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Consultative Selling

FY 2013 - 14

The typical services sales process

Prospect identification & First contact Lead qualification/Generate Interest Training and employment opportunity Prospect information /Background Info Counselling and Suggest Program (on paid basis) Program related queries/Willingness for joining paid training program First level objection handling/ Affordability Probe Trial close Issue a Trainee Recommendation Form Walk-in commitment, date/time for the visit Walk-in at IIS 2nd Level counselling, entry gate test Entry Gate result (if passed) Depsoit registration fee and enrolment form

Market Development & Lead generation

Market Development efforts targeted towards creation of latent demand in consumer training solution category.


Understanding the Target Audience Who are our customers?

0s and 90s

Engineerin g

Medicin e CA Bankin g


te 90s & early 2000

Information Technology Finance Engineerin g Management

Medicin e CA Education

Law Journalism

Govt. Job Hotel Management

ely Itz an Explosion!

Govt. Job Information Technology Retail Finance Fashion Design Aviation Engineerin Textiles BPO Mediag Medicin Financial Services Management e Actuarial Sciences CA Telecom Foreign Languages Fine Arts Advertising Law Travel & Tourism Journalism Media Performing Arts Forensic Sciences Hotel Management +++ NGOs

Education Biotechnology

Yesterday Today
80s & 90s : Doesnt know the meaning of Choices, goes with the flow I let my parents decide. They knew what was best for me.

Late 90s & early 2000 : Confident, Influenced by peers My parents want me to be an just want a good salary. Which

Confused, Not very

Engineer, my friends are doing CA. I way do I go??

Lately : Confident, Knows the options available, just needs some guidance

I dont want to do what my father or grandfather did. There are so many options available today where you can do really well. I want to do my own thing !!

Our Customers
On the Ground we have 2 very strong Worlds!

DQ worl d

Engin eri ng / e StreaIT m world

The Eng &IT World

2.4 mn and IT-Pre-Disposed Is easy to reach out using BTL & CRM Takes care of our seasonality problem Can look at NIIT today as a single - window education service provider, AND, not just a technology peddler IT Needs are Multi-Level Is a more sought after profile by the Industry Has a 100% Probability of being a Potential Target Audience The employer says Where is He? Get him to me! Buys into IT but has to buy into NIIT Will be reached out to, using NFE OUR ANSWER for Engineers & Campaigns like NITAT, Techknow, AAE

The DQ World

7.5 mn of which 35% WILL LIKE TO ENGAGE WITH US! Needs IT to Be More Successful in which-ever walk of life they venture into If Not engaged in Engineering or Medicine, typically evaluates a career in finance OR Vocational OR MBA eventually for Career Insurance! Is Vulnerable currently & is looking at NIIT as an Inspiring Mentor Has a very actively participating Parent Segment, who, also needs to be engaged with Is not a profile with typically high Xth and XIIth scores The employer says Who is He? Why Him? First IT, Then NIIT Is being Wooed using Careerscope, NITAT, BJS

Persuasive Communication For Need Fit

Communications Elements
idea code decode meani ng

method channel/medi a sender receiver


You are never not communicating. Communication is a difficult process, filled with numerous challenging variables. When crises arise, emotions run high, an accurate, clear communication is essential.



sende r

receive r

Communication Model

Noise Sender Encoding Message Decoding Feedback Receiver

Purpose of Feedback

To alert the sender to the receivers

depth of understanding feelings about the content of the message future course of the conversation

Means of Communication



Means of Communication

Means of Communication

Means of Communication



Body Language
Impact Of Message

7% by words used 38% by tone 55% by facial expressions Four Parts

How One appears ? Dress and grooming How One sounds while talking? Tone, Pitch and Modulation How One handles Communicative parts ? Posture, Movement, Gestures How One handles space? Intimate, Personal, Social and Public zones

Persuasive Communication
Essentials of verbal communication

Preparation- Understanding of my role Clarity- Structured flow of speech Conciseness- Short sentences, not verbose

