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1.1.1 History of WWW

WWW was introduced by Sir Tim Berners-Lee the contractor at the

European Organization for Nuclear Research(CERN) Switzerland in 1980. In 1990 Berners-Lee introduced tools Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Hypertext Markup Language and web browser. During 1992-1995 HTTP protocol a new protocol named Gopher protocol came up which provided access to content through hyper menus presented as a file system. In 1993 a new web browser with graphical user interface Mosaic got introduced. In 1994 the World Wide Web Consortium was founded by Berners-Lee at the MIT with a support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. This organization was built for creating standards to improve the quality of the Web. During 1996-1998, trade marketing started using WWW. The term Ecommerce got introduced during this period only.

During 1999-2000, many entrepreneurs started selling their ideas using

the dotcom boom. 2002-till date, the WWW has got an evolving nature due to various development such as online-booking, efficient search engines and agent based technologies, Fac

1. The internet and WWW

Is a collection of computer and other devices connected together. WWW is a collections of s/w and corresponding protocols used to

access the resources over the n/w. www contains huge amount of documents, images and other resources which can be accessed using the hyperlinks. e book, social networking sites and so on.

1.2 Concept of internet
Internet is a linking of many computers all over the world. Using such

linking user can share the information or communicate with each other. Internet service providers (ISP) to whom we pay for getting the internet services . Set up required for the getting the internetworking at your place.

Modulating and demodulating device. It sends the data into a signal that is compatible with the phone line

and receiving modem demodulates the signal back into digital data. Speed: - Bits per second (BPS)


Single network segment. A hub receives incoming packets, regenerates the electrical signal and

broadcasts these packets out to all other on the network.

To connect two or more computers.

This allows several computers to communicate with each other and to

the internet.

Connect the computer to the network.

Switch manages the bandwidth of the network.

Internet service provider (ISP) Any company that provides individuals or companies with access to the Internet Thousands of providers including large communications companies Need an account with the ISP and software that links with TCP/IP Internet protocol datagrams, dial-up, cable, modem, wireless or dedicated high-speed interconnects.

ISP Examples
Internet Service Provider AT&T WorldNet Service Web Address

Digex, Inc.
GTE Internetworking IBM Internet Connection MCI Internet

NetCom On-Line Communication Services PSINet, Inc. Sprint Internet Services Uunet Technologies, Inc.

What is Computer Network ?
Network can be defined as a group of computers and other devices

connected together in order to send receive data. Each of these devices in the computer network is called node. Terminology which is commonly used in computer network and i.e. host. Network Interface Card (an electronic circuit card that resides inside your computer popularly called as NIC) so you have a place to plug in the cable. Node in the network has some unique address. These addresses help to identify the computer quickly. Example:- Network address is made of 4 bytes separated by dots for example first three bytes correspond to network address and remaining three bytes are used for host machine.

NIC provides the hardware interface between a computer and a network. Network adapter hardware. Ethernet supports data transfers at the rate of 10 Megabits per second .

Ethernet cables to a computer, use a network interface card (NIC).

Packet Switching
Computer network the data is transferred using packet switching.

Messages are broken into units called packets, and sent from one computer

to the other. The communication among the computers due to packet switching network is error free and there is no conversion overhead or transformation error.

Network Layers
Seven layers

TCP / IP Model

IP Addressing
Each host on a TCP/IP network is assigned a unique 32-bit logical

address that is divided into two main parts: network number and host number. This address is called IP address. The IP address is grouped four into 8-bits separated by dots. IP address is divided in two categories network number and host number. The IP protocol makes use of this address for communication between two computers.

Domain Names System(DNS)

Names which are used to identify computer within a network are called

domain names. Uniquely identify your computer the name be referred using DNS hierarchy. E.g com,gov,edu,net,int,org,in,uk,jp

Domain Names System(DNS)
The domain Name space is used to locate the computer uniquely. The internet logically arranges the domain names in an hierarchical

form. Top level DNS such as com,org,mil,net,uk,in Each domain name is divided into sub-domains then sub-sub-domains E.g. the complete path for can be uniquely traced out with the help of domain name space.

Working of DNS
Two tasks that can be carried out by DNS servers

1. Accepting and then requesting the programs to convert domain names to

IP address. 2.Accepting and then requesting the other DNS servers to convert domain names to IP addresses.

The DNS server maintains huge database of domain names.

Protocols and Programs
When the communication between two parties occur:

1. What kind of interface(Port) is used for communication between the two

parties? 2. How does the communication take place? 3. What rules and regulation involved in this communication?

The rules and regulations used for establishing such communication is

called protocol. The osi-iso model consists of 7 layers and each layer one or more protocols are used to handle the transmission of data.

Introduced Protocols
1. Files:

Transferring files from one machine to another can be done in using protocol is called FTP. It used port 21 for the transfer of files. When user wants to download a file from the server FTP is used. FTP uses two connections between client and server.

1. Connection is used for actual data transfer

2. For control information (commands).

Fig:-Two connections used in FTP processing GUI Control connection Control process Data transfer connection

Control process Data transfer process Client

Data transfer process Server

Introduced Protocols
When client makes a request for file download then using the data

transfer connections actual data gets transmitted from server to the client.
At the same time server keeps track of how much data is sent so far and

how much is remaining.

