Defense Wounds Self Protection Wounds

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Defense wounds Self protection wounds

Defense wounds,self protection wounds

This result from the victims spontaneous reaction or self protection

when he attacked
. He may either grasp the weapon to prevent it injuring a vital part,

or may raise his arm or hand to ward off an attack.

Blunt weapon abrasions , bruises Sharp weapon depend on stabbing , slashing,both

In stabbing attack in attempt to grasp the knife there was cuts on palm

of hand and the opposing fingers or thumb.

In slashing attack the victim holds the hand or forearm leading to

serious cuts on these parts

Lower extremities more common in females and suggest sexual


They are usually done by the person himself (self inflicted

wounds) to give suspicious of self defense or by the aid of another person in agreement with him
Type of wound

- often ,cut wounds -sometimes ,bruises - rarely, firearm and contused

superficial parallel , or crossing incisions commonly seen over accessible parts Usually there is no corresponding cuts on the clothes.

Causes of death

Traumatic shock




a) parasympathetic

1) parasympathetic stimulation reflex vagal inhibition of the heart slowing of the heartinstantaneous death Causes) Usually minor trauma , rare severe 1) psychic shock 2) sudden rise of pressure in the carotid sinus

b) Sympathetic
Causes Painful stimuli + emotion and fair Decrease in the tension of the carotid sinus Ppt factors eg: cardiac diseases

Internal bleeding more dangerous than external bleeding .. Types) 1. Primary hemorrhage follow immediately after injury. 2. Reactionary hemorrhage is usually delayed for several hours up to 24 hours after injury. 3. Secondary hemorrhage is due to infection of a wound, it occurs between 10-16 days after injury.


-after the injury -By air droplet infection, contaminated dressing -Can be prevented

time of injury -From skin, clothing or street dirt -Cannot be avoided

Venous air embolism

Arterial air embolism

Incidence Common Causes *Open injuries (neck, chest) *During blood transfusion criminal abortion, insuflation. P.M. picture

Less common Stab in communicating bronchus pulmonary vein

chest a with

Puncture of right Puncture of Lt. ventricle ventricle under water under water air comes out. air comes out Beaded coronary & cerebral arteries.

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