Credibility Reinforce Words with Action

Simplicity- KISS Vividity- Interesting/Use Multiple Channels

Feedback Regular and with Patience

Persuasive Communication
Non-verbal Communication

Smiling and pleasant Proper grooming Well modulated voice Eye contact Gestures like nodding while listening Attentive posture Clean work station

When Things Arent Going Well in a counseling session reason is usually lack of

Confidence Conviction Enthusiasm

Persuasive Communication

Confidence: Belief in oneself. Conviction: Belief in ones work. Enthusiasm: A happy, pleasant disposition that exudes a positive attitude.

Persuasive Communication
Confidence, Conviction, Enthusiasm
o o

Positive attitude is infectious. Customers have greater belief in the offering if the counselor is positive. Convincing others becomes easier.

One can deal with doubts and objections without getting defensive.

Persuasive Communication
Three Tells
Tell them what you are going to tell them - Tell them - Tell what you told them


Specific Timely Brief

Barriers to Communication

Hearing & Listening

Hearing is a PHYSICAL process that takes place NATURALLY. Listening is a MENTAL process that requires EFFORT. Listening is WANTING to HEAR & UNDERSTAND to get an accurate perception of what is being Time Spent communicated
9% on working 16% on reading 30% on speaking 45% on Listening

Effective Active Listening Steps

Focus Receive and acknowledge Interpret Evaluate Respond Remember

Persuasive Communication

Listening by a counselor

Patience Dont Talk Asking relevant questions Eye Contact Nodding Put the speaker at Ease Dont Jump to Conclusions Dont Get Distracted

Listening is not a passive activity. It requires full concentration and active involvement.


Probing Probing is the questions that one asks the customer to find out his requirements. This is a very critical and important aspect of selling The objective probing is to uncover customer needs that can be supported by product benefits

Open Probe

When one asks open-ended question it is an open probe. It stimulates the customer to expand on something he has already stated. For example What are your future plans What kind of computer program do you want?

When does one use an open probe?

Open probe should be used when: The customer desires to understand the motivation/desire of the customer When the customer is unresponsive

Closed Probe

Closed probe are questions that steer the conversation to a specific topic of ones choices and limits the customers responses to yes/no answer or a focused, specific response. For example: What are your educational qualifications? When do your final exams get over?

When does one need a closed probe?

Closed probe should be used when:

A customer is unresponsive to open probing In the opening to get specific answers One desires the conversation to a new or specific topic

Importance of probing

Probing helps you to: Uncover and develop customers need Focus your customer on issues that you want them to consider Change tracks in a discussion Makes the other person think Keep the other persons attention Prove to your customer that you really care for them

All that sounds familiar. I have been doing all of the above but still all the enquiries do not convert.

It is probably then time to understand What is my role ? What goes on in the mind of a customer when he/she BUYS? How do I sell ?

Who in our centers is the ambassador of NIIT?

Our Counselor who is NIITs Brand ambassador too!

And hence, we first need to understand.

Role Of A counselor Steps in a selling cycle

What is Counseling?

Counseling is a process by which a counselor


helps other people cope with difficult situations in their lives so that they are able to find realistic ways to solve their problems helps people to make their own choices rather than giving them advice or telling them what to do empowers people to act on their choices and decisions, and provides them with an opportunity for self-discovery and selfdetermination


Who is a Counselor?

A counselor is not someone who has all the answers, gives advice or tells people what to do. A counselor helps people make their own decisions in order to take the best course of action in solving their problems A counselor helps people to manage their own life as effectively as possible. It is important that the counselor explains his/her role when a person is first given counseling.

Role Of a Counselor
The role of a counselor is to:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Be a good listener. Ask appropriate questions. Summarize what the person has said. Provide relevant information. Give emotional support. Help facilitate decision making.

