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Flipping Fantastic by Jane Langford

Setting Characters (major, minor) Plot Summary Theme Moral values

Peter Hill Primary Tristan and James are finishing their final year in this primary school. They perform in a play entitled The Adventures of Tom Sawyer which is the last activity in the school.

Highfields A brilliant normal secondary school This is the school that James is going to be enrolled in when the new school term begins. At the end of the story, James feels excited about his new school as most of his schoolmates are there including Kiara Jones.

Chesterlea Grange
A residential school for the disabled This is a residential school for students of special needs situated far away from Tristans home. Tristan looks forward to be enrolled in this special school which has all the facilities that he has dreamt of such as a drama studio, games room, swimming pool and a paddock. The school also has sports activities such as basketball tournament, archery contest, wheelchair games and so on.

Major characters: Tristan confident, dependent on his brother,
caring, appreciative, smart, optimistic, talented, sentimental, very close to his brother

James not confident, highly dependent on his

brother, caring, shy, helpful, pessimistic, good at sports, very close to his brother

Mother - loving, understanding, anxious,
determined, optimistic, and wise Example: She is determined to send her sons to different schools so that they would be independent and confident about their own abilities.

Plot ( Sequence of plot )

Exposition Rising point / Development Climax Falling point Resolution / Denouement

Diagram of Plot

The two boys are in the same school Peter Hill Primary, and have completed their primary education. They will be going to secondary school.

Rising point
The two boys will be going to the different school. Tristan will be going to residential school meanwhile James will be attending normal secondary school. Both feel that they cannot do without one another as they always together and rely each other for moral support. Tristan depends on James to push him around while James depends on Tristan as he is not so confident.

Tristan tells his mother that he does not want to go to Chester lea Grange although he has to set his heart on it. James relieved at Tristans decision.

Falling point
Later, he realize that he was being selfish as Tristan is supposed to be learn to independent and he can do this at Chester lea Grange James talk to Tristan and convinces him to go to Chester lea Grange

Tristan goes to Chesterlea Grange and he finds it fantastic James is happy in Highfields because Tristan made sure he has a special friend, Kiara Jones whom James like to have as a friend to help him through the first few days Both are happy in their school new school and their mother relieved

Flipping Fantastic by Jane Langford is a story about twin brothers and their mother. Tristan is an outstanding, brilliant and a capable boy but James is shy, nervous and lacks confidence. Both of them are about to finish their primary education at Peter Hill Primary soon and plan to begin their new school term in two different schools.

Their mother decides to enrol James in High fields and Tristan who is physically challenged and wheelchair bound, in a special school (Chester lea Grange). Both brothers are confused over the thought of being separated as they have never been apart from each other. Since they rely on each other, the twins are concerned about how they are going to cope in their new school environment.

The mother wants the twins to be independent. She is confident that Tristan would be able to cope well at Chester lea Grange. However, she worries about James and wonders how he is going to manage all alone at High fields. Tristan changes his mind about Chester lea Grange, in order to be with James. Besides that, the school is far away from home and he would only be able to see James once a week..

On the other hand, James manages to persuade him by reminding him of all the facilities and activities in his new school that Tristan dreamt of. Knowing James cannot cope himself alone, Tristan calls on their friend Kiara Jones to help James in Highfields. The twins at last realise that they have made the right decision and their new school environment is flipping fantastic.

Learning to be independent Importance of being self confidence Sense of responsibility for ones siblings Telling the truth about ones feelings

Moral values
We must plan our own path in life We must not afraid to tell our true feelings We must not be selfish especially at the expense of another persons happiness We should respect other peoples wishes Different people have different interests

The End

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