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AHLI : Mohd Nur Firdaus Mohd Ihsannuddin Zahir Bin Mohd Mali Mohd Hafiz Qayyum


Seni Islam membenarkan umat berimaginasi dan berkreativiti dalam pemikiran mereka, perlu dijaga dan disuburkan dlm ruang dan batasan syariat. Elemen yang diulang-ulang berbentuk geometri. Tiada elemen-elemen figura Kesenian Islam berteraskan konsep tauhid dan bertujuan untuk mempertingkatkan agama. Seni harus menjurus kepada pengabdian diri kepada Tuhan.

Kesenian islam hendaklah memaksimumkan kesedaran tentang keesaan Allah. Tiada pemisahan antara seni dan agama.

Peranan Kesenian Islam

Seseorang seniman perlu memahami ajaran Islam yang hendak disampaikan melalui seni sama ada seni lukisan, muzik, seni bina, seni pentas. Kesenian Islam perlu mempunyai mesej yg jelas. Kesenian boleh mendidik manusia supaya menjadi insan yg baik dan insan yg hampir kepada Allah. Para seniman mempunyai tanggungjawap sosial dalam konteks


Bidang Kesenian Islam

. Kaligrafi : Tulisan yang indah.
Tulisan ini mempunyai nilai2 kehalusan dan kesenian. Seni khat mempunyai kaitan rapat dengan jiwa islam, memandangkan penulisannya menggunakan huruf-huruf al-quran.

Jenis- jenis Khat

Khat Nasakh : diperindah oleh Ibn Muqla Khat Riq'ah : tulisan arab yang dapat ditulis dengan cepat & sesuai dengan gerakan tangan. Khat Diwani : Catatan atau antologi karangan. inspirasi dari model khat lain. Hanya digunan untuk hiasan sahaja. Khat Diwani Jali : Lebih bervariasi berbanding khat diwani. Khat Thuluth : digunakan untuk hiasan seperti dalam mushaf Usmani, nama kitab atau buku



Kouichi Fuad Honda

Kouichi Fuad Honda merupakan seorang penulis khat dari Negara Jepun, telah datang ke Malaysia pada 22-24 November 2008 yang lalu sempena program IAS-AEI International Conference NEW HORIZON IN ISLAMIC AREA STUDIES: ISLAMIC SCHOLARSHIP ACROSS CULTURE AND CONTINENTS, yang dianjurkan bersama oleh Universiti Malaya, NIHU Programe Islamic Area Studies (Japan), Asia-Europe Institute.

As-Syaikh Othman Taha

Nama sebenar beliau ialah Abu Marwan Othman Bin Abduh Bin Hussain Bin Taha, seorang penulis khat yang terkenal dengan penulisan Mushaf Madinahyang di terbitkan di Mujamma Malik Fahd. Berasal dari Syria. As-Syaikh Othman Taha yang dilahirkan pada tahun 1934M telah mendapat ijazah seni khat daripada gurunya yang masyhur iaitu Hamid Al-Amidi pada tahun 1973M. Beliau belajar seni khat daripada beberapa orang lagi tokoh terkenal di dalam bidang ini seperti Muhammad Ali al-Maulawi, Ibrahim Ar-Rifaie, Muhammad Badwi AdDairani dan Muhammad Hasyim Al-Baghdadi.

Khat Thuluth Khat Diwani

Khat diwani jali

Khat nasakh

Khat riqaah

Night 3-2009
Diperbuat daripadaarang,pensil dan kertas yatsuo Menengahkan kesatuan Ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran yang menekankan sifat kerjasama dan bersatu padu. Menggunakan jenis tulisan khat yang tertentu

Abd al-Qadir Hisari Calligraphic Galleon

Object Name:Illustrated single work Date:dated A.H. 1180/ A.D. 176667 Geography:Turkey Medium:Ink and gold on paper Dimensions:H. 19 in. (48.3 cm) W. 17 in. (43.2 cm) Classification:Codices Credit Line:Louis E. and Theresa S. Seley Purchase Fund for Islamic Art and Rogers Fund, 2003

The hull of this sailing ship comprises the names of the Seven Sleepers and their dog. The tale of the Seven Sleepers, found in pre-Islamic Christian sources, concerns a group of men who sleep for centuries within a cave, protected by God from religious persecution. Both hadith (sayings of the Prophet), and tafsir (commentaries on the Qur'an) suggest that these verses from the Qur'an have protective qualities.

Laila and Majnun at School", Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami Ja'far Baisunghuri (active first half 15th century)
Author:Nizami (Ilyas Abu Muhammad Nizam al-Din of Ganja) (probably 11411217) Object Name:Folio from an illustrated manuscript Date :A.H. 835/ A.D. 143132 Geography :present-day Afghanistan, Herat Medium :Ink, opaque watercolor, and gold on paper Dimensions : Page: H. 12 5/16 in. (31.3 cm) W. 9 in. (22.9cm) Mat: H. 19 1/4 in. (48.9 cm) W. 14 1/4 in. (36.2 cm) Classification : Codices Credit Line : Purchase, Lila Acheson Wallace Gift, 1994

This splendid painting is from a manuscript of the frequently illustrated story of Laila and Majnun by the twelfth-century Persian poet Nizami of Ganja (a city in the present-day Republic of Azerbaijan). It was commissioned by the Timurid prince Baysunghur of Herat, one of the greatest bibliophiles in all Islamic history, who gathered at his court the very best painters from Baghdad, Tabriz, Shiraz, and Samarkand to illustrate his matchless collection of books The illustration depicts Qais, the future "mad one" (Majnun) for love, and Laila, his beloved, who meet for the first time as children at a mosque school. The painting underscores the closely related aesthetics of figural painting and abstract calligraphy, architectural tiling and royal carpet weaving in traditional Islamic civilization, united here in a visual symphony of flat but dramatically colored patterns.

he scene depicts the child lovers framed in the mosque's prayer niche in order to emphasize their mystical status. These visual conventions of Persian art, usually laden, as here, with Neoplatonic symbolism, crystallized in the royal cities of Tabriz and then Herat at the turn of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and endured for another 250 years in the court paintings of Iran, Turkey, and India.

"Prophet Muhammad Preaching", Folio from a Maqtal-i Al-i Rasul of Lami'i Chelebi Lami'i Chelebi

Object Name: Folio from an illustrated manuscript Date: late 16th century Geography: Turkey or Iraq Medium: Ink, opaque watercolor, and gold on paper Dimensions: H. 7 13/16 in. (19.8 cm) W. 6 1/16 in. (15.4 cm) Classification: Codices Credit Line: Rogers Fund, 1955

The text to which this detached page belonged, entitled "The Murder of the House of the Prophet", tells the story of the martyrdom of Husayn ibn 'Ali, one of Muhammad's grandsons and 'Ali's son. His killing at the battle of Karbala, in Iraq, represented a turning point for the Muslim community and is the origin of the main division between Sunnis and Shi'i. In this illustration, the Prophet is seen preaching seated on his minbar, or pulpit, and 'Ali and his sons Hasan and Husayn are at Muhammed's left side. The holy characters are identified by their flaming haloes and are surrounded by the attentive audience. The scene takes place in the interior of the mosque in Medina.

Pouran Jinchi
Nama penuh : Pouran Jinchi Tempat Lahir : Mashad, Iran Tempat tinggal : New York Sejarah pembelajaran : 1993-Studio Painting, The Art Students League of New York, New York, NY 1989-Sculpture and Painting, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 1982-Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, George Washington University, Washington, DC

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