Selling Skills

The Buying Cycle

Recognition of need
Evaluation of options Elimination of doubts Decision to buy

Lets understand Why and How people Buy

Salespeople are trained to emphasize the benefits of their product or service The idea is to sell the buyer with a positive approach. Often, however, sales are made by eliminating the negatives Most buyers operate out of 3 fears
- The -

product wont perform

Not worth the price What will parents / friends think?

Why and How people Buy

Physiological needs necessary for health and normal well being eg. Food, drink, clothing, house Safety needs eg. Security system for a house Social needs eg. Joining a tennis club Ego needs eg. A new college graduate goes to buy a sports car Self Actualization needs which relate to the desire to attain ones full potential in life and work. Eg. A person wanting to open a business goes to a bank to discuss a commercial loan

Adapted 8 level Hierarchy of Needs diagram, based on Maslow's theory

Transcendence helping others to selfactualise Self-actualisation personal growth, self-fulfilment Aesthetic needs beauty, balance, form, etc Cognitive needs knowledge, meaning, self-awareness Esteem needs achievement, status, responsibility, reputation Belongingness and Love needs family, affection, relationships, work group, etc Safety needs protection, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc

Biological and Physiological needs basic life needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc.

Selling Skills
What is selling

Selling is the process of satisfying the customers needs with product benefits.

Selling Skills
Push Style
The relatively low level of involvement from the customer characterizes push style. Questions asked by the salesperson are not aimed towards identifying/developing the needs of the customer. He gives information and proposes a solution to the customer. People often assume that Push style selling is always aggressive. This may not always e the case. It can also be delivered quietly and assertively.

Selling Skills
The push style works very well under the following situations:

The customer knows the product. Risk perceived by the customer in purchasing the product is low. Perceived price of the product by the customer is not high. When something is being offered free/trial/concession rates. When the customer has nothing to lose, only something to gain.

Selling Skills
Pull style
A high level of involvement from the customer from the customer characterizes pull styles. The salesperson uses questioning behaviour to invite the customer to consider the issue and generate solution.

Selling Skills

Pull style works very well with the following situations:

Customer does not know the product. Customer has not recognized any need for the product. Risk perceived by the customer in purchasing the product is high. Perceived price of the product by the customer is high.

Important steps in the selling process

Prospecting or Cold Calling! Approach ..Meeting Prospect and probing! Presentation and FABing! Trial Close.. Asking your Es opinion during and after presentation! Objections Uncover them! Meet Objections. Satisfactorily Trial Close Asking your Es opinion after overcoming each objection and immediately before the close! Close bring E to the logical conclusion to buy! Follow Up and service after sale!


Cold Canvas

Based on the law of averages, I.e. if 1 out of every 10 buy, then 50 calls would result in 5 sales Includes house calls Referral method

Endless chain

Public Exhibitions Direct Mail Telephone and tele-marketing Observation Center of Influence!

Thru Who we call Influencers!


Do a Good Profiling thru Pre-app and asking the relevant Questions!

"If you don't care what the answer is then don't ask the question!"

6 main reasons to ask questions!

#1-To Build Rapport and Establish Trust

#2-Getting the "Lay of the Land" to gather intent.

# 3,4,5-To Discover Pains, Fears, & Desires

#6-To Create a Deficit

2 Questions each of the following types:
To Build Rapport and Establish Trust Getting the "Lay of the Land" to gather intent. To Create a Deficit

#1 #2

# 3,4,5 To Discover Pains, Fears, & Desires #6

What is your questioning style?

Awareness of needs!

Three degrees of needs have been identified


Conscious level fully aware Pre-conscious level. Partially aware Un-conscious level..Do not know what they want to buy!

A FABulous approach to Buyer Need Satisfaction

Benefit selling is the key A product feature is any physical characteristic of a product A product advantage is the performance characteristic of a product A product benefit is a favorable result the buyer receives from the product because of a particular feature or advantage that has the ability to satisfy a buyers need

A FABulous approach to Buyer Need Satisfaction

Features So What? Advantages Prove It! Be prepared to substantiate any claims you make! Benefits Sell it! Whats in it for me!

