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Business Research Methods Lecture II Donald Cooper

Pamela Schindler

Addressing Management Problems with Scientific Thinking

Sources of Knowledge
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Empiricists attempt to describe, explain, and make

predictions through observation Rationalists believe all knowledge can be deduced from known laws or basic truths of nature Authorities serve as important sources of knowledge, but should be judged on integrity and willingness to present a balanced case

Web sites Government reports

Syndicated industry studies Patent fillings

Public opinion organizations

Government / Regulatory


Economic growth/trends

Demography Business Knowledge Intuition


Social Cultural


Speeches from authorities Business research

Press releases Literature searches

Conference presentations Clipping services

Paradigms in Research..
Thomas Kuhn Scientific Revolution
Karl Popper..falsification

The Essential Tenets of Science

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Direct observation of phenomena

Clearly defined variables, methods, and procedures

Empirically testable hypotheses Ability to rule out rival hypotheses

Statistical justification of conclusions

Self-correcting process

Scientific method..

The Scientific Methoddetails

Techniques or procedures used to analyze empirical

evidence in an attempt to confirm or disprove prior conceptions.

Scientific method
The scientific method is the process by which

scientist, endeavour to construct an accurate (i.e. reliable, consistent and non-arbitrary) representation of the world. The scientific method attempts to minimize the influence of bias or prejudice in the experimenter when testing a hypothesis or a theory.

Scientific method..
1. Observe some aspect of the universe. 2. Invent a tentative description, called a hypothesis, that is consistent with what you have observed. 3. Use the hypothesis to make predictions. 4. Test those predictions by experiments or further observations and modify the hypothesis in the light of your results.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until there are no discrepancies between hypothesis and experiment /observation Hypothesis becomes theory when experiment bears it out.

Summary Seven steps in the application of the scientific method: 1. Assessment of relevant existing knowledge 2. Formulation of concepts and propositions 3. Statements of hypotheses

4-Design the research to test the hypotheses 5-Acquisition of meaningful empirical data 6-Analysis and evaluation of data 7-Provide explanation and state new problems raised by the research.


Ways to Communicate
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Exposition descriptive statements that merely state and do not give reason Argument allows us to explain, interpret, defend, challenge, and explore meaning

Some digression and surprisesbefore going on

Where are you, daddy?

By Millicent Mwololo
Posted Tuesday, April 12 2011 at 18:00 In Summary

Seventy eight percent of

inmates in two Kenyan prisons, grew up in homes without a father.

Important Arguments in Research

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Deduction is a form of inference that purports to be conclusive Induction draws conclusions from one or more particular facts

Deduction & Induction

Ukranian Translation

Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more . specific. Sometimes this is informally called a "top-down" approach

Inductive reasoning works the other way, moving from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories. Informally, we sometimes call this a "bottom up" approach ( not "bottoms up" Source:

The Building Blocks of Theory

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Concepts Constructs Definitions Variables Propositions and Hypotheses Theories Models

Understanding Concepts
A concept is a bundle of meanings or
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characteristics associated with certain events, objects, conditions, situations, and behaviors Concepts have been developed over time through shared usage

Understanding Concepts
The success of research hinges on: how clearly we conceptualize how well others understand the concepts we use
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What is a Construct?
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An image or idea specifically invented for a given

research and/or theory-building purpose

Types of Variables
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Independent Dependent Moderating Extraneous Intervening

The Role of the Hypothesis

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Guides the direction of the study

Identifies facts that are relevant Suggests which form of research design is

appropriate Provides a framework for organizing the conclusions that result

What is a Good Hypothesis?

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A good hypothesis should fulfill three conditions: Must be adequate for its purpose Must be testable Must be better than its rivals

The Value of a Theory

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Narrows the range of facts we need to study

Suggests which research approaches will yield the

greatest meaning Summarizes what is known about an object of study Predicts further facts that should be found

Links..steps in research
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Define the problem Plan a research design Decide on sampling procedure Collect data Analyze data Formulate conclusions and prepare report

The stages are interrelated Sometimes later stages are completed before earlier ones Forward linkage implies that the earlier stages of research will influence later stages Backward linkage implies that later steps have an influence on the earlier stages in the research process.

The Research Process

Problem Discovery

Problem Discovery And Definition

Selection of Exploratory technique

Secondary Data

Experience Survey

Pilot Study

Case Study

Problem Definition (Research Objectives)

Research Design

Selection of Research Method

Survey Experiment Interview/Questionnaire


Secondary Data Study Sampling

Way forward..
Explore the process in the next one ready

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