11MBA015 youME 25-04-2013 10 Act informally when it needed.

11.How would you define an effective leader? An effective leader is the one who allows everyone to dream and supports their dream to fructify ! 12.How you tackle the difficult conditions? By understanding the reasons leading to so called difficult conditions and by seeking solutions from the team members. 13.Can you share me one good and one worst experience counter in your life? The good experience was that one of my earlier employer selected me for Post-doctoral research assignment at NIH in the US. Worst experience was lack of appreciation by the management of 11MBA015 ME 25-04-2013 11 complexity of discovery based research program !

14.Please tell me something about Indian healthcare sector Indian healthcare sector has a bright future with Indian economy growing and wider population availing access to medicine. Other growth driver would be export of quality pharmaceutical products to global markets because of cost effectiveness. 16.Who has inspired you in your life and why? Parents, as mentioned above. 17.What are your principles, values and belief? Hard work always pays off and becomes a long term asset. 18.According to you what factor makes a person successful? Devotion to duty and focus along with sincere attempt ME 25-04-2013 12 to 11MBA015 attain the goals.

19.What would be your strengths and weaknesses? My team is my strength and the weakness is that some time I loses an important member . 20.What do you like to do in your free time? Reading and listening to music. 21.whats your own definition of happiness. To earn recognition for the team work. 22. How would you describe yourself in two words? Practical scientist. 23.Last min mantra. Dont lose the focus! 24.What massage you want to communicate with student pursuing MBA. Look for long term goals attainment rather than trivial smaller gains.







Open and Talkative Social contributions for the development of nation Worked with many firms in India and other countries


Agreeablen ess

Friendly nature Copes with the unexpected He takes out time for others






planning is the essence Conscientious Strategic which he believes and he handles ness his project in an organised manner.



Handles the problem easily with simple logic and don't get irritated easily but sometime get frustrated which he handles with his skills.


Openness to Experience/ Intellect

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He like to know the latest techology as well as implement in his projects. He is having a good conceptual knowledge related to his field.


Forming the habits for effectiveness Dr.Mahesh Patel exhibits the following habits:
Habit 1: Be Proactive Dr.Mahesh Patel is a proactive personality.He knows his responsibilities very well and acts according to them.He scheduled all his work in advance and work accordingly. He is always ready to utilize as much time as possible in different activities for drug discovery.
Habit 2: Begin With The End in Mind Dr.Mahesh Patel is clear in his vision and also transform this vision to team member so it should be clear about the vision and team member should work according to it. Being a scientist by profession it shows that it is in-built in his nature to begin with the end in mind.
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Habit 3: Put First Things First Dr.Mahesh Patel is also mentioned about the priorities for work. For daily work every things was pre planned specially when one engaged with research work. Habit 4: Think Win-win They believe that without cooperation the organization cannot succeed.He always first understand his team member,identify their problem and always support to find better solution.He always appreciate his team member after successfully completion of project.





Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood For every work Dr.Mahesh Patel first tried to understand the team member as well as future project and he discussed out with them for future planning .This creates an atmosphere of caring, respect, and positive problem solving. Habit 6: Synergize Motivation,Commitment Dedicated to work,Time Management,Long term focus Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Dr.Mahesh Patel always tried to learn new things in Microbiology subject and also collecting the knowledge and information about the new25-04-2013 drug 11MBA015 ME 18 discovery to improve his knowledge.

My Learning
Spirituality is quite essential for personal


development. Develop habit to learn from surrounding. Shaw your gratitude to a person who have positive input in your life Respect other person as every person possess at least one quality in themselves. Be introspective Always challenge the life, Be confident, Say fear to NO. Keep trust in yourself and faith to supreme authorityGOD 11MBA015 ME 25-04-2013 Think out of the box ie Be Paradigm person.

Thank You
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