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Introduction to Software Testing

January 31, 2011

TCS Internal

Introduction to Software Testing Importance of Software Testing Verification and Validation Software Test Lifecycle Testing Process

January 31, 2011

Goal of testing
The goal of a software tester is: To find bugs To find them as early as possible make sure they get fixed Testing is a means to: Find bugs Provide confidence and information Even prevent defects

January 31, 2011

Why is testing needed

A defect in the software has a root cause, while the effect of defect is seen as impact by the different stake holders. Testing is part of overall Quality Assurance It covers the Quality Control aspect of ensuring Quality A fault doesn't necessarily result in a failure, but a failure can only occur if a fault exists. To avoid a failure you must find the fault. Software testing may be required for compliance with contractual or legal requirements When is testing complete? Actually never However for practical reasons it is stopped after considering the risks involved, time and budget constraints

January 31, 2011

Why is testing needed

Why is testing needed Complexity of software makes it error prone Untested or weakly tested software can cause losses in real life. Eg: Disneys Lion King 1994 1995- The software did not work on the most common systems that the public had. Intel Pentium Floating-Point Division Bug 1994 Intel took a charge of more than $400 million to cover the costs of replacing bad chips NASA Mars Polar Lander 1999 Malfunction due to an unexpected setting of a single data bit Patriot missile defense system 1991 A software bug caused the tracking system to be inaccurate after 14 hrs of operation Software bugs can cause harm to a person, to the environment or to a company

January 31, 2011

Testing Profession

January 31, 2011

Who makes a Good tester

The testers mindset must have the below mentioned attributes
Keen Observation Questioning Skills Never give-up attitude Interpersonal Skills

January 31, 2011

The V-Model
The V-model can be said to have developed as a result of the evolution of software testing. Various testing techniques were defined and various kinds of testing were clearly separated from each other which led to the waterfall model evolving into the V-model. The tests in the ascending (Validation) hand are derived directly from their design or requirements counterparts in the descending (Verification) hand. The V can also stand for the terms Verification and Validation.

January 31, 2011


January 31, 2011

The Testing Process

Project Initiation Test Strategy and Planning Test Environment setup Test Case Designing Test Execution Test Cycles Defect Reporting and Tracking Project closure

January 31, 2011

References %20(2010).pdf

January 31, 2011

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