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Chapter 2

The Internet, Portable Devices and Video Games

Origins of the Internet

Vacuum tube U.S Army during WWII 1952- general public learned about computers UNIVAC election coverage 1957 cold war Sputnik by the Soviet first comm. Satellite 1958 Advanced Research Projects Agency ( ARPA) part of Defense Department inter computer communication problem different language research on communication each computer should have smaller computer Interface Message Processor(IMP) from IMP = ARPANET

Standardizing the Internet Design

After ARPANET USENET and TELNET Individual cannot cross connect Need to have one standard protocol Vinton Cerf created TCP/IP ( Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) datagram envelop A network that should be able to survive creating a distributed network Centralized , Decentralized and Distributed Routing information introducing packet switching

The Beginning of Email

1971 Ray Tomlinson good idea for scientist to share messages across computers his main task was actually designing file transfer system free time tweak an electronic messaging program by 1972 nearly every network was using electronic messaging

The World Wide Web (WWW)

by Tim Berners-Lee combining three ideas TCP/IP, hypertext and Domain Name System (DNS) putting all these 1990 HTML was introduced a network computer language. also wrote protocol that made possible transfer of hypertext document HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to be available on the web each document must be assigned a unique resource locater URL a web address

Refining the Internet

browsers, internet service providers and search engines Browsers launching point Marc Andreessen creator of Mosaic the first commercial browser 1994 joint forces with Jim Clark Netscape Communications August 1995 Windows 95 free browser Internet Explorer Netscape still exists with a browser called Firefox Internet Service Providers first ISP The World came to market 1990 at first charge by minute now all-you-can-eat

Search Engines giant indexes of information the first full-text search engines was WebCrawler in 1994 1998 Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google led to a new verb : to google.

Internet Growth and Temporary Downfall

e-commerce Jeff Bezos 1995 Pierre Omidyar 1995 founded Auction Web 1997 eBay. - First sale was a broken laser pointer. the product that is consistently made money sex. 1 billion a year one-third of users visit porn sites other web based activities instant message (IM), bulletin boards (posting message), chatrooms and distance learning.

Radio on the Internet

University of Kansas was the pioneer in internet radio 1994 at first the audio hiccup computer buffered the stream RealAudio (later RealPlayer) 1995 software encoding audio so that it can be compressed. streaming audio and on-demand programming beginning building elaborate website to go with their audio banner ads copyrights and royalties issue

Napster and Its Aftermath

1990s so easy to store audio on a computer a new phenomenon music file sharing Shawn Fanning launched Napster Feb 2001 2.8 billion downloaded 1998 MP3 was introduced laws and litigation business model of making money through internet music distribution is not totally worked out yet.

Voice over the Internet

VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol telephone system cheaper than regular telephone lines 2 companies Vonage and Skype

Video on the Net

develop later than audio require more advance technology Streaming video early 1990s experimental . Jerk and fuzzy hours to download broadband technology it became more viable soon it became interactive webcasting , download older programs and Netflix copyright issues again (MPAA) Intellectual Property

Enter YouTube
2005 Chad Hurley and Steve Chen formerly employees of PayPal 2006 Google bought it for 1.65 billion how-to videos, comedy, sketches, trailers, promos and many types many popular types from amateur videographers own channel the Motion Picture Academy and the Public Broadcasting Service Copyright issues

Social Networking
early 1990s chatrooms and bulletin boards connect and share interest early 2000s Friendster people invite people suffered from technical difficulties and fake profiles 1999 MySpace better known in 2003 financial and logistic support from eUniverse early users eUniverse company 2005 Rupert Murdochs News Corporation bought MySpace for 580 million 2004 Facebook by Mark Zukerberg. Grow rapidly in 2007 early stage college and school student at Harvard

Internet Abuses
Predators Identity theft Spoofing Spam / Phishing

Portable Devices
is evolving laptops, MP3 players, small DVD players and many more to be discuss cell phones, personal digital assistant and pods wireless technology Bluetooth / wi-fi. Cell Phones actually existed far back as 1920s. Expensive and cumbersome AT&T develop for what eventually became the cell phone 1981 FCC authorize spectrum space for cell phones by 1993 20 million had been sold mid 2000s equipped to take pictures, text messaging, play music, video, internet program material for cell phones Personal Digital Assistants PDAs early 1990s in relation to Apple Newton replacement for paper calendar Palm Pilot Now can do everything

Portable Devices
Pods main one is Ipod from Apple idea came from Tony Fadell 2001 offer music player that didnt operate at all like a computer became very popular after iTunes Music Store in 2003 selling music singles Applied a copyright protection digital rights management (DRM) limited the number of times copy from one computer to another from 3 to 5 soon it became podcasting sending material to a pod when iPhone came blurring the line between a cell phone, a PDA and a pod.

Video Games
are abundant making more money than the movie industry The Early Days of Video Games Pong amusement arcades , usually near pinball machines Nolan Bushnell Father of Video Games founded Atari 1972 developed a game called Pong an electronic version of table tennis coin boxes filled up very fast! Christmas 1975 a home version of Pong separate unit that plugged into a TV set Odyssey 1972 by Magnavox develop by Ralph Baer two controllers and an overlay Magnavox sued Atari violating Baers patent

The Early Days of Video Games Bushnell Sells the idea of having a chip inside a cartridge not enough money sold to Warner Communications different working culture being fired from his own company

Pac-Man by American Company Midway - 1980 actually a Japanese-developed game being licensed Puck-Man
Nintendo a Japanese playing card company formed in 1889 a game called Donkey Kong

Games Take on a Variety of Forms Computer Electronic Arts by Tim Hawkins Stories Mystery House , Kings Quest Sim City simulation based First-Person Shooter Doom by IDS Software violent and bloody caught attention 1999 Columbine Massacre develop of rating code M for Mature and AO for Adults only Visuals and Sound Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective first computer games to incorporate full-motion video


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