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Scientific and systematic search for pertinent information Generalizations and formulation of theory Systematic method of finding solution Verify knowledge for the construction of theory

Research Methods
It is the collection of data, statistical techniques for the conduction of research

Research Methodology
A system of models, procedures and techniques used to find the results of a research problem Evaluate results Logic behind

Tools for analysis

Operation Research Statistical techniques factor analysis, discriminant analysis, forecasting, sampling method, central tendency

To gain familiarity with a phenomenon To access the characteristics To determine the frequency To test a hypothesis of a casual relationship between variables

Research Degree Solve problems Creative work Service to society Get respect

Formulate government policies Career and a source of livelihood Scientific and inductive thinking Solving various operational and planning problems Social relationships and solve social problems and help decision making

Continuous Non-Continuous Dependent Independent Intervening variables Extraneous

Qualities of a good research

Systematic Logical- Deduction( reasoning from premises to conclusion) and Induction(draw conclusions from facts) Empirical real , valid Replicable Researcher-experienced, reputation, integrity Research process

Types of Research
Descriptive vs Analytical - Uses facts/ information available and critical evaluation of the material is done

Applied research solution to a practical problem (faced by a Co. , Society), For immediate mgt. decisions e.g. Marketing research Vs Fundamental research- concerning some natural phenomena, Generalizations and formulation of theory , Deal with fundamental/ basic problems

Quantitative research- projective Techniques Vs. Qualitative research- inferential( determine the characteristics of population), experimental, simulation

Conceptual- related to abstract ideas or theory develop new concepts reinterpret existing ones Vs Empirical research- relies on experience, proof, capable of being verified by observation or experiment

One time research Vs Longitudinal research Field setting research Simulation research Laboratory research Historical research

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