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Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. was formed

in October, 2000. The company offers wide ranging & most transparent tariff schemes designed to suit every customer. BSNL is the only service provider, making focused efforts and planned initiatives to bridge the Rural-Urban Digital Divide ICT sector

BSNL has more than 2.5 million WLL

subscribers and 2.5 million Internet Customers who access Internet through various modes. The company has vast experience in Planning, Installation, network integration and Maintenance of Switching & Transmission Networks and also has a world class ISO 9000 certified Telecom Training Institute.

BSNL Landline BSNL Mobile BSNL WLL Internet Services

Leased Line Video Conferencing


Be the leading Telecom

Service Provider in India with global presence. Create a customer focused organization with excellence in sales, marketing and customer care. Provide a conducive work environment with strong focus on performance


Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has a vast

reservoir of highly skilled and experienced work force of about 3,57,000 personnel. With a corporate philosophy that considers Human Resource as the most prized assets of the organization, it's natural for BSNL to continually hone employee skills, enhance their knowledge and their expertise and their aspirations to fruition

To help achieve departmental objectives

through staff To evaluate performance and improve communication between managers and staff on managing performance To provide opportunities for development

Performance Appraisal is done by balanced score card technique.


1) Reporting Manager 2) Reviewer

3) HOD
4) HR Head 5) Normalization Committee

Reporting Manager
Provide feedback to the reviewer / HOD

on the employees behavioral traits indicated in the PMS Policy Manual Ensures that employee is aware of the normalization / performance appraisal process Address employee concerns / queries on performance rating, in consultation with the reviewer

Discuss with the reporting managers on the

behavioral traits of all the employees for whom he / she is the reviewer Where required, independently assess employees for the said behavioral traits; such assessments might require collecting data directly from other relevant employees

Presents the proposed Performance Rating

for every employee of his / her function to the Normalization committee. HOD also plays the role of a normalization committee member Owns the performance rating of every employee in the department

HR Head
Secretary to the normalization committee Assists HODs / Reporting Managers in

communicating the performance rating of all the employees

Normalization Committee
Decides on the final bell curve for each

function in the respective Business Unit. Reviews the performance ratings proposed by the HODs to ensure an unbiased relative ranking of employees on overall performance, and thus finalize the performance rating of each employee


KRAs Behavioral Traits The Performance Rating Process

Promotion and Rating Distribution guidelines

Key Result Areas

What are the guidelines for setting the

KRAs for an employee? How does an employee write down his KRAs for a particular financial year? KRAs: The Four Perspectives. How is the KRA score calculated for an employee on the basis of the targets set and targets achieved?

Behavioral Traits
Some of the qualitative aspects of an

employees performance combined with the general behavior displayed by the employee during a year constitutes his behavior traits.

The Performance Rating Process

The rating process tries to explain the four different types of rating that an employee can achieve i.e. EC,SC,C and PC.

EXCEPTIONAL CONTRIBUTOR Performs consistently and substantially above expectations in all areas Spots and anticipates problems, implements solutions Sees and exploits opportunities

SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTOR Performs above expectations in all areas Versatile in his/ her area of operation Develops creative solutions and require little / minimal supervision

Promotion and Rating Distribution Guidelines

The promotion and normal distribution

guidelines provide the framework within which the performance appraisal process has to work. These guidelines also help in deciding upon the promotion cases in a year.


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