The Way To The Remedy

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The way to the remedy The way to cure

To restore the sick to health

The way to the remedy

Observation Anamnesis Analysis

The way to the remedy


Objectivity Make explicit The rare and peculiar Energy of the case Evaluation of the effect of the remedy

The way to the remedy


Premises Leading questions Ask and ask again Level of experience Counseling

The way to the remedy


What is to be cured in disease The state, not the story Trying to fit the patient in a known remedy

The way to the remedy


Organon of Medicine, Aphorism 83: This individualizing examination of a case (......) demands of the physician nothing but freedom from prejudice and sound senses, attention in observing and fidelity in tracing the picture of the disease.

The way to the remedy

Make explicit:

Not only what is said but how it is said determines the understanding of the case and the choice of the remedy

The way to the remedy

The rare and peculiar:

Organon of Medicine: Aphorism 153 and 154: .....more striking, singular, uncommon en peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms ....are the most suitable for effecting the cure. Often the rare and peculiar is invisible in paper cases.

The way to the remedy

Energy of the case

The energy of the case is mainly notable by the intensity of the words used, the facial expression and the hand gestures. Of all these hand gestures are the least conscious and controlled.

The way to the remedy

Evaluation of the effect of the remedy

Often in the first follow ups the words of the patient will be exactly the same but the intensity will have gone down.


The way to the remedy


Premises Leading questions Ask and ask again Level of experience Counseling


The way to the remedy


Action and reaction are equal and opposite The opposite of all that is said is equally true There is nobody and nothing outside oneself


The way to the remedy

Leading questions

Questionnaire Suggestive questions Jump from one subject to another Jumping into conclusions


The way to the remedy

Ask and ask again

Never suppose you know/understand what the patient means: mostly this reflects your state. Whatever occurrence happened in the patients life: ask for his/her reaction Check the impact of the topics discussed


The way to the remedy

Level of experience

The seven levels of experience:

Name Facts Emotions Delusions Sensations Energy One


The way to the remedy


The homeopath makes a homeopathic diagnosis, that is identical to the curative remedy, nothing more and nothing less. Psycho-therapeutical interventions are not wanted and not needed.


The way to the remedy


What is to be cured in disease? Treating the state not the story Not fitting the patient in a known remedy Miasms Kingdoms and subkingdoms


The way to the remedy

What is to be cured in disease?

Disease is a vital disturbance Beyond pathology and psychology Emanating from level six and expressed on all levels:

energy sensation delusion emotion facts name


The way to the remedy

Treating the state not the story

The way the patient perceives the events in his/her life points to the state In anamnesis we focus on what and how does it feel? not on why?


The way to the remedy

Not fitting the patient in a known remedy

Keep your mind open to whatever the patient tells You have never seen a case like that before If you know you dont know the remedy dont give one that you know There is only one right remedy for this patient that moment


The way to the remedy


Acute Typhoid Psoric Malarial Ringworm Sycotic Cancer Tubercular Leprous Syphylitic


The way to the remedy

Kingdoms and subkingdoms

Mineral kingdom: structure, fundament, role

Periodic table: vertical and horizontal themes Mammals, snakes, spiders, birds, insects, sea creatures

Animal kingdom: survival, victim/aggressor

Plant kingdom: sensitivity, vital sensations

Plant families: taxonomy


The way to the cure

What is to be cured in disease Selecting the right remedy Selecting the right potency Evaluating the effect of the remedy Repetition of the dose Long term case management


The way to the cure

What is to be cured in disease

The vital disturbance As the state gets less intense the patient becomes more free Aphorism 9:


The way to the cure

Selecting the right remedy

Exploring the CC Levels Miasms Kingdom and subkingdom Repertorisation Materia Medica The substance reflects the characteristics of the remedy


The way to the cure

Selecting the right potency

Level of name: 12 Level of fact: 30 Level of emotions: 200 Level of delusions: 1000 Level of sensation: 10.000 Level of energy: 50.000


The way to the cure

Evaluating the effect of the remedy

The basis feeling shows three appearances:

The success state (active reaction, coping) The failure state (passive reaction) Compensated state (denial, opposite)


The way to the cure

Repetition of the dose

No repetition as long as the remedy is working In general there is more pathology as the patient is experiencing himself higher on the scale of the levels Repetition when the cure stagnates or relapses


The way to the cure

Long term case management

General scale 1 1 2 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 8 9 9 10

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