A FABulous approach to Buyer Need Satisfaction

This air conditioner has a high energy efficiency rating [feature] that will save you 10% on your energy costs[benefits] because it uses less electricity[advantage]

A Sale in Need is a Sale Indeed!

Every sale stems from a Need. Need is a dissatisfaction on the buyers part, a feeling of of inadequacy or frustration or restlessness, an unsolved problem, a thought that things could be better. Although some buyers are strongly aware of their own needs, others are only vaguely aware that a need even exists. The successful sales person is the one who can not only fill the need of the first type, but can develop a need, create an awareness, in the mind of the second. How can you know the needs of the buyer if he himself doesnt? Sometimes you cant. But turn it around. What are your products benefits? Every product has a benefit. And every benefit fills a need. Determine that need. Then convince the buyer he has it


Take 2 features of the Futurz program of studies and discuss their Advantages & Benefits

Trial Close

How does that sound to you? Are these the features you are looking for? Is this what you are interested in? Is this important to you?


Uncover Them! Meet Them!


The Hidden Objection!

- Smoke -

out the Objections!

Look out for signals like facial expressions, tone of voice.. Come On, tell me, whats really on your mind! Ill think it over. Ill be ready to buy on your next visit

The Stalling Objection!


The No-Need Objection! Money Objection!!

Price Objection Handling!

When a prospect gives you sales objections or sales resistance, one of the above issues is usually the case. However, they might not tell you their real reason. There is, what I call in the sales process, a truth line. Prospects often tell you what is above the line, hiding the real truth below the line. For example: The prospect says, The price is too high. What else could they really be saying? What is below the truth line? I dont have the money or credit. You havent convinced me it is worth the price you are asking (perceived value). I dont have the authority to make a decision , but I dont want to admit that.

Our Pricing!

Too many sales people focus on price and forget about value! Price is simply what you charge! Value is the sum total of all of the positive effects that the product or service has on the buyers business.

In most cases, your offering has many benefits for the customer. Each of those has a corresponding value that adds to the equation. Business customers buy because they believe that they will get value that is significantly larger than the cost. In fact, most buyers are unaware of many of the benefits of their purchases and therefore underestimate the value they receive Every price is too high without an appreciation of value . Every price the customer offers, before they understand the value, is too low!

Our Pricing!
Could that be why you lose when you respond to the caller who says, I just need a price? Maybe they think you are just like everyone else. After all, you did not bother to tell them any differently. Hey, we all reject stuff we dont understand. How many times have you seen someone handing out free stuff on the street or in the mall and simply passed them buy. Its FREE and you wont take it! You dont see the value!!

Our Pricing!

Clients don't want cheap. They want the best value for their dollar !! Price / Value = Cost!

If value is less, Cost seems high!

We are building a product up to a quality and not down to a price! Obviously you must have a reason for looking exclusively on the rupee side of the proposal, lets review the value you will be receiving!


When do you close?????


When the prospect is ready! When he asks questions.How much is it? When he asks another persons opinion. When he relaxes and becomes friendly! Carefully examines brochures, C/W! After you close.. You just Shut Up!

The seven Deadly sins of Selling!

Lack of Product Knowledge! Time Wasting! Poor FABing! Pushiness! Lack of Dependability! Unprofessional Conduct! Unlimited Optimism and False Promises!

After Sales What???!

Before I joined.. You kept calling me, you told me how this was the best place for me, and now that I joined you stopped showing any interest in me or my problems! What happened? You just stopped being my customer! After the Sale, the Honey-moon is Over!

Selling Against Competition

Youre always selling against the competition. The prospect either already uses a competitive product or service, has used one, would like to use one, has heard of one, or knows people who have used one. He has seen the competitions ads and probably their salespeople as well.. What do you do? You Dont! Ignore the competition. Refuse to talk about them. Emphasize your own products strengths. If the prospect brings up the competition, be fair and magnanimous.Sure theyre good. Were Better!Never criticize them. Criticism indicates a lack of confidence on your part. And a lack of judgement! If the prospect doesnt bring the competition into the discussion, dont do it yourself. Why give them the free advertising? They wont give it to you!

