Prophet Jeremiah

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Jeremiah 31:33
I will be their God, and they
shall be my people, says the

One heart and one way I will

give them, that they ma fear
me always, to their own good
and that of their children after
Introduction to

Year : 627
Years of Prophesy: 627 to 585
Place : Israel, Anathoth
Place of Prophesy: Jerusalem and
•Jeremiah 1: 4 - 10
Jeremiah’s struggle

Chap 15: 10 – 21
Jeremiah’s complaint

Jeremiah struggled mightily with God's call on his life, with a

sense of failure, with virulent opposition from detractors, and
with deep discouragement.
612 BC —
Fall of the Assyrian
Empire and Rise of the
Neo-Babylonian Empire

Secular events that took

place 587 BC —
Jerusalem falls to the
Babylonians, conquerors
destroy the Jewish Temple
of Jerusalem
605 BC —
Battle of Carchemish: Crown Prince
Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon defeats the
army of Necho II of Egypt, securing the
Babylonian conquest of Assyria
Neo Babylonian empire

Assyrian Empire
Message to the
•Warning the people about
the unavoidable judgments
which they will endure
because of their proud and
obstinate hearts
•Announce judgment
and destruction
Call to repentance
Call for conversion
-The message of Jeremiah was a call to moral reform to
establish a personal relationship between God and
-He called urgently for repentance so that turning to God
might lead to a new creation
-He thus prefigured the New Testament notion of the "new
The people
•Jeremiah 2: 1, 18

•Without hesitation, he points out the

king’s pride and hardness, his
selfishness, his vain-glory, his lack of
concern for the welfare
•People refused to listenoftohis
words and had rejected His Law

•People were sinful but not willing to

repent and continued to worship idols
•Condemned the false

-25: 10 Dwelling in darkness
-25: 11 Horrible desolation for 70

•Judgment on the Nations

-25: 15

Israel rebuilt and planted by a loving God

33:6 The Lord promised to bring health and healing
to the city and to restore
His people, He would bless them with much peace and
truth in
the future
33:7 He would restore the fortunes of both Kingdoms
and would rebuild these nations as they had been
33:8 He would cleanse them of their iniquities
against Him, and He would
pardon their sins
33:9 Jerusalem would become a city associated with
joy, praise, and glory in
the thinking of all the world when people heard of all
the good things that
Yahweh had done for her. The nations would fear and
The New
theological Covenant
contribution 31:31-34
'Look, the days are coming,
Yahweh declares, when I shall
make a new covenant with the
House of Israel (and the House of
Judah), but not like the covenant I
made with their ancestors the
day I took them by the hand to
bring them out of Egypt, a
covenant which they broke, even
though I was their Master,
Yahweh declares. No, this is the
covenant I shall make with the
House of Israel when those days
have come, Yahweh declares.
Within them I shall plant my Law,
writing it on their hearts. Then I
shall be their God and they will
be my people. There will be no Core of the new
further need for everyone to
Enters into intimate teach neighbour or brother,
covenant is God's gift
relationship with His saying, "Learn to know Yahweh!" of a
No, they will all know me, from
people the least to the greatest, Yahweh
new heart
declares, since I shall forgive
their guilt and never more call
their sin to mind.'
The Fall of Jerusalem

 Siege of Jerusalem (588-586

B.C.), when Zedekiah was king

 39:1-2 Nebuchadnezzar and

the Babylonian army captured
Jerusalem and began its siege in
588 B.C. It took the Babylonians
about eighteen months to breach
the walls of the city, which they
did in 586 B.C.

Chaldeans burned the royal

palace, the other houses in the
city, including the temple (52:13),
and broke down the city walls to
make it uninhabitable and
The destruction of the
temple described
 Before the Babylonians
burned the temple, they
looted it
 This was the second time
they had done this, the
first being in 597 B.C. (Jer.
sinful ion

Punis Repenta
hed nce
Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when
you seek me with all your heart.

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