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Naomi Jenkins Jon Gamble Newspaper I 1st Block


inform you of the dos when copyrighting To inform you of the donts of copyrighting And making sure you understand them


Copyright was invented after the arrival of the printing press in Britain. The king of England and Scotland was concerned by the unregulated copyign of books and used royal prerogative to pass the Licensing Act of 1662 which established a register of licensed books and required a copy to be deposited with the StationersCompany. In America it began under the Copyright Act of 1976.

DOS. . .

familiarize yourself with the copyright law. You know, just to be safe. When you do research, Do summarize and use your own words. The Copyright Act says that short quotations for criticism, commentary or news reporting are considered fair use. But dont let it take up most of YOUR work.

DOS. . .


buy all media from a legitimate store and/or website.

i.e. iTunes.

use material under public domain. Including federal government documents, material the was produced before 1923 and material without a copyright notice before 1977.

DOS. . .

use facts. The Copyright laws protects the form, combination, and structure of documents and not the facts themselves.


ignore the copyright law. When you see it, a red flag should pop up in your head warning you.

DONTS. . .

DONTS. . .

assume that if you credit the author you wont get in trouble for copyright. You can only use copyrighted material if you have permission from the author to do so or if you make fair use of it.


doing research, Dont copy everything or close to everything that is not your work, word for word.

DONTS. . .
t think that just because the copyright symbol and/or notice/message that its not copyrighted. And Dont think just because you remove the copyright symbol and/or notice/message that you can use it. It is still copyrighted people. Be Smart!

Familiarize yourself with the copyright law. Summarize and use your own words. Use material under public domain. Buy media and stop using peer-to-peer websites to get it. Its ok to use facts. Dont ignore the copyright law. Dont think just because you remove the copyright symbol/message/notice its not copyrighted. And dont think just because the symbol/message/notice isnt there its not copyrighted. IT IS! Just because you credit the author it doesnt mean that your not stealing. Its still under the Copyright Law. My advice-Just do your own work!


So if the copyright symbol isnt on a picture you take it and say its yours. People find out you get in trouble. Your were right to take the picture. True or False

You can use information as long as you cite the author of the work. True or False


You should familiarize yourself

False. Ask the author first.

Daniel Scocco. N.d. Copyright Law: 12 Dos and Donts. Retrieved on Dec. 2, 2009 at G. Clement. (Jan. 17, 2009). Copyright Dos and Donts. Retrieved on Dec. 2, 2009 at HT.pdf US Copyright Office. (July 2008). Copyright Basics. Retrieved on Dec. 2, 2009 at

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