What will you do differently from tomorrow?

How will you create a WOW?


Can we bring some method to this madness?

Yes. Here is ANSWER

Approach of
Build Trust/Rapport Special/Tailor Made Program Based on Profile




Enforce Demos
To Build the WOW experience. Seeing is Believing Only NIIT


Curriculum Support/ Current Trends/ Certification/ Career Uncover Explicit/Implicit Needs for better program fitment

Show Case
Solution Proposition Need Based Demo Education delivery @ NIIT Prove Faculty Efficiency Prove Placements Regions Testimonials

Weed Out/ Win Win/ Why Now.

Address Doubts & Objections Win-Win Strategy Why Should the enquiry join immediately.


To Make the Enquiry feel that NIIT has designed this program specifically for his her profile type

The Three Cs stage


The objective to categorize the enquiries basis the three Cs is to give more focused and personal approach to counseling.

The Three Cs stage

Categorization DQ/EIT Career Path Courses

The Three Cs stage

Categorization: Categorization between the EIT & DQ segment. Accordingly the candidate can be sent to either the DQ or the EIT desk. DQ : BA/BCOM/BA/BSC EIT: Engineering/IT Stream

The Three Cs stage

Career Path: The mindset of the enquiry and his/her future plans are identified once we know what industry is the enquiry interested in to pursue a job. Accordingly a course/program can be identified. However this is not the solution proposing stage.

The Three Cs stage

Courses: If the candidate is absolutely sure about the course he wishes to pursue then he needs to be counseled only on that specific program/course/technology.

Categorize for DQ/EIT



Sure about Career Path Y Sure Abt Course Y Program as per choice N Y N

Sure about Career Path

Y Sure Abt Course



Program as per choice

Welcome Letter EIT/DQ

Dear Student. Welcome to NIIT. You are at the brink of making a decision, which, will impact your career & more importantly, your whole life ahead. Please invest this time with our academic counselors who will guide you on what program is most relevant for you. However, to do so, they will need to understand your profile & what exactly is your reason for pursuing an IT program. You would also realize during this interaction that IT is all pervasive & provides opportunities galore. What more than to understand what you enjoy doing most, your hobbies & marrying our program offering to your interest. After all, the best professionals today are those whose career is their extended area of interest. We hope you find the association with our counselors inspiring & we also seek your consent for some probing that our counselors will need to do, to make this interaction meaningful.

Sample Welcome Letter

We wish you the very best for your future. In case, there are queries un-answered, or doubts that have not been satisfactorily handled, please note that I am absolutely accessible. You can contact me in my cabin or call me on _________. We encourage participation by parents in the counseling & decision-making process & in case your parents wish to seek any clarification, I will feel privileged to render support.

Warm Regards,

Center Head (for NIIT Ltd.)

Approach of
Build Trust/Rapport Special/Tailor Made Program Based on Profile






Curriculum Support/ Current Trends/ Certification/ Career Uncover Explicit/Implicit Needs for better program fitment

Show Case
Solution Proposition Need Based Demo Education delivery @ NIIT Prove Faculty Efficiency Prove Placements Regions Testimonials

Weed Out/ Win Win/ Why Now.

Address Doubts & Objections Win-Win Strategy Why Should the enquiry join immediately.

Enforce Demos
To Build the WOW experience. Seeing is Believing


To Make the Enquiry feel that NIIT has designed this program specifically for his her profile type


Approach Of Exclusivity

This is the first step to the counseling at the EIT/DQ desk. This talks about giving a General Benefit Statement to the enquiry giving an elated feeling of Trust and compassion. Ex:, NIIT has launched a course especially for BSc IT 1st Year students, keeping in mind the typical requirements any Bsc IT 1st Year student would have.

