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Reliability Data Collection

Salman Zafar 12F-MS-EE-37

Reliability Data Collection

Distribution reliability primarily relates to equipment outages and

customer interruptions.
Reliability indices are statistical aggregations of reliability data for a

well-defined set of loads, components, or customers.

There is substantial complexity with regards to utility outage

reporting process and, in addition, there is a wide range of practices employed by utilities.
Obviously, a large variation in data collection and reporting

practices can lead to a great disparity of data quality.

Reliability Data Collection

To investigate this issue, the author has conducted a benchmarking

survey to ascertain where the industry stands today in many aspects

of outage reporting.
The author presents the survey results of twenty-two large investor-

owned utilities in the US, all with reliability reporting obligations.

Based on surveys results, comparisons are made for eight aspects of

outage reporting. An overall comparison is also provided, and the section ends with a discussion on different industry trends.

Reliability Data Collection

Potential Implication Issues:
a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Event capture Start time Customer count Step restoration Restoration time Verification of events Computation of indices


Escalated events (Major Storms)

Event Capture
Event capture refers to events that involve customer interruptions being

reflected in reliability indices.


perfect system would have voltage sensors at each customer, and

automatically create an event in a database whenever an interruption is detected.

By far the most common method of capturing an event is through a

combination of call centers and SCADA.

Historically, many utilities relied on paper forms, commonly called outage

tickets, filled out by crews to capture events.

Event Capture Aspect

Best: Automatically captured from both call system and SCADA

(an electronic link between SCADA and the outage management

Good: Required to be captured before a trouble man can be

Fair: Manually captured when crew is dispatched. Poor: Captured from paper tickets collected daily. Worst: Captured from paper tickets collected monthly.

Start Time
Start time refers to the time that customers are interrupted. Accurate start times are typically available if SCADA information is

available, but a large percentage of events are not detectable through SCADA; the time of the first customer call is commonly used.
Start times can also be impacted by their method of entry into the

outage database.
Perhaps the worst systems are those that rely solely on paper outage


Start Time aspect

Best: Automatically generated from both call center and SCADA and does not

require manual transcription.

Good: Automatically generated from both call center and SCADA but requires

manual transcription from customer service representative and/or dispatcher.

Fair: Automatically generated from SCADA, but events from customer calls are

relayed to dispatcher via telephone.

Poor: No SCADA on main feeder circuit breakers, requiring feeder-level events to

be reported through call centers.

Worst: Taken from paper ticket.

Customer Count
Obtaining the correct number of customers interrupted by an

outage event is of critical importance for calculating customer-based

reliability indices such as SAIFI and SAIDI.
The most sophisticated systems use real-time models that are able

to dynamically track the distribution transformers that are out of service due to protection device operations and/or switching device operations.
Many systems that utilities have developed in-house utilize

hierarchical device data instead of actual connectivity data.

Customer Count Aspect

Best: Based on dynamic connectivity model with direct access to customer

information system and affected device inference logic.

Good: Based on device hierarchy that is periodically updated in terms of

system topology changes, new customer connections, etc., and uses affected device inference logic.
Fair: Based on customer call patterns with no affected device inference

Poor: Inferred from transformer power ratings.

Worst: Guess by trouble man on trouble ticket.

Step/Partial Restoration
Step restoration refers to the restoration of some customers before


outage is repaired and the system is returned to its normal operating

The most sophisticated outage reporting systems dynamically track system

topology and are able to compute each restoration step and the impact to each customer.
Less sophisticated systems are able to infer the impact of step restoration

based on a base connectivity model.

Other systems require crews or dispatchers to manually estimate the

impact of step restoration.

Step restoration aspect

Best: All system topology changes are communicated in real-time to dispatcher,

who updates a dynamic connectivity model that is able to precisely track all
Good: Step restoration is tracked at the customer level, but based on a normal-state

connectivity model rather than the dynamic state of the system.

Fair: Step restoration is recorded as a percentage of customers restored, with

individual customers impact not explicitly tracked.

