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Maintenance Management

Session- 5 Maintainability and reliability

Points to be discussed




Failure rate estimation Failure patterns Reliability models Failure models Reliability application


Maintainability is defined as the probability of performing a successful repair action within a given time. In other words, maintainability measures the ease and speed with which a system can be restored to operational status after a failure occurs. For example, if a particular component has a 90% maintainability in one hour, this means that there is a 90% probability that the component will be repaired within an hour.


The concept of maintainability was evolved to enable designers to provide effective support to maintenance the equipment. With the technology advancement, emphasis is more on improving the serviceability of the equipment, may make the design bit complexthus at the same time its difficult to maintain, if there is some failure occurs. This requires the availability of specialized equipments and trained workers.


Maintainability is associated with the design of the assets to be maintained. Its a measure of the ease of maintenance. The parameter for expressing the maintainability is MTTR (Mean time to repair)


Mean time to repair (MTTR) is a basic measure of the maintainability of repairable items. It represents the average time required to repair a failed component or device. Expressed mathematically, it is the total corrective maintenance time divided by the total number of corrective maintenance actions during a given period of time.

MTTR is often part of a maintenance contract, where a system whose MTTR is 24 hours is generally more valuable than for one of 7 daysWhy..??


Reliability is the probability that an asset or a system will operate satisfactorily for some period of time, under the working conditions for which it is designed. It refers to the likelihood that an equipment will not fail during its operation. The parameters expressing reliability are

Failure Rate (FR) Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)



Reliability can be of two types


This is associated with the quality of material and the design of the machine parts. Depends upon the factors such as maintenance and the operation of the equipment.


Reliability and Failure

Reliability and Failure are closely associated with each other. But are exactly opposite terms!!! R- The probability of reliable function for a specified period of time. F- The probability of failure occurring during the same period of time.

R+F = 1

Failure rate (FR)

The number of failures occurring in a unit time. The symbol used for failure rate is . It can be calculated during a specified period for a given number of components.

If there are 5 failures occurring during a period of 1000 hours to which 500 components are subjected. = (5/500)/ 1000 = 1 X 10-5 failures per component per Hour

Failure rate (FR)

Failure Rate Estimationis carried out by using the available failure date of the components or units.
Days 0-4 4-8 8-12 12-16 Frequency 18 10 13 9

Calculate the failure rate.


Failure rate (FR)

Days 0-4 Mid Value (x) 2 Frequency (f) 18 fx 36

8-12 12-16

10 14

13 9 50

130 126 352

Mean time to failure = 352/50 = 7.04 days 168.96 Hrs. Failure Rate = 1/168.96= 5.91 X 10-3 failures/hour



Mean time between failures (MTBF) is the predicted elapsed time between inherent failures of a system during operation. MTBF can be calculated as the arithmetic mean (average) time between failures of a system. The MTBF is typically part of a model that assumes the failed system is immediately repaired (MTTR), as a part of a renewal process.





MTBF is the inverse of the failure rate in the constant failure rate phase. The units of MTBF are units of "thing-time" pre failure; e.g. machine-hours per failure or system-years per failure.


Failure pattern of equipment

The failure pattern of an equipment can be divided into 3 phases. Phase-I- Failure patterns inherent in a new product because of manufacturing or design defects. This is called infant mortality period, the number of failures are high but not serious in nature. Phase-II Useful life period of an equipment where the failure rates are normally moderate as the equipment gets set to the working environment. Phase-III- The last phase of the equipment. Failures in this phase are wear out of components and are due to ageing of the equipments.

Reliability models

Series reliability model

The components are arranged in a series, and the success of the system depends on the success of all the components.
I/P R1






Failure of 1 component means failure of complete system.

Rs = R1 X R2 X R3 X Rn

Example from -Industrial Maintenance Management, pp: 9


Reliability models

Parallel reliability model

The components are arranged in parallel and the system can be partially operative even if some of its components are in failed state.
R2 I/P R3 O/P


Failure of 1 component doesnt mean failure of complete system.

Rs = 1 SUM of ( 1- Ri), where Ri = e -it

Reliability models

Series-parallel reliability model

In the complex set ups where the components are arranged in series and parallel
R1 I/P R2 R4 R3 O/P

Failure of R1 and R3 = 1- R1 X R3 Failure of R2 and R4 = 1- R2 X R4 Rs = 1 (1- R1R3)(1-R2R4) =e

(1+ 3)

+ e (2+ 4)

Reliability models

Redundant reliability model

Where some of the components are connected in parallel to provide higher reliability
R1 R6 I/P R2 R4 R5 R7 O/P



Failure functions and models

Failure can occur due to various reason such as material wear out, poor maintenance, bad designs, unexpected load and working environment. With increased automation, it has become essential to identify the failure indicating parameters before the actual failure of equipment takes place. These failure patterns help in reliability analysis, determining the failure density and distributions.

Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari


Failure functions and models

The most commonly used failure functions are

The Normal distribution The Log normal distribution The Gamma distribution The Weibull distribution The Poisson distribution The Negative exponential distribution


Reliability Vs. Maintainability

Reliability and Maintainability jointly affect the equipment availability for the user. A highly reliable equipment or system may fail rarely. But if its maintainability is poor, it takes a long time to repair. Thus, the availability of a highly reliable equipment can be reduced considerably. Similarly, if equipments maintainability is high but reliability is poor, it would fail frequently and availability will be affected.

Cost Effectiveness
It is the measure of the equipment system value compared to that of the other similar types of equipment, where the maintainability criteria have not been incorporated successfully. Cost Effectiveness (CE) = System Effectiveness(SE)/(Acquisition Cost + Utilization Cost)



Class room Teachings by Manoj Tiwari


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