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Vitamin D

I am not responsible for Errors Nosaj

The university of Wisconsin has received royalties for all of the milk containing irradiated ergosterol because of what man?

Hess and Steenbock 1924

True or False These compounds are steroidal vitamins?

False, It is incorrect to call these compounds vitamins. Once the B ring of the two steroids has been cleaved, the products should no longer be referred to as steroids.

What is the adjective form of rickets?


What are the causes for deficiency of Vitamin D?

Dark Pigmentation Kidney Failure Liver Failure Wearing High SPF sunscreens/no drink milk Inadequate daily consumption Post-menopausal women Home-bound elderly

What are the effects and reasons for symptoms associated with Vit D. deficiency?

Infants and children will show bow legs due to the cartilage continuing to grow while the bone does not. Softening of bones due to lack of calcium salts needed for the osteoblasts to create bone.

What are the signs and symptoms associated with hypervitaminosis of Vit. D.

Increase in the amount of calcium absorbed in the intestine, leading to calcification of tissues, vomiting, kidney damage etc.

What are the vitamin-drug interactions?

Phenobarbital and maybe other anticonvulsants can cause liver hydroxylation leading to inactive forms of Vit D. As long as a person recieves fortified milk in the normal amount, they will be fine.

When was rickets first reported?

1650 Think 16 year olds should not date 50 year olds.

What are the commercial forms of Vitamin D?

Ergocalciferol D2
From Plants


Cholecalciferol D3
Generally animal sources

So what are the two forms of vitamin D again?

Ergocalciferol D2 Cholecalciferol D3

Which of the two forms are used more?


How do you make Vitamin D?

UV light penetrating the skin breaks the B ring of Ergosterol converting it into Ergocalciferol.

What are the main steps in the conversion of the vitamin to the active form and the organs where this occurs?

Step 1. Vitamin D2/3 (Ergocalciferol & Cholecalciferol) either or are absorbed with lipids in the intestinal mucosa. Step 2

Vitamin D is transferred by chylomicrons into the lymph system and into the portal vein. To the liver

In the liver CYP-450 converts Cholecalciferol into the 25 HydroxyCholecalciferol

The kidney converts 25 HydroxyCholecalciferol to 1 ,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol (Calcitriol)

1, 25 Dihydroxycholecalciferol is transported to the intestinal tract through the Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) triggering the production of the Ca++ uptake protein.

What are the effects of and reasons for symptoms associated with a deficiency?

Rickets & Osteomalacia

Softening and deformation of bones

Vitamin D Resistant Rickets

Found in renal failure patients Cannot perform second hydroxylation reaction

What is the RDA Value for dietary levels of vitamin D?

There is no value USE AI

5-15 mcg (200-600 IU)

If I have renal failure what form of vitamin D will build up in my body?

25-hydroxycholecalciferol Why?

Because 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (in the liver) must be transported to the kidney where it is hydroxylated a second time forming the active 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. (the active form)

What was the active form again?


Where is hydroxylation from the liver?

Where is the final hydroxylation step making the active form?

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