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By Miss Khaliesah @ 2013

Evaluate social issues of global significance in relation to Singapore


What are my beliefs? What shapes my beliefs?

Essential Questions




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Who spreads culture?


Student will identify the beliefs people hold with regards to meritocracy and the institutions that have propagated those beliefs. Give reasons why the beliefs may or may not be valid.


Scenario You are a member of a prestigious

university scholarship panel. The scholarship details are as follows: Monthly allowance, full tuition, other allowances (laptop, books, conferences etc.) Opportunities for study abroad Internship at a top-ranking institution of choice
There is only ONE vacancy for this scholarship. Your panel has narrowed it down to two choices.

Who would you choose?

8 distinctions, including A for GP and PW Volunteers weekly at an animal shelter Captain of the debate team which won Gold at the nationals Lives in a semi-detatched house in Bukit Timah

Melissa 7 distinctions, including A for GP and PW Volunteers weekly at an orphanage First female president of the student council Lives in a 3-room flat in Yishun

Who would you choose?

In pairs (max 3), select one person for the scholarship. Come up with at least 3 different criteria for the choice (i.e. reasons why you choose that person) What did you try to ensure in your selection?


Definition of MERITOCRACY
1. : a system in which the talented are chosen and moved ahead on the basis of their achievement 2. : leadership selected on the basis of intellectual criteria
From Merriam-Webster

Definition of MERITOCRACY
THE United States likes to think of itself as the very embodiment of meritocracy: a country where people are judged on their individual abilities rather than their family connections. [] From the outset, Americans believed that equality of opportunity gave them an edge over the Old World, freeing them from debilitating snobberies and at the same time enabling everyone to benefit from the abilities of the entire population. They still do.
From The Economist

Definition of MERITOCRACY
Reward for Work; Work for Reward
To maintain efficiency and progress, corruption and nepotism must be avoided at all costs. People should be rewarded based on what they do, not who they are. The system of meritocracy in Singapore ensures that the best and brightest, regardless of race, religion and socioeconomic background, are encouraged to develop to their fullest potential. Everyone has access to education, which equips them with skills and knowledge to earn a better living.
From Principles of Governance

Why do people believe in meritocracy?

Discuss in your groups why meritocracy is important Who would be a proponent FOR meritocracy? Why is meritocracy important to them?

Who would you choose, based on meritocracy?

8 distinctions, including A for GP and PW Volunteers weekly at an animal shelter Captain of the debate team which won Gold at the nationals Lives in a semi-detached house in Bukit Timah

Melissa 7 distinctions, including A for GP and PW Volunteers weekly at an orphanage First female president of the student council Lives in a 3-room flat in Yishun

Are the assumptions behind meritocracy always valid?

You have learnt the principles of meritocracy and why some people believe in it (what are their beliefs? What shapes their beliefs?) You have understood that there are always two sides to a story, and that all ideas can be challenged What are YOUR beliefs about meritocracy?

Read 3 articles in the resource package The flip side of meritocracy How to prevent a virtuous meritocracy entrenching itself at the top Gaokao system needs re-examining in China

Meritocracy gives every student a fair chance to succeed. Do you agree?




In your groups, examine the effects of meritocracy on these areas Social Political Economic Cultural Technological Religion the Arts Legal

Multiple Perspectives
In your groups, examine the effects of meritocracy on multiple levels Individuals Community National Global

In your groups, examine the effects of meritocracy in these contexts Past, present, future Younger vs. older generation Different countries

You have learnt some aspects of question analysis You have learnt how to approach an essay question You have learnt the assumptions of meritocracy and the institutions that perpetuate it You have learnt to challenge these assumptions

Extra reading material

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