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Join Index


In Teradata the concept of materialized views are refer to as Join Indexes (and Aggregate Join Indexes-AJI when they include GROUP BY clauses). 1) An AJI is created which effectively materializes the view results in a table.


2. When SQL covers the view then Teradata accesses the table to return the answer. 3. This is beneficial because the join index can be used even for SQL that does not reference the view. 4. This makes Teradatas implementation much more powerful then material views by other vendors. Look at the attached EXPLAIN output. (next slide) 5. The first SQL references the view used to define the join index. The second SQL is similar to the view definition but not actually the same. However, Teradata still exploits the AJI. The view definition is shown at the end of the file(slide). 6. An AJI work as follows. : When the AJI is created the view is materialized and saved in a table. When the rows of dependent tables are changed the rows of the AJI table need to be recalculated and stored for future query references. If the AJI is based on a complex view this can add significant overhead to INSERT and UPDATE operations on the dependent tables.


Join Indexes are great for dimensional tables like the calendar and the geography hierarchy.


With many updates, you might find it quicker to drop the AJI, update the tables, then recreate the AJI.

Text Document

Summary : JI - A Fast Path To Fast Query A Join Index is

an indexing structure stores and maintains the result from joining two or more tables. useful where the index structure contains all of the columns referenced by one or more joins in a query. To improve the performance during updates, consider collecting statistics on the base tables of a Join Index. ==================================

Defined by you & Maintained by the system Immediately available to the Optimizer If a covering index, considered by the Optimizer for a merge join Reported by the HELP INDEX and SHOW TABLE statements

JI Affects the Following : Load Utilities

MultiLoad and FastLoad utilities cannot be used. Use TPump, BTeQ.

Archive and Restore

Archiving is permitted on a base table or database, During Restore the Join Index is marked as invalid.

Permanent Journal Recovery

Using a permanent journal to recover a base table (i.e., ROLLBACK or ROLLFORWARD), but join index is marked as invalid.

Collecting Statistics
Statistics should be collected on the primary index and secondary indexes of the Join Index to provide the Optimizer with baseline statistics.

JI : Case Study: Reporting Requirements Store by Day

Store by Product by Day Store by Product by Month

Reporting Frequency
Multiple times a day, following data loads

Data Maintenance
Loads of POS throughout the day. Inventory loaded once a day. Full history of data is kept.

Types of JI : Single Table Subset column selection on large base table

Aggregation of single table

Multi Table Pre-joining multiple tables With and without aggregation

Sparse WHERE Clause used to limit data in JI

Sample Query Aggregation by store by product by day:

Select L.Location_Name , Pr.Product_Name , P.Pos_Date ,Sum(Pos_Qty) From Location L, Product Pr, Pos P Where P.Location_Id = L.Location_Id And P.Product_Sku = Pr.Product_Sku Group By L.Location_Name, Pr.Product_Name,P.Pos_Date

Join Index Cost

Space JI Maintenance following data changes Initial creation Cant be backed up (restored) Poor design might lead to minimal benefits Too many columns selected Wrap up Direct Data Access Less Data to analyze Pre-joining of data can improve response times Costs/Benefits must be analyzed before implementation

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