Reproductive Function: Physiology Department Medical School, University of Methodist Indonesia

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Reproductive Function

Physiology Department Medical School, University of Methodist Indonesia

Male Reproductive System

Also called gonads 2 of them Suspended in a sac called the scrotum Produce sperm Located outside the body where the temperature is lower and wont kill the sperm Produces testosterone, male hormone Testosterone is responsible for secondary sex characteristics such as deeper voice, facial hair, larger muscles, and body hair

Sperm leave the testes and enter the epididymis Tightly coiled tube, 20 feet long Located in the scrotum, just above the testes Function
Store sperm until it matures Produce fluid which becomes part of semen

Vas Deferens
Receives sperm from the epididymis Temporarily stores sperm

Extends from the epididymis into the abdominal cavity Tube that is cut during a vasectomy, the procedure to produce sterility in males

Seminal Vesicles
2 small tubes located behind the bladder Function
Produce a thick, yellow, rich in sugar that nourish the sperm This fluid composes a large part of the semen

Ejaculatory Ducts
2 short tubes Carry sperm and fluids known as semen through the prostate gland into the urethra

Prostate Gland
Doughnut shaped Located below the bladder Produces an alkaline secretion that increases sperm motility and neutralizes the acidity of the vagina During ejaculation, the prostate gland
Contracts causing the expulsion of semen Closes off the urethra, preventing urine passage through the urethra

Cowpers Gland
2 small glands located below the prostate gland Secrete a mucous-like fluid that serves as a lubricant for intercourse and an alkaline fluid to decrease the acidity of the urine residue in the urethra

Tube that extends from the bladder, through the penis, to the outside of the body Carries semen and urine 5-7 inches long in male

External male reproductive organ Enlarged structure on the end of the penis glands penis This is covered by the prepuce or foreskin The foreskin is removed in a procedure called circumcision Penis is made of spongy, erectile tissue Functions
When erect, male organ of copulation/intercourse Provides for the elimination of urine from the bladder


Female Reproductive System

Female gonads 2 small almond-shaped glands, located in the abdominal cavity, attached to the uterus by ligaments Contains thousands of small sacs called follicles Each follicle contains an immature egg or ovum Produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone Responsible for the secondary sex characteristics breasts, hips widen, body hair

The maturing and release of an egg every Occurs every 28 days If egg is not fertilized, the body sheds the lining of the uterus and menstruation occurs

Fallopian Tubes
2 of them 5 inches in length Attached to the upper part of the uterus Function
Move the ovum from the ovary to the uterus Cilia and peristalsis keep the ovum moving Site of fertilization, the union of the egg and sperm

Hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ 3 parts
Fundus top Body middle Cervix narrow bottom

Organ of menstruation Allows for the development and growth of the fetus Contracts during birth to aid in the expulsion of the fetus

Layers - endometrial - If fertilization does not occur, this lining deteriorate, resulting in menstruation

Muscular tube that connects the cervix to the outside of the body Function
Passageway for menstrual flow Receives sperm and semen from the male Female organ of copulation Birth canal during delivery of the infant

Bartholins Glands
2 small glands on either side of the vaginal opening Secretes mucous for lubrication during intercourse

Collective name for the external female genitalia Includes
Mons pubis - pad of fat Labia majora outer folds of tissue covered with pubic hair Labia minora inner folds of tissue Perineum area between the vagina and anus

Mammary glands Contain lobes that surface at the nipples Function
Secrete milk lactate after childbirth

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