Need Identification

Nothing is more validating and affirming than feeling understood. And the moment a person begins feeling understood, that person becomes far more open to influence and change
Stephen covey


Need Identification
- Pre-App -

filled up

Aptitude Assessment done as a diagnostic

Please create a confidence here that the aptitude assessment helps NIIT arrive at what will be most suitable program offering for the candidate The assessment also introduces the candidate to the most resorted to tool for recruitment In fact much before a student faces an interview, he/she has to clear the aptitude test

Post Pre-App Filling up, move the student to Aptitude Assessment!

We have just assessed your need to do an IT program through a discussion with you. Hope you were comfortable. Now, it is important that before we proceed any further, you take up an aptitude assessment which will serve as a diagnostic, and coupled with your NEED Identification, we will be in a better position to suggest an appropriate program commensurate with your requirement & aptitude Come this way

Program Selection.

The student is put thru a FO Test and Interview

If FO Test score is I f I nterview rating is

Program offered is


>=14 >=14 >=11

>=4 on base 5 >=3 on base 5 >=3 on base 5

Curriculum Support Seekers
I have done various technologies in college, however I was deprived of proper infrastructure which hampered my learning Whatever I learned in college I have forgotten I need better grades and scores.

Current Technologies Support

I Understand that there are umpteen opportunities in the IT/ITeS industry. However I am nave to the latest technologies available in the market and therefore may not get the right kind of job.

Whatever I learned in the beginning of the semester, is now outdated. I need to rejuvenate my learning with the latest trends? My College syllabi is all outdated! I need to up skill myself to perform better

Certification Support
I have been observing the job requirements published and advertised in the media. There is a requirement for international Certifications. It is important to be certified with the owner of a technology on having learnt the technology to specified objectives. I have seen my peers doing these certifications and getting great jobs

Career Support
I have been observing the job requirements published and advertised in the media. There is a pent up need for IT & ITeS professionals..

I need a program which increases the probability of my getting a job right after graduation. I am looking for a dual qualification!

Post the assessment, if recognized as GNIIT/AAE

Present the offer letter and take forward So, would you like to know how the GNIIT/AAE program can benefit you?

Welcome Letter EIT/DQ

GNIIT Offer letter
Dear Student,
Congratulations. You have qualified for admission to our GNIIT Program of studies. Admission to this program is based on your performance in the Aptitude Test, the personal discussion & an assessment of your overall interest in wanting to pursue the dynamic & rapidly growing IT Industry. GNIIT provides you with a platform to showcase your flair, talent and aptitude & present the same to employers, apart from providing you the choice of a host of Industries to associate with. NIIT will back you with all the support that makes winners out of young minds. This program however, will give you the real benefit ONLY if your contribution matches on tenacity & perseverance. We are sensitized to the fact that most of our GNIITians are pursuing their college education simultaneously, along with our program, and we must re-assure you that the design of our program accommodates the same. We would urge you to strike the correct balance between both these domains so that you emerge with flying colors on both. The degree from college is as important as is the GNIIT Diploma from NIIT. Your 1year of Professional Practice would equip with both technical & behavioral skills that the Industry is looking for & the experience gathered would give you a head -start in your career. We must remind you that this internship bridges the divide between the world of learning & world of work and helps provide a smooth transition from Knowledge to skill. For those of you who wish to pursue higher education, it will be prudent to mention that the GNIIT program provides you a lateral entry into the 3rd semester of the 4-semester MSc IT program & please note that GNIITians can pursue this MSc irrespective of the graduation / 12th discipline they hail from. At this very critical juncture of your life, the world has its eyes on you. Whether it is your family & friends, or, the world of employers, each wants the best from you & we at NIIT firmly believe that we would like our student GNIITians to walk out of NIIT as mature & poised citizens, who have begun young, have financial independence and well-earned titles like workexperience certificate, Vendor certification certificate/s, an Industry-sought GNIIT Diploma & a winning attitude to make heads turn & notice them. No wonder then, that we believe you will Change the Way the world looks at you. Our next GNIIT batch is scheduled to begin on ___________________ & the slot for this batch is _________ to _______. Please contact the registration desk for all formalities of admission.

