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Approaches in Community Development and Organizing

-in the context of NSTP-CWTS-

19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services

After this topic, participants are able to:
Describe the meaning and nature of development in the context of NSTPCWTS; Define what Community Development (CD) is and describe different CD approaches; Enumerate the steps in Community Organizing;
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Development has been describe by so many people; from prominent persons to the average citizen, in so many ways; How do YOU define development?

19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services

In CWTS, we are concern with the development of the human person in all of its dimensions. Since the human person is both the object and subject of CWTS, all our actions and framework for undergoing training is for the improvement of the quality of life of the human person in all of its facets,

19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services

and that includes not only the community and its members where we will render our services, but most importantly the improvement of the quality of life of the trainees themselves. Training students for CWTS is equipping them to be the actors in the development process.

19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services

But then we are going back to the same question. . . What is development in the context of NSTP-CWTS?

19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services

In the context of CWTS, we mean the

following when we say Development
Michael Todaro (1978) describes development as: a multidimensional process, involving major changes in social structures, popular attitudes and national institutions acceleration of economic growth, the reduction of inequality and the eradication of absolute poverty.
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Todaro adds that development in its essence must represent the entire gamut of change by which the entire social system, moves away from a condition of life widely perceived as unsatisfactory and towards a situation or condition of life regarded as materially and spiritually better.

19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services

Scientists advocating the economic aspect of development found their theories wanting because it focuses on one aspect.

Aside from economic, development also has political, social, cultural, institutional and environmental dimensions

19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services

Dr. Gonzales attempts to synthesize the various meaning of development in the context of people-centered empowerment by describing it as the mobilization of people and resources.

It is the use of technology in harmony with the environment. It is peopleoriented and participatory as well as indigenous..
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Development is a concept associated with improvement. It is a certain type of change in a positive direction.
True development empowers people. It aims to be relevant, responsive, effective, efficient, economical, equitable and sustainable

19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services

Community Development (CD)

is a comprehensive approach to progress which involves the process of managing community change by involving citizens in a dialogue on issues to decide what must be done (their shared vision of the future), and then, involves them in doing it.
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Characteristics of Community Development

Focus on a unit called community Conscious attempts to induce non-reversible structural change Initiation by groups, agencies or institutions external to the community Emphasize public participation Participate for the purpose of self-help Increase dependence on participatory as the mode for community decision making
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Community Development Framework

Community Development For Peoples Empowerment and Self-Reliance
Common Problems of Philippine Communities Overall development goals for building selfreliant communities Program mission Development thrust Outcome
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Categories of Common Problems of Philippine Communities

Social - a problem in human relationships that seriously threatens society or impedes the important aspirations of many people. Economic - a problem where the wants of most societies exceed the gifts of nature, giving rise to general condition of scarcity.
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Categories of Common Problems of Philippine Communities

Physical - problems that arise in accordance with the societies relationship with the environment.
Other categories includes:
Political Spiritual

19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services

Goals for Building Self-Reliant Communities

Productivity productivity must be increased in a manner that is in keeping with the conditions and needs of the community
Equity - the fruits of development must reach all the segments of the community, specially the poor.
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Goals for Building Self-Reliant Communities

Access- the democratization of basic social and economic facilities and services should be enhanced to increase the opportunity of the people to develop themselves
Employment- more and more employment opportunities must be generated to cope with the increasing problems of unemployment and underemployment.
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Goals for Building Self-Reliant Communities

Popular Control - The peoples capabilities to be principal actors in the development process must be enhanced. The building of self-reliant communities entails the development of peoples confidence in their collective strength and capabilities to control their destiny and govern themselves.
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Community Development Thrusts

Management - the peoples capability to manage their own affairs and their socio-economic development should be enhanced. Organizing -the peoples prerogative to organize themselves should be recognized.
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Community Development Thrusts

Leadership - collective and popular leadership pattern should be developed in the community to widen the base of decision-making and enhance the participation of the people in the development process.

19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services

Community Development Thrusts

Development Planning - development planning should be institutionalized and may be made more participatory with the process simplified Evaluation a system should be developed not only to measure performance and determine program effectiveness but also for the people to participate and learn in the process.
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Community Development Thrusts

Research - a continuing documentation of the above concerns will be made for the development of innovative models or prototype of community development practices.

19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services


19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services

In Community development we have the concept of: Conscientize, Organize, Mobilize which can be translated to the three (3) integrated field of CD practice:

Community Education Community Organizing Community-based Resource Management

19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Community Organizing
It is a process that is people-centered and geared towards their continuing capability building, self-reliance and empowerment.
no one lives for him/her self alone is the guiding principle in undergoing community organizing
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Steps in Community Organizing

Preparatory Phase: contact building, site selection Community Entry and integration Social Investigation and Analysis Identification of Leaders and Core Group formation Organization Building, strengthening and Consolidation
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services

Steps in Community Organizing

Community planning, mobilization and evaluation Linkaging, networking and alliance building Expansion and phase out Evaluation of the CO process

19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services

With the CD framework and the steps Community organizing, it is our fervent hope that we can motivate our NSTP-CWTS trainees to be come catalyst towards sustainable community development and agents of societal transformation . . .
19 June 2008 Glicel Grace A. de Guzman Center for Community Development Services


19 June 2008

Glicel Grace A. de Guzman

Center for Community Development Services

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