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Managing People Role

Line Managers
Line managers manage activity in the value chain They manager resources, including human resources Since human resources are difficult to manage, need help from specialists; but still have the responsibility. HR cannot manage human resources for the line manager!!! Maximum success will be due to effective management of people Maximum losses will incur with poor mgnt of people. Excellent orgns retain and grow customers through services they provide through their people. Unpredictability of people disturbs the line manager; hence uncomfortable in dealing with people.

Line Managers
Line managers know their subordinates best. They are in touch with their subordinates more often and understand them as individuals: their competencies, likes, dislikes, aspirations, need for learning and growth. Only the line manager can manage their subordinates the best and abdicating this resp will only cripple him/her. The line manager, thus has to handle his/her people differently.

Vision / Mission / Objectives

To get buy-n to the orgn objectives, line magr need to play a facilitative role. Get the people excited about the vision Use missionary zeal to convert the followers Connect each members aspirations to the orgns. Involve them in the setting of objectives

Strategy and Planning for people

Get the employees involved in making strategies for their work and for what affects their work. Determine the number and competency of people needed into the future planned Plan for succession.

Recruiting People
Understand the need for people vis--vis skills, knowledge and experience Most important is the attitude and fit in the dept/orgn Have clarity on the role needed to be filled Select for a good fit Look for people who can adapt, see connections, innovate, communicate and work with others.

Most resignations happen in the first 3 months of the individual joining the orgn Since the mgr creates the climate, can enable a comfort level. Clarify the roles to be played; provide necessary resources to perform effectively Can communicate the emotional issues

Career Development
The manager has a facilitative role Help individual develop plan of action for the future. Based on understanding of the individual,help suggest appropriate action plan for the future. Provide individual projects and assignments to test skills and build confidence.

Performance Appraisal & Support

Performance appraisal is performance counselling Managing performance is the ultimate objective of every manager. Ensure optimum utilization of resources. Can leverage tremendous performance advantage. Observe performance on a continuous basis, provide course correction as required. Appraisal, counselling to be in real time Give feedback immediately after the behaviour Keep constant touch, , monitor processes, provide fair rewards, let some go, ensure quality and productivity.

Training & Development

If not planned, implemented and followed up properly, will be a terrible waste of resources. Line manager most affected by lack of skills in the subordinate Need to use yardstick to evaluate effectiveness and suggest appropriate learning for improvement to tackle needed assignments Learning support could be: mentoring, coaching, counseling, training, etc. Be in the loop to see that the learning process succeeds.

Rewards & Punishments

Define achievement to enable reward and punishment. Set targets, define measures and provide appropriate rewards. Ensure fairness in rewards provided; rewards should be merited Know what rewards will motivate subordinate Punishments should be largely avoided and should involve correctional measures. For deliberate lapses, censure should be swift

Build confidence in times of change. Have a dialogue and answer queries frankly. Enable the experience of change with a positive mind. Help individuals tap into their creativity.

Help individual understand the spirit in the workplace and create the climate to work with it. Spirit enables individual to commit to work, be enthusiastic in delivering the best , build synergy. Make individual feel, working for own company

To knit the above activities together Must gain the faith, trust and respect of the subordinates. A unique skill, unique to each individual and dyad and circumstances. Handle each individual separately. Pick appropriate persons to fill roles Empower people to discover potential and put in best efforts Provide climate for sharing and trust and feeling of can do. Provide confidence to work during the uncertainties of change.

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