Warm Regards, Center Head (For NIIT Ltd) __________ (Date)


Show-Case Some things that u must know

- IT -

Demand Supply

IT inside every Industry

Show-Case GNIIT

Use the What GNIIT Gives you leafer

Industry Orientation Kit

Carries Industry trends Carries c/w on Aptitude Assessment Carries case studies on behavioral traits through experiential learning Carries c/w that enables certification

kit for T1 enabling MCSD, MCSA kit for T2 enabling MCSA certification, No certification but prepares student to become a Specialist in EIS [Executive Information Systems]

Technology Obsolescence Insurance

What GNIIT Gives You

Today, Success in Life is all about making the Right Choices, acquiring the

maximum in the shortest span possible & beginning young. Youth of today are far more aware & conscious of this, than ever before. Competition is soaring & many avenues are available today - from Engineering & Medicine to Interior Designing & Jewellery designing. Tennis champion Sania Mirza, Cricket icon Sehwag, & Indian Idol Abhijeet Sawant followed their instincts & Changed the way the World looks at them. Like-wise there are many of us, who are aspiring to begin young in fields of our interest, with some apprehensions at times about what if we do not make it or what if we make it but do not succeed! In times like these, it is best to have more than a single option, an option that one can always fall back on, an option that complements performance in every walk of life, an option that provides you a safety net, an option that is not limiting , an option that opens up a world of opportunities & an option that also is an extension of your core competency. Your schooling & college education does not get used in its totality in your chosen profession, but nevertheless, provides your personality a certain solidity that will be always welcome. Most of us hail from schools & colleges that we are proud to be alumni of & most of us make it to places because we were associated with them.

Our Institution, believes in the philosophy of imparting wholistic education & empowering GNIITians to make their own choices in domains of their own interest areas. NIIT facilitates this decision making process by providing opportunities that are as many as diverse. Hence there are GNIITians working in Banks & Financial Institutions, EDP departments of Multinationals, Sales & Marketing in FMCGs, Government Organizations, Technical Writing, Systems Administration, Fashion Designing, Law, Advertising and the list goes on. Many GNIITians realize their acumen for IT only after joining NIIT. More than 1 Lakh GNIITians have done us, their parents and friends proud & their employers proud! When they walked out of NIIT, they walked out with ammunition to give them the much desired advantage! What GNIIT gave them was

An Industry Recognized GNIIT Diploma One-Year Professional Practice that helped them convert knowledge to skill. o A platform that helped them to integrate their professional skills with their problem solving skills, intellectual ability, decision-making ability & creativity. o This objective is often described as theory-practise symbiosis-Practise School A lateral entry into MSc IT o This lateral entry in independent of stream pursued at the XIIth or graduation level

Technology Obsolescence Insurance o A 3-year Insurance module that insures learners from the danger of of skills obsolescence, post completion of the GNIIT program of studies, through a radical delivery of content via mix of CDs and`web-based learning o Provides access to newer versions of technologies & upgradation of existing ones o Provides e-lab facility, where one can under-take these projects on the technology of their choice, with feedback assured o Newsletters on Industry updates o Placement Opportunities Industry Orientation - Profile Enhancer: There is a capsule on Personality Development and the CDS kits have Aptitude Assessment modules which will help you prepare your Personal Profile. Academic Enhancer: Preparation for Relevant & Cutting Edge Technologies through International Certification. Employability Enhancer: Provides you an avenue for continuous Improvements on your Employability through Career Development Sessions during GNIIT & Technical Update after passing out GNIIT through Technology Obsolescence Protection

