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Sustainable Transit


A World Market

TAXI 2000 Corporation

May 2013

World Wide Need for Sustainable Transit

TAXI 2000 Corporation

Multi-lateral banks and NGOs discuss the way forward for the MDBs' $175 billion historic commitment for sustainable Transit

The Big Idea

Job Creation
TAXI 2000 Corporation

Servicing a $45 billion industry creates economic activity

San Jose, CA is starting a program to locate the industry in their city
Manufacturing for vehicles

Steel Manufacturing for Guideway

Computer Electronic Components Communication Technology

Point to Point Mass Transit

TAXI 2000 Corporation

Center for Transportation Studies CTS Series Access to Destinations

Concept of Accessibility
the ability of people to reach the destinations that they need to visit in order to meet their needs.

PRT is Point to Point Mass Transit

Point to Point Mass Transit

TAXI 2000 Corporation

Linear transit vs. Point to Point

Provide Access High Capacity No Schedule and Every Trip is Non-Stop A Technology Business that Demonstrates 21st Century Mass Transit to the World

TAXI 2000 Corporation

Each gallon of gasoline burned adds nearly 20 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. A recent study for an urban area of 1.8 million people concluded that for 24% of all vehicle trips or 250 million trips per year would prefer the PRT mode of travel. This gasoline consumption reduction is estimated at over 80 million gallons of gasoline per year With a reduction of over 1.5 billion pounds of CO2 emissions each year.

Skyweb Express Benefits

Highly Developed Technology
3rd Party Reviewed
TAXI 2000 Corporation

Financially Ecologically

High Capacity

Public Private Partnership Financing

Jobs for Greenville

TAXI 2000 Corporation


The Need has been Indentified By World Bank, MGO, NGOs
A $45 Billion Global Market Frost and Sullivan Sustainable Job Creation

Jobs for Greenville

TAXI 2000 Corporation

1. 2. 3.

System Specification Build the Control System Create Software (TrakEdit) for layout analysis and control system verification Build and Test Alpha Build a Pilot System

4. 5.

A Pilot System
Our Plan Public Private Partnership Contact Mike Lester
TAXI 2000 Corporation

Build a Commercial System

We Supply the Capital Establish Local Partnerships

Steel Truss Manufacturing, Vehicle Manufacturing, and Other System Components Capitalize on the Multi-Billion Dollar World Market by Establishing PRT Industry in Greenville

CEO Taxi 2000 Corp (763) 350-7412

Taxi 2000 Corporation 8050 University Ave North Fridley, MN 55432

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