DVR2000E Training - SECT #6 (Paralleling Set-Up)

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DVR2000E / DVR2000EC Paralleling Set-Up

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Section Overview This section will provide an overview of how set-up the regulator for paralleling in droop or cross-current (reactive differential). We will discuss: Paralleling generators to one another

Paralleling generators to the utility

NOTE: This discussion is not intended to teach you how to parallel but rather instruct you on how to program the DVR2000E/EC for paralleling. Additional paralleling guidelines are provided in the Paralleling Notes.pdf file included on the compact disk for this seminar.

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Paralleling Recommendations/Notes Marathon Electric recommends that you initially parallel your generators in droop. Refer to the DVR2000E Installation, Operation, and Maintenance (IOM) Manual (GPN019 03/06) or the Hardware Installation Section of this presentation for connecting your DVR2000E/EC properly. NOTE: The DVR2000E/EC regulator must be setup as discussed in the programming sections of this presentation PRIOR to implementing the Paralleling Set-Up.

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Paralleling Basics -

When paralleling:

1. KW sharing is totally controlled by the governor 2. Amps are controlled by the governor and the voltage regulator 3. KVAR sharing is controlled by the voltage regulator

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Paralleling Basics (Contd)-

For generators to parallel properly certain conditions must be met:

1. All unit engine governors must match in: a) Engine speed, b) Engine response, and c) Load sharing 2. All generator regulators must match in: a) Voltage, b) Droop, and c) Regulator response

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Paralleling Basics (Contd)Sharing Example:
a) b) 2000 kW unit 1000 kW unit


a) b) 1500 kW, 0.8 PF


2000 kW unit carries 1000 kW and 750 KVAR


1000 kW unit carries 500 kW and 375 KVAR

Each unit is operating at one-half rated load

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Paralleling Basics (Contd)For different size generators, droop settings will be

different for DVR2000E/EC. For example:

a) 500 kW, 752 Amp unit


600 kW, 902 Amp unit

CT: 1000:5 DROOP SETTINGS: If 600 kW unit is set for 4% droop then 500 kW unit must be set for 4.8 % droop; therefore at one-half load both are at 1.8 % droop

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Paralleling Basics (Contd)-

There are no absolute correct settings, every thing is relative.

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Initial Adjustments/Set-Up Carefully follow set-up instructions step by step as given in the DVR2000E Installation, Operation, and Maintenance (IOM) Manual (GPN019 - 03/06). Do not take short cuts - these most often - will lead to very undesirable results.

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure 1. To parallel generators, set-up one generator set for single unit operation. 2. Insure that a CT is installed on phase B of the generator and connected per Figure 4-6 (IOM Page 33).


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 3. Open communications between the computer and the voltage regulator by clicking on Communications Menu in the top tool bar, select Open Comm Port, and click on RS-232 Port.


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 4. In the Password Window type dvr (this is not case sensitive), select the appropriate COMM Port, and press Enter.
NOTE 1: Password Protection guards against unauthorized changing or viewing of the regulator settings via a computer. A single password protects all DVR2000E/EC computer input settings. Should you decide to change the password, the new password should be stored in a secure place. If your user defined password is lost, the MARATHON-DVR2000E-COMS program must be reinstalled to restore the default password. NOTE 2: Password protection does not protect against any front panel adjustments/changes.

Password = dvr

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 5. The default settings on the Comm Port Window are normally acceptable for most applications. If this is the case for your application, press Enter or click Initialize to proceed with the Comm Port default settings. Otherwise select the appropriate COMM Port, then press Enter or click Initialize to proceed.


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 6. If everything is operating properly, a series of small windows will open to show that the information is being uploaded from the DVR2000E/EC regulator. Every time a screen is changed on the computer, new data will be read from the regulator to insure that the screen is up to date.


