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Asbestoses is a natural occurring silicate fibrous

mineral 320 m wide and can be as slim as 0.01 m

Types of Asbestoses Include - Chrysotile - Crocidolite - Amosite - Anthophyllite - Tremolite - Actinolite

Value of Asbestos
Valuable mineral in industry and construction High tensile strength Incombustibility Thermal stability Resists biodegradation Low electrical conductivity e/asbestos-products/construction-industrial/aircell-insulation

Uses of Asbestos

Asbestos Containing Products - Cement - Insulation - Pipe covering - Acoustical panels - Fire brick - Floor and ceiling tile

Occupational Hazard

Asbestos Exposure Occupations - Asbestos factory/mine employees - Aerospace workers - Automobile mechanics - Bricklayers - Carpenters - Construction workers - Electricians - Insulation engineers

Asbestos Related Illness

Asbestosis Scar-like tissue build up from asbestos in lungs effecting lung function Mesothelioma Cancer of the mesothelium of the lung tissue and other organs Asbestos Warts Benign raised growth in the skin due to asbestos irritation Lung Cancer - Cancer of lung tissue

Asbestos Fibers in Lung Tissue

How to Avoid Exposure

Employee exposure may not exceed 0.1 fiber per cubic centimeter over 8 hours Short term exposure must be less than 1 fiber per cubic centimeter over thirty minutes Employee rotation helps PEL Air and worker lung health monitoring Respirators Clothing and hygiene facilities

Asbestos Federal Regulation

The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Regulates asbestos containing building materials in schools and focuses on asbestos hazard reduction. Asbestos National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Regulates building demolition, mining, manufacturing and waste disposal related to asbestos

Sources sbestos-products/construction-industrial/air-cellinsulation sbestos-products/construction-industrial/air-cellinsulation

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