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Magazine Advert Questionnaire

Question 1: What is your gender?

Our target audience are mainly males for our Music Video & two Ancillary tasks, however, females also. Our hypothesis is that the male audience members will appreciate the drug content, scenes of violence and destruction, where as the females will greater appreciate the themes of friendship and youth more so- as well as the raving elements. This is why when distributing our Male questionnaire we purposely chose four boys and four girls, Female from which we can analyse the data.

Question 2: Which age group best describes you? We can see from this pie chart that the majority of questionnaire participants ranged between the ages of 1820. It is great that people of such an age took part in the questionnaire as this age group is our target audience, and therefore the responses from this control group should echo that of the majority of our target audience.

17 or younger 18-20 21-29 30-39 40-49

50 or older

Question 3: What iconic images are likely to be on a Drum & Bass magazine advert? Similar to the other three questionnaires regarding the drum & bass genre there has indeed been a correlation as to which iconic images are regarded as being conventional. The majority of participants answered that drugs are an iconic image to drum & bass. My magazine advert will be consisting of some form of drug element, and it will most probably be the sweets that are involved in both my music video and my digi-pack. This will create a revolving theme throughout all my pieces of work. One person noted that a person standing alone facing away from the camera. Although nobody else answered with something like this this answer is an interesting one, and I believe it would make for a very iconic and cinematic style image.

Question 4: Which of this iconography would you regard to be the most important to the drum & bass genre?

With this question and the bar chart to which our raw data was put into, it is clear that our target audience have mixed ideas towards which iconography they regard as being the most important. The majority voted drugs: as mentioned before, images of drugs or (sweets( will be used in my magazine advert. Raves and festivals received two votes. Perhaps I will take an image of drugs scattered on the floor of a club or festival; that way, i will be applying two things that my target audience want in one image. Space and the universe also received two votes. From my own prior knowledge to drum & bass I am aware that this is highly conventional to the genre; however, as my music video is associated mainly with the trials and life journeys of teenagers time and space is somewhat irrelevant, therefore, it would be highly irrelevant to have an image of, lets say, Earth on my magazine front cover. Note: For a better Question/answer response, I should have

3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 Series1

Question 5: Would you like to be able to identify with who the artist is in a drum & bass magazine front cover?

Yes No

We can see from this pie chart that the vast majority ( 7 to 1) would like to identify with who the artist is. Because of these findings, I will most certainly be making it clear who's album is being advertised on the magazine front cover. Question 6: if yes, would you prefer to identify the artist by a name or an image? This is, I believe, a fine question to follow up with after question 5. It allows the target audience to specify whether they wish to see the artist by face or through the conventional medium that is text alone. 3 voted that they would prefer to see an image of the artist and 3 voted that they would prefer to see their name in writing and one participant chose the both box.. As I am planning to have a somewhat controversial image on my magazine front cover advertising the album I believe it would work better having just the artist name as apposed to their image, which could draw attention from the image at the magazines center. Also, I believe, from prior understanding of the genre, that it is highly conventional to show images of the artists only on rare occasions. Drum & bass is marketed through the music, images and artwork it creates. Thats what makes it such a unique genre, there is no need for images of the artists.

Name In Writing Image Both

Question 7: Would you like a drum & Bass magazine advert to illustrate the themes present on the C.D pack (ancillary task one) & music video (main task)? This pie chart shows that all questionnaire participants chose the same box for this question. All have stated that they would like to see the same themes. As this is something that is appealing and important to my target audience, I will be using the same theme of drugs and teenagers on my magazine advert as it will be in my music video and CD digi pack.



Question 8: Which of these elements of a magazine advert do you believe to hold the most importance? The main findings from this question were that the majority of participants voted that date of release is the most important element to a magazine advert. Therefore, I shall be having the date of release in possibly the largest font and in a primary colour, making it easily visible even from a distance. Regarded as the second most important was information about purchasing. Therefore, it will be important to have in writing where people can purchase the album from. A good idea would be to have the iTunes or amazon logo clearly visible to the audience, indicating without the need of text where they can purchase Different Morals (album name)

Visible Date of Release

Institutional information Quote from critic Clear record label logo Information about where to purcahse album

Question 9: Do you believe that the conventional Drum & bass Magazine adverts primary image should be a controversial one? Another yes of no answer question that allows for clearly data. 6 participants voted yes and 2 voted no. However, controversial is a highly subjective term. One persons controversial image may not be controversial to another. Therefore out of all the questions in this questionnaire I believe this one lacks the most validity. However, using this data it is clear that our target audience do want to see something relatively shocking. I will attempt to using a shocking image on my magazine advert. Also, the image will be large and central to the advert in layout ( larger images tend to be more scandalous).

Yes No

Question 10: What colour scheme would you most like to see on a Drum & Bass magazine advert?

Our findings from question 10 regarding the colour scheme of the magazine advert (a very important element) were that the majority would prefer a black and white colour scheme. This is interesting as I have thought about editing some of my music video in black and white also. The problem, however with a black and white or de-saturated colour scheme is that it creates an entirely different atmosphere and feeling to a controversial image (for example the drugs). Bright, neon, saturated and even dark colours create a more uplifting and eye catching ( to an extent) image. Black and white would make it gritty and dingy, and I do not think that I want the image to be one that looks somewhat sinister. Bright colours and neon colours both received two votes each. I believe I will be using a colour scheme will be more along the bright or neon scheme than black and white, as it is still

Other Black & White Saturated Colours Bright Colours Neon Colours Dark Colours 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Series1

Question 11: Is there anything you would specifically like to see on a Drum & bass magazine advert (That has not been covered in this questionnaire) This final question required both a tick box answer, and if the participant answered yes, it required a follow up sentence on what they would like to specifically see.7 participants ticked the no box and one ticked the yes box. The one participant that ticked the yes box stated that he would like to see an Image of the album on the magazine advert. With this knowledge, I will be editing my magazine advert to have an image of the album upon it.


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