Rajesh - UHRC

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Case Study of UHRC

Supervisor Prof. Debiprasad Mishra

Presented By: Rajesh Kumar (F063)

Objective of Study
To understand the purpose, structure,

strategies and the following Processes of the organisation To understand the future direction of the organisation and to identify the challenges


Informal chats with employees of UHRC Semi-structured interviews and discussions with the Ex. Director, Operations Director, Account Head and Unit heads Analysis of Annual report Analysis of Annual plans Record of Activities Information from website of UHRC

The Organization
Name Urban Health Resource Centre

Head Office New Delhi

Field Offices Indore, Agra, Meerut Main Objective

strengthen Urban Health programming approaches and capacities at different levels among the government and non-government levels. To ensure this demonstration models are built at different places so as to be replicated by others.

Profile of the Organization

Dr. Siddharth Agarwal Board Members 5 Advisory Board Member 3 Number of Staff 51 (Staff30;Consultants21) Head Office New Delhi Branch Offices 3 (Indore, Agra, Meerut) Presence in Ranchi, Jaipur and Lucknow Demonstration sites Indore, Agra, New Delhi, Meerut Area of work Urban Health Issues working on RCH
Executive Director

The Outreach
Providing Technical Assistance to

Govt. of India & 6 States (including Delhi) No. of NGO partners 10 City Models 3 cities Direct intervention in :

No. of Slums 97 / 393 (Agra) + 184 / 539 (Indore) = 281 / 932 No. of Population served 5 lakh

Biggest Contribution
Have established urban health as an issue to

be worked upon by the government and other agencies Have successfully listed and got officially recognized the unlisted slums and their existence


An urban India where every resident enjoys

optimal health and well-being, realises his/her full potential and contributes to the nations growth and development


To bring about sustainable improvement in

the health condition of the poor by influencing policies and programmes and empowering the community.

Why Urban
Urban population - 328 million
Group on Population Projections)
(Projections for 2007 by Technical

India is expected to be approximately 40% (550

million) urban by 2026 (Census, 2001 population, Projections, 2001-26) 2-3-4-5 phenomenon of population growth (2% - growth of
Indias population; 3% - of urban population; 4% - of Metros; and 5% - of Slums)

Urban poor estimated at 80.74 -100 million;

projected to increase to 202 million by 2020

(Planning Commission, Poverty Estimates for 2004-05 and National Population Policy, 2000; State of Worlds Cities, 2006/07)

Estimated annual births among urban poor: 2

million (Based on CBR 19.1 for urban population and 100 million urban poor population)

UHRC has been institutionalized from the

Environmental Health Project (EHP / USAID) India project office, which has been functional since 2002. UHRC is a charitable non-profit company registered under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. UHRC was incorporated in August 2005 and started operations on October 31, 2005. The organization is registered under 12A and 80G of Income Tax Act. 1961.

Growth over time

Model Building

Need of KM and Research

TA & Platform for Advocacy

With the evolution of time and experience and interaction with the environment the organization gradually realized the importance of different processed to be evolved and with these experiences evolved different units of the organization

Board of Directors

Executive Director

Director Program

Director Operations

Any Other

Regional Program Coordinator cum TS (2)

GOI Consultants

Regional Coordinator cum UH Planning Specialist

HR Officer

Administrati ve Officer

Finance Officer Res & Doc. Spl (3)

Team Leader RKMA Unit

City Urban Health PO UH Planning Associate Prog Res/ CB Officer Social Mob Officer Cons. Tech Associate State Level Consultants

IT & Admin Cor (2)

Accountant Adv Spl Accounts Asso Res. Doc. Associate Lib. Web Spl

Support Service

Data Entry & IT Support Interns


Program Associate

Support Service



Sec. Cun Admin Assist

*Note: Still evolving structure

Governing Board, Advisory Board Strategic level

Core Team

Tactical or Managerial Level

Programme Team

Operational level

* Ex. Director + Unit heads + Finance head


Core Team

A five member board of directors

Main functions:

Strategic guidance Statutory responsibilities Institutional support

Term 3 years Quorum 50% member, Min - 2

Advisory Board
3 member advisory board

They are specialists from their own field

They are kept to advise the organization on

issues of technical assistance

Govt. Central / State Donor


UHRC Other NGOs Collaborators vs Competitors

South Asian Condition Community Media

Economic Majority of funds come from single donor;

however organization is in the process of diversifying it Political Govt. policies are not adverse Almost no Competition or threat Technical Assistance is a new field very few other organizations are working on this issue Other organizations are present at the implementation level which have been turned into collaborators (By providing them technical assistance) so risk has already been mitigated But there is no guarantee that in future no strong contender emerges because organizations are there which are working on urban issues

Mixed Culture some sections are very

dedicated to the organization and its work While all the employees are highly educated so potential of the organization is very high Work pressure is high as UHRC is Growing Organization working late in night and on holidays are common Learning culture is fostered those serious, can learn a lot

Dimensions of Organization
It is a fast growing organization

Organization is flat with minor element of levels of

hierarchy Organization Structure is largely Matrix Why Matrix

The main purpose of the matrix structure is job enrichment especially for the new-comers Creating versatility among the employees

Institution Building
Establishing and spreading its learning and values through Linkages with Media, Academia, CBO and Government for replication


Formalization of rules within organization to the extent of acceptance of these rules into as organizational norms and Culture