This tracking can be done using the control transfer connection. During the file downloading/uploading we can see a message about how

many bytes are getting transferred and how much time is remaining.
Commands used in FTP are

Introduced Protocols
Command FTP User Get Put Ls Close Open

Meaning of the command Start the FTP session Identifies the User Downloads the file from the server Uploads the file to the server list files close the connection open a new connection

Introduced Protocols
Problems with FTP:

1. Some machine have firewalls that prevent the transfer of files in to and

backward direction.

Firewall is a piece of s/w embedded in your machine. Its purpose is to block unwanted transfer of the data.

Introduced Protocols
2.Email:-Mail clients make use of standard protocols for Sending the

mails SMTP protocol and receiving the mail the POP3 protocol is used.

1. Transfer of Emails to remote server.

Asynchronous protocol because it allows delayed delivery of message.

Use of port 25. Mail Transfer Agent(MTA) is interface between email system and local email server. User agent(UA) is user interface client such as Microsoft outlook express.

Introduced Protocols
Post office protocol version 3(POP3) is used by local email clients.

Use of port 110. The POP protocol has two parts 1. client POP- receivers POP and a server POP-receivers email server. The client i.e the receiver opens TCP connections with receivers POP server. The client must be authenticated by user name and password. Then the client can receive the emails from the mailbox.

Introduced Protocols
3.Instant Messaging:-. Used to send short messages.

Internet Relay Chat(IRC) is a protocol which is used for group communication but this comm is one to one commu. User connects to client application and ultimately links to IRC server. E.g. Bots appli Remote machine can be accessed using the protocol called Telnet. Used port 23 for the commu. Doesnt provide any encryption technique so the commu using telnet is not secured Secured commusecure shell SSH which is same as telnet

4.Remote Machine Access

Introduced Protocols
5.Web Pages:-. How a web page demanded by gets displayed on our browser.

1) Type the website name .Web address is divided into three parts. Protocol: HTTP Which tells the web browser that user wishes to commu nicate with web server on port 80.

Port 80 is reserved for communication between web browser and web server.
2)part is the server address.this tells the web browser which server it needs to contact in order to retrieve the information. The web browser communicate with a DNS to find the IP add for the website. 3.part of this address denotes the resource user wants to see.

Introduced Protocols
5.Web Pages:-.

the web server sends the html for this page back to users web browser. If there are additional files needed in order to show the web page the web browser makes additional requests for each of these.

HTTP Request-Response Message
HTTP takes part in web browser and web server communication it is called

a communication protocol. It is a stateless protocol.i.e. It can not remember the previous users information nor it remembers the number of times the user has visited particular website. HTTP Request Message Structure <Start line> <Header fields> <Blank line> <Message Body> Start lineThree part separated by a single space 1. Request method 2.Request-URI 3.HTTP version

In Request method defines the CONNECT method which is used during the web browser and server comm. It is written in Upper case letters.-

HTTP Request-Response Message

The primary method is GET The GET methods is used 1. when u type a URL in address bar.2. When u click on some hyper links which is present in the document. GET:-Retrieve the information requested by the user. Retrieve the information from a specified URI and is assumed to be safe, repeatable operation by browsers. POST:-To send an information collected from a user form. Request the server for desired web page and the request made is accepted as a new subordinate of the resource identified For operations that have side effects and cant be safely repeated.e.g transferring money PUT:-This method uploads a representation of the specified resource.Type the website name .Web address is divided into three parts.

HTTP Request-Response Message
Request URI:
The Uniform Resource Identifier(URI) is a string used to identify the names or resource on the internet. Combination of URL and URN(Name) Web address URL and Specific name of the place or locationURN HTTP version: Version information

HTTP Response-Structure
<Status line> <Header fields> <Blank Line> <Message Body>

Status line is similar to the start line in the request message. it consists of three fields. 1. HTTP version 2. Status code 3. Reason phrase. HTTP version represent the version information Status code is numeric code indicating the type of response Reason phrase is in the text string form and presents the information about the status code. E.g HTTP/1.1 200 OK 200 status code OK Reason phrase In header field in response message is similar to that of request message e.g. Date,Server,Last-Modified Message bodyresponse message

Secure Connections

Most of the protocols that have been looked at are not secure, they use plain text to transfer data and could be viewed or tampered with at some stage. There are some protocols that make it more secure to send and receive data. Ftps,Https,sftp the secured shell(SSH) and other virtual networking tools allow to establish a communication over secured channel SSH is an unix utility for secured conn.The WINDOWS os has program available called WINSCP SFTP is a secured file transfer protocol which is similar to ftp port 22. Another version of FTP is uses secured socket layer(SSL) port-990 HTTPS protocol provides authentication and encryption techniquesport443

Application and Development Tools

Various tools are available on the web Resources on the web are freeware or shareware. FTP use the console window of windows os to transfer the file from one computer to another. Graphics or audio conversion tools available using which data in one file format can be converted to another. There are some plug-ins available for developing the web application like HTML,PHP,PERL Shareware Freeware it can be distributed under a different kind of license where, although the code is not available to view or alter, you do not pay a charge for it. IDE e.g Eclipse IDE for JAVA Online tools for checking the syntax of their source code.

Web Browser

Web browser is a s/w which is basically used to use resources on the web. Client and server Various web browsers Web browser protocol--HTTP protocol Scripting languages HTML,XML,DHTML,PHPclient side scripting Server side scripting JSP,ASP Function defined by web browser

Choices If you are going to develop applications or even just web pages, which browser do you choose. The best way to answer this is to ask yourself what you need and probably more importantly, what your visitors are going to be using.

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