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 7. Referencing Page 53 of DVR2000E IOM Manual, under the Configure Button/ System Settings Tab, enter the CT ratio ( for example 500:5 has a ratio of 100) in the lower right area of the screen under Generator CT Ratio. Click EEPROM Button to save setting.
EEPROM Button for savings settings. Generator CT Ratio set to 1.0

Note 1: The CT must have a secondary rated at 5 amps. Note 2: The CT ratio entered is ONLY necessary to display the proper current on the Metering Screen, it WILL NOT affect the normal operation of the regulator. 15

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 8. Referencing Page 53 of DVR2000E IOM Manual, click on the Settings Button/ Setpoint Tab, in the lower left under the Droop enter the value 4 in the Setpoint (%) window. Click EEPROM Button to save setting.

EEPROM Button for savings settings

Enter the value 4.0 in the Setpoint (%) window.



DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 9. Referencing Page 53 of DVR2000E IOM Manual, referring to the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) (AVR Setpoint (V) Window). If the generator is to operate in droop, increase the AVR Setpoint (V) value by 3%. For a 480-volt operation, the calculated value to enter would be 494 volts. This will cause the generator to operate at approximately 480 Vac under load. Click EEPROM Button to save setting.

Enter the value 494.0 for a 480 Vac system in the AVR Setpoint (V) window.

EEPROM Button for savings settings



DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 10. To save the default settings as read from the regulator, click on the File Menu in the top tool bar, and then click on Save in the drop down menu to save the data.


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 11. In the window that opens, type the name of the file in which the data is to be stored. You can now access any of the default settings if necessary.

NOTE: This is the recommended File Name format. To be discussed in further detail later.


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 12. <OPTIONAL> For IDENTICAL generators, load these same settings into all other regulators to be paralleled. To load these settings to another regulator: a) Open communications with the other DVR2000E/EC regulators one at a time b) Open the file you just saved c) Click EEPROM Button to save this information into the memory of that regulator d) Repeat this procedure for each additional DVR2000E/EC regulator you have that you are intending to parallel with your original generator


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 13. Referencing Page 53 of DVR2000E IOM Manual, place a resistive load on each individual generator, one at a time. Click on the Metering Button. If the paralleling CT is connected correctly, the Real Power (W) value will read positive and the Phase Angle (Degree) value will read around 0 or 360 degrees. If the paralleling CT is connected backwards, the Real Power (W) value will read negative and the Phase Angle value will read around 180 degrees. If the CT is connected backwards, shut-ff the generator-set and swap the connections between CT1 and CT2 on the voltage regulator.

If CT is connected correctly the Real Power (W) should read a positive and Phase Angle (Degree) will read approximately 0 or 360.


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) WARNING: Marathon Electric recommends that you review your wiring connections (see IOM page 33) prior to paralleling your generators. Pay particular attention that the phase rotation of the generators are the same. Before closing the breaker synchronize units (i.e., match phase relationship within 5 degrees).
NOTE 1: When the generators are operating in parallel, the governor controls the kW-sharing between the generators. This can be the cause of any current unbalance when the units are paralleled. Attempting to further adjust the voltage regulators will most likely make things worse, not better. NOTE 2: For single unit operation, a switch that is closed across terminals 52L and 52M will disable the droop function.

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 14. <OPTIONAL> Now that you have confirmed that your generators will parallel in droop properly, if cross current (reactive differential) compensation is desired, the current loop can now be connected per DVR2000E Installation, Operation, and Maintenance (IOM) Manual, Page 36.

NOTE: For single unit operation a switch that is closed across terminals 52L and 52M will disable the droop function.


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Paralleling with Utility Basics -

When paralleling with the Utility:

1. Control KW through the governor (must be limited to rating of generator)

2. Control KVA with an appropriate controller that operates through the voltage regulator (must be limited to rating of generator)


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Paralleling Basics (Contd) Utility is master bus, therefore:
Utility determines frequency Utility determines voltage All generators must be set up to match utility

The generator is interfaced to the Utility through a transformer Generator can be operated in Power Factor Control Mode or VAR Control Mode
Choice determined by customer and Utility rate schedule

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Paralleling Basics (Contd) Power Factor Control Mode causes the VARs to increase and decrease in proportion to KW VAR Control Mode maintains a level VARs with power factor changing with load A fixed VAR setting can help with power factor correction for the plant

A 0 VAR setting (or 1.0 power factor setting) allows the generator to operate at maximum efficiency

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Paralleling Basics (Contd)-


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Paralleling with Utility Procedure NOTE: You MUST use the DVR2000EC version of the DVR2000E/EC voltage regulator to parallel your generator to the utility.

