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The American values in the Declaration of Independence

Group 5 Class 09E8

-Historical background -Main content of the Declaration of Independence

Main points


-For America -For other countries

Ideal vs Reality

-For America -For other countries

Historical background

Significant events

Colonists aspirations

2. Colonists respondents

Significant events
Deteriorated relationship between colonies and mother-country. In-debt status of mother-country:
Reasons: The Seven years war with France (17561763) Acts: Increase taxes Passed the Quartering Act in 1765

Colonists aspirations
To escape from mother country To be independence

To get out of the debt of mother country

Colonists respondents
Boston Tea Party (1773) First Continental Congress (1774) & Second Continental Congress (May, 1775) Common Sense by Thomas Paine in

January 10, 1776

To draft the Declaration of Independence

The draft was submitted

The Congress

June 11, 1776

June 28, 1776

July 2, 1776

July 4, 1776

The Congress appointed

The Congress voted

for independence

a committee to draft the


American core values in the Declaration









2. The significance of the American Declaration of Independence

2.1. For America
a. Formally declaring that the thirteen colonies of North
America were free and independent from British control
England: a tyrant , the colonists: not have to put up with The actions England : prove that England did not believe everybody was created equal

May 1776, the Continental Congress passed a resolution that attacked King George

2. The significance of the American Declaration of Independence

2.1. For America
a. Formally declaring that the thirteen colonies of North
America were free and independent from British control

Announcing and explaining the separation of the United States from Britain

2. The significance of the American Declaration of Independence

2.1. For America
b. Lincoln used theses words to curtail slavery
A House Divided All Men are Created Equal

Giving Freedom to the Slave

Superior and Inferior Paramount Object in this Struggle Arguing for Slavery

2. The significance of the American Declaration of Independence

2.1. For America
b. Lincoln used theses words to curtail slavery

A House Divided

2. The significance of the American Declaration of Independence

2.1. For America
b. Lincoln used theses words to curtail slavery

All Men are Created Equal

2. The significance of the American Declaration of Independence

2.1. For America
b. Lincoln used theses words to curtail slavery

Freedom to the slave

2. The significance of the American Declaration of Independence

2.1. For America
c. Martin Luther King invoked theses words to call on the nation to fulfill the quest to make all men equal.

"All men are created equal." in I have a dream speech_ the "creed" of the United States "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true
meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'"

Desire for a future where blacks and whites would coexist harmoniously as equals

2.2 Significance of the America Declaration of Independence to other countries

Inspiring revolutions for other countries to break from Monarchist rule

Inspiring the spirit on other Declarations of independence

France revolted against King Louis XVI to gain their independence (17891799)

Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood was one of the mottos in the French Revolution
La Libert ou la Mort ! Liberty or Death

Striving toward overthrowing the Spanish empire in South America

The independent movement in Colombia and Venezuela

Inspiring the spirit on others Declarations of Independence

All men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness

The Vietnam Declaration of Independence September 2nd , 1945

Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Zimbabwe

Whereas in the course of human affairs history has shown that it may become necessary for a people to resolve the political affiliations which have connected them with another people and to assume amongst other nations the separate and equal status to which they are entitled

American values vs. reality

Economic control over Latin American

Foreign policies

The corporate takeover of Iraqs economy


Eliminate barriers to trade and investment

Establish stronger investment

Provide greater choice in the marketplace

- lowering tariffs and granting tariff-free access to all goods - receiving aid for promoting trade

Being Written Without Citizen Input >< Corporation

No public's concerns into the actual negotiations Corporate representatives are advising the US negotiators and have advance access to the negotiating texts While citizens are left in the dark, corporations are helping to write the rules for the FTAA.

Undermine Labor Rights and Cause Further Job Loss

Lack enforceable labor protections Moving high-paying jobs to countries with lower wages
Mexico: In 2001 and 2002, some 280,000 jobs have vanished with the closure of more than 350 manufacturing companies.


In Iraq: The Corporate Takeover of Iraqs Economy

The publicly declared and trumpeted motives:
1 Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction

Helping the Iraq people get rid of an oppressive regime.

3 4

Spreading Democracy in the Middle East

And unspoken motives

7. Securing control over a major oil resource 10. Creating a haven for American investment in a rich country.
Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America and . . . will be repelled by any means necessary including the use of force (Former President Jimmy Carter put forward "the Carter Doctrine" in a State of the Union Address in 1980)

Death, destruction, weak economy and instability

Political rights
Presidential selection US democracy


The game and competition for the rich people Title

Add your text

Presidential candidates raise money far and wide for their expensive campaign cost

Most of the donors are big companies and millionaires

Political rights
President George W. Bush Vice President Dick Cheney

In 2000 presidential campaign: raised 113 million US dollars

record in US history

Racial discrimination

Estate market

Racial discrimination
Law enforcement

Law enforcement
Black criminals tend to get heavier penalties than their white counterparts
The number of black people who received death penalty for killing white people was four times that of the white people for killing black people.

For the crimes of the same kind: The blacks & colored people receive twice or three times more severe penalties than the whites

According to an investigate report released by the United Nations

Law enforcement
For the same crime:
Be arrested: 3 times more likely to be imprisoned Be sentenced to death: 4 times more

A person's average jail

sentence: six months longer

According to the State of Black America 2005 issued by the National Urban League

Estate market
Black people have to accept:
More money on housing purchase.


their houses are not as good as those of white people

Loans with higher interests

Lower market value of houses (82% of those of white people) Higher mortgage rate (5 times more than those of white people)

Sex discrimination
Unequal treatment with regard to income The average weekly income for women aged 16 and

above: 530 $
77.9% of the 680 $ for their male counterparts

Twice as many as women whose earnings: below the

Federal minimum wage, compared with men
Statistics from the US Department of Labor indicated that in 2002

Sex discrimination

92% of American women cite it as one of their top worries

1:3 women experiences at least 1 physical assault during adulthood

1:7 cases of domestic violence drew the attention of police

Domestic & sexual violence

According to a survey conducted by the US National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

1. 2. tm 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Significant historical events Content of The Declaration of Independence

The gaps between Ideal and Reality


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