Ex. Director

Very strong and loyal Core Team (Forms backbone of the Org.)
A second layer for internal management needs to be created

Besides these the organization pursues an active policy of

open communication so that the information flow or the lack of communication should not add to the problem

Centralization Decision making Centralized Highest decision making body Core Group This leads to high work pressure on core group and Ex Director Communication lateral Feedback System reports and reviews done regular meetings with staff through written method as well as verbal during training and workshops Span of Control 4-5 person (Exception 13 in KM) MIS not yet evolved

Degree of Formalization
It is a Formal organization

Core team forms the actual planning and managerial platform Once planning is done then implementation and communication are informal Written plan provides every staff the work and target they have to achieve Written along with verbal is communication is in vogue

Differentiation and Integration


Horizontal differentiation is based upon strategic departments and locations. Vertical differentiation is very less as organization doesnt have many levels. Spatial differentiation are in the form of different branches located in different city locations

Planning integrates the entire work of all the staff. Monthly meetings and annual retreat provides platform for integration

Planning Process
USAID Sends tentative plan Core Team plans and formulates the annual plan Implementation at team level Team Team Team

A Top Down Planning process

Two way planning

City Team

Planning at city teams separately

Monitoring and Evaluation


Weekly reports Monthly reports Annual reports Field visit

Once two years by the funding agency


Human Resource Management

Recruitment process through advertising on web-sight

etc. Staff highly educated (have both professional and Ph.D degrees holders) Working Hour 8 hrs (bet 8:30 AM to 8:30 PM) Remuneration According to the Experience & Educational qualification Staff are reasonably compensated Acknowledgement are given for any work if written some article authorship is provided Annual Performance Appraisal Process of conformation written rules are their but rarely used

Employee turnover 25%

Due to environmental factor of cropping up of a lot of organization in the same domain Demand of employees of this caliber increased A quantum jump in salary has suddenly brought a spurt in the turnover of the staff

Human Resource System- HR System Prepared by Ernst & Young

Capacity Building
On job training is the main pattern

Internship is also taken as CB exercise

Study Tour or Exposure Visit Attending workshops

Grievance Redressal & Conflict Management

Core Team

Programme Director

Team Head


Career Chart


Highly stable and strong so no one can reach here No hierarchy



Team Member

The Strategy

Influencing National and State Policy and Program

Improvement in Health of the masses

City Models

Technical Assistance to Govt. and other NGOs

Research, Knowledge Management and Advocacy

Three Pronged Strategy:

To build City Demonstration Programme: Transforming Communities and Health System Research, Knowledge Management and Advocacy Technical Assistance to Government and other NGOs

Knowledge Management & Advocacy

Organize, facilitate and support national, state and city

level advocacy efforts aimed at enhancing attention to health of the urban poor. Generate, compile, analyze and strategically transfer knowledge and experience for better informed urban health policies and programming Publishing articles in journals Reanalysis of already done research like NFHS data to take out relevant information related to urban health Doing advocacy through media and workshops to form a platform or create favourable environment for urban health as a subject in need of attention

City Demonstration Programme

To create a model to experiment with the

methods of providing access to health services to the urban poor Providing a demonstration site to the govt. and other agencies of a successful ways to solve the problems

Program Approaches evolved over a

period of time, using a consultative approach.

Approach 1: (April, 2003)

Demand-Supply improvement and linkage approach through NGO-CBO partnership

Approach 2: (November, 2003)

Public sector driven, service delivery approach (Ward Coordination Approach)

Approach 3: (September, 2006)

Public Private Partnership (PPP)

Technical Assistance
Organizing Workshops

Documentation for sharing with larger audience

Providing data and other resource material for key meetings Exposure Visits and Study tours If demanded provide technical support to form or design projects for effective implementation of health project for urban poors


Presence of a visionary leader Environment is friendly Leader in its own domain No significant rival yet visible Highly strong and dedicated core team Highly qualifies staff Good remuneration Acknowledgement of contributions

Weakness High turnover Single donor Opportunity Domain is new and wide open Lack of strong competitor The domain itself is expanding Threat Can come from if any strong competitor emerges

Future Plans
Urban Health Networks at National, Regional (South

Asia) level and Asia level so as to promote urban health issues at every level Sharing of information and experiences across states and nations Technical support to other organizations in formulation, documentations and implementation of the projects Diversifying field of operation to collateral areas of well being of the urban poor viz, livelihood Diversifying risk by having more donors working with the organization

Future Challenges
Formation of corpus fund

High turnover
To maintain the smoothness of Policy level

programme going in face of the changing govt. officials Future may generate strong rivals in the same domain

Responsibilities and decision making process needs to

be decentralized

This will provide Ex Director more time to devote to the strategic or environmental management and for the management of the organization Especially in the face of the fast growing organization

One more layer below core team needs to be identified

and created

This will provide more time to the core team to devote to strategic matter This will expand the core group to the second level This will bring ownership among more employee and will contain dissatisfaction among loyal employees of the organization


This make organization more efficient All these would help contain the entropy

More formal levels should be created This will provide more career ladder to the employee and will improve their career chart containing their dissatisfaction Employees (Consultants) sitting alone in some

states should have frequent meeting and have some participatory process with the organization

This will not create alienation among them This will also help organization evolve proper future expansion strategy

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