1. To parallel a generator to the Utility, set one DVR2000EC regulator at a time

2. Insure that a current transformer (CT) is installed on phase B of the generator and connected per Figure 4-6 (IOM Page 33).


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 3. Open communications between the computer and the voltage regulator by clicking on Communications Menu in the top tool bar, select Open Comm Port, and click on RS-232 Port.


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 4. In the Password Window type dvr (this is not case sensitive), select the appropriate COMM Port, and press Enter.
NOTE 1: Password Protection guards against unauthorized changing or viewing of the regulator settings via a computer. A single password protects all DVR2000E/EC computer input settings. Should you decide to change the password, the new password should be stored in a secure place. If your user defined password is lost, the MARATHON-DVR2000E-COMS program must be reinstalled to restore the default password. NOTE 2: Password protection does not protect against any front panel adjustments/changes.

Password = dvr

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 5. The default settings on the Comm Port Window are normally acceptable for most applications. If this is the case for your application, press Enter or click Initialize to proceed with the Comm Port default settings. Otherwise select the appropriate Comm Port, then press Enter or click Initialize to proceed.


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 6. If everything is operating properly, a series of small windows will open to show that the information is being uploaded from the DVR2000E/EC regulator. Every time a screen is changed on the computer, new data will be read from the regulator to insure that the screen is up to date.


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 7. Under the Configure Button/System Settings Tab, enter the CT ratio ( for example 500:5 has a ratio of 100) in the lower right area of the screen under Generator CT Ratio. Click EEPROM Button to save setting.
EEPROM Button for savings settings. Generator CT Ratio set to 1.0

Note 1: The CT must have a secondary rated at 5 amps. Note 2: The CT ratio entered is ONLY necessary to display the proper current on the Metering Screen, it WILL NOT affect the normal operation of the regulator. 33

DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 8. Under the Settings Button/Setpoint Tab, enter a Droop Setpoint (%) of 2.0 and enter the desired value in the Reactive Power Control or Power Factor Control window. Click EEPROM Button to save setting.
NOTE: Reactive Power Control and Power Factor Control will be active ONLY on a DVR2000E/EC . Enter desired value of Reactive Power Control or Power Factor Control here.

Droop Setpoint set to 2.0 %


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 9. Select Gain Button/Control Gain Tab, to let the Utility react to load changes keep the AVR Loop Gain (Kg) Setting down (half way between 1.0 and single unit setting). The VAR/PF default gains have been acceptable. Click EEPROM Button to save setting.

VAR/PF default gains have been shown to be acceptable

AVR (Gain) set to level that is between 1.0 and your single unit operation setting


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) 10. Select Metering Button/Operation Tab, confirm that the Operating Status is in the desired mode (i.e., VAR or power factor control mode). If you make any changes, click EEPROM Button to save setting.

NOTE: Operating Status will be active ONLY on a DVR2000E/EC .

Confirm Operating Status


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Paralleling with Utility Procedure 11. Connect the CT and confirm settings as discussed in previous slides


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- Generator Paralleling Procedure (Contd) -

Shorting 52J and 52K will turn-off the VAR or PF Control Modes

The remote switch will raise or lower the operating point of the current mode
The analog input will raise or lower the operating point of the current mode The analog input can be used to control VARs by an external device with a standard regulator in Voltage Regulation Mode
These devices are mostly supplied by the governor manufacturers With these devices it is recommended that the regulator be set-up for 1 to 2 percent droop for more stable operation


DVR2000E/EC Paralleling Set-Up

- End of Section -


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