Poor: Step restoration is never reflected in event records. Worst: Step restoration is haphazardly reflected in event records; many are

recorded properly, many are recorded improperly, and many are not recorded.

Restoration Time
The point at which the last customer associated with an

outage is restored is referred to as restoration time.

Commonly, a single trouble-man will be responsible for

restoring an outage and it is at the complete discretion of this

person to (1) look at the time when the last customer is

restored, (2) remember this time, and (3) correctly record this time or communicate it to a dispatcher via a radio.
Another issue with restoration times occurs when outages are

referred from trouble men to construction crews.

Restoration Time aspect

Best: Radio communication is required for all feeder-level switching

actions and mobile data terminals in trucks are used for all lower level
Good: Radio communication is required for all switching events, but

there are no mobile data terminals in trucks.

Fair: Radio communication is used for feeder-level switching, but

lower level events are recorded on paper tickets.

Poor: Times are recorded on paper tickets that are turned in daily.
Worst: Times are recorded on paper tickets that are turned in


Verification Of Events
Most utilities have some process for verifying outage event data before it is

used to report reliability data.

Ideally, each event is examined close to the time that the event occurs. This

allows dispatchers, trouble men, and construction crews to be contacted if an outage event is missing data or appears unusual in some way.
Less aggressive processes sample a portion of outage events based on

criteria ranging from compute generated exception reports, outages impacting more than a threshold number of customers, all feeder-level outages, and random sample.

Verification of Events
Best: All events are examined daily.

Good: Most events are examined daily.

Fair: Exception report logic generates a list of suspicious

events, which are then reviewed.

Poor: Events are reviewed on an adhoc basis at the time

that reliability reports are generated.

Worst: Events are not reviewed.

Computing Indices
After raw outage data is entered into an electronic database,

reliability indices must be computed.

The best systems are able to do this automatically through

integrated functions. In such cases, reliability indices can be tracked daily.

Further, outage databases typically include events that should not

be used for reliability indices such as customer-level events, nonoutage construction jobs, and excluded storm events. The way these exclusions are handled can also impact reliability index calculations.

Computing Indices
Best: Indices calculated automatically from dispatch system database.

Good: Indices calculated automatically by a separate system that periodically

extracts outage data from the outage management system.

Fair: Indices calculated from standardized query searches that accesses either the

outage management system or an extraction used specifically for reliability directly reporting.
Poor: Indices calculated from a reliability analyst using spreadsheets populated

from outage database queries.

Worst: Indices calculated directly from paper tickets.

Escalated Events
Utility processes typically change when many outages are occurring within

close temporal proximity (such as a major storm).

The capacity of an outage management system can also be overloaded in

certain situations, requiring the system to be de-activated and resulting in the potential loss of outage event data.
For some utilities, escalated event handling is not a reliability reporting

issue since most escalated events are excluded from reported reliability indices.
The best utilities have systems that perform the same for all events that will

be included in reported reliability indices (other events are excluded).

Escalated Events
Best: All events that will be included in reported reliability indices are captured

during escalated events. Any escalated event that may alter the use of systems and processes is likely to be excluded from reported indices.
Good: Systems and processes are able to handle escalated events, but reportable

events may require the utilization of contractor borrowed crews.

Fair: Systems are significantly altered during storms, resulting in a substantial

change in how outage data is collected.

Poor: Dispatch system capacity is exceeded during reportable events. In these

cases, the system must be turned off and outage data must be collected manually.
Worst: No exclusions are allowed, and outage data is not captured during


In general, utility reliability reporting practices have been improving because of

greater attention to the reporting processes and systems.

In particular, more utilities are using integrated Outage Management Systems

(OMS). These improvements not only have increased the accuracy of outage reporting but also have enabled improved customer communications during power

Most enhanced capabilities arise from automated data interfaces between the

corporate GIS, OMS, SCADA and Call Centers, resulting in greater data accuracy, reporting productivity, more timely information for dispatchers and customers, and quicker outage restoration.

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