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Multicultural Refugee Coalition

Presented by: Alexandra Musi Julia Weeks Kristen Froelick Lauren Georgalas

Overview: Research
Issue Community does not know what a refugee is Goal Change the perception of the Austin communitys definition of a refugee Execute Key Publics Strategies and Tactics

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats


Increase total donation from $10,300 to $75,000 by October 2013 Increase from 11 corporate donors to 15 by October 2013 Have 10 refugees indicate they feel the community has improved behavior towards them


Increase engagement on social media platforms by 12% by October 2013

Increased attendance at Multicultural dinner from 45 to 60 by October 2013 Have five different media stories reported on the MRC in the local media by October 2013

Key Public

Self-Interest Influential Primary Messages

Key Public
Current Donors

Self-Interest Influential Primary Messages

Key Public
College Students

Self-Interest Influential Primary Messages

Key Public
Local Community

Self-Interest Influential Primary Messages

Increase total donation from $10,300 to $75,000 by October 2013

Key public: Current Donors Strategy: Host a fundraising event

3 Steps

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Increase from 11 corporate donors to 15 by October 2013

Key publics: Current Donors Strategy: Make donors feel appreciated

Have 10 refugees indicate they feel the community has improved behavior towards them Key public: Local community Strategy: Improve local community behavior towards refugees


Increase engagement on social media platforms by 12% by October 2013

Key public: Local community Strategy: Increase amount of social media presence

Increased attendance at Multicultural dinner from 45 to 60 by October 2013

Key Publics: Current donors, College students, Local community Social media and Evites

Have five different media stories reported on the MRC in the local media by October 2013

Key public: Local community Use the press kit to spread the word

The Importance of Media

Press Kit

Press Release
Pitch Letter Media Tip Sheet

Budget and Calendar

Proposed execution of strategies and tactics

Proposed budget needed to execute task

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