Online Learning support o Our Student learning portal provides for practice tests & assignments that enable internalizing concepts. o Students can also post queries on Experts Answer and use Online Libraries 24*7 faculty o Our portal provides 24*7 faculty support for candidates who wish to have their queries resolved while working at home Technical Skills Core Concepts, Software Engineering & Key Technologies o Our curriculum looks at making our students productive from day 1 at their work-place where, a judicious mix of core concepts & key technologies is a must o Our Machine room practicals have part written programs on which students need to build code, just like the way they would in a real-life environment, where coding never begins from scratch

Hybrid Methodology o The teaching methodology at NIIT is designed such that students are in a structured manner exposed to self-learning in an on-line mode. o The training material comprises of courseware and CDs , so that the student apart from getting trained by faculty, gets introduced to online learning and hence can upgrade his skills on his own in the future. CDs provide an any-time, any place, any pace learning platform o We at NIIT believe in this methodology since our students should gradually become self-reliant and capable of adapting to new technologies through self learning in online mode and thereby reduce dependance on instructor-led mode, more-so because in this industry, students have to continuously keep them-selves abreast with latest technology developments Behavioral skills Team Interaction, Effective Communication, Corporate etiquette, Result Orientation o All projects, seminar presentations are made by student teams so that they understand dynamics of team interaction o The Professional practice period also becomes the coaching ground for students who are uncomfortable in group interactions or Inter personal relation-ships

What the Industry Looks for

Technical Skills

What GNIIT offers

The core technical contents of IEC where perfect mix of core concepts & New technologies
IOK Career Development using c/w that helps learn through experiential learning

Behavioral Skills

Ability to upgrade skills through Online learning promotion through self-learning Hybrid methodology Work Experience Ability to apply concepts learned Professional Practice Projects, Part Machine Rooms, PP


Weed out Doubts


Handle objections like Fee, Duration, Need The source of these objections to come from the NID

Win Win proposition Why Now


Enforce Demos thru NIIT Way

a) How the Industry views students from the Institution demo of b) The Placement Track Record of the Institution Our placement c) 24*7 faculty support & Faculty profile demo of d)Curriculum Content, Design , Methodology & Infrastructure exit profiles, Learner centric methodology Hybrid, guided tour e) One that provides Real-Life Training experience through Internship, grooms you for facing Industry Interviews, preparing resumes, & makes you Industry ready - PP f)An Institution that has a track record in IT Education, global reach & a wide-network with the Industry Our credentials g) An Institution that makes you self-reliant and equips you with ways to keep yourself updated in latest technologies, provides you with Technology Obsolescence Insurance & provides you with Practice Tests, Practice assignments & an Industry accepted system of Performance Appraisal practise tests & assignements h) The Fees to be paid

Use Flip-Chart for the above Power of PP Success stories & Partial Placements PUP Success Explanation of what the employers look for

Educate the student about the multi-track opportunity

Recommend a track

Show him the product features of track briefly

Exit Discussion is a must


Before you leave, I will urge you to meet my center head

SOCO while recommending tracks : this is what I am

recommending and towards the end of Sem 1, we will confirm your track, because by then you would have your performance in front of you, you may have changed your preference or we may feel you have better aptitude for an alternate track, whichever ways the guiding principle will be your industry acceptability


Register into a batch Refferals

Track Confirmation

Done after MT1 and before payment of Sem2 fees Involves


PAX MT1 Stream XIIth scores

What is the fees for GNIIT?

SoIs GNIIT Value for money??




What the flip-chart will provide

The IT story The IEC story The NIIT Way The Placement successes

What you need to ensure in your centers

What all material should definitely be there at the FO


GNIIT Search Engine screen grabs screen grabs IOK kits, C/W, Project of student, GNIIT PP diary, Mentor log-book. Wipro PUP CD Faculty profiles Placement data & testimonials & list of openings International Certification copies GNIIT Diploma copy Copy of MSc Certificate



3. Click GO

Approach of
Build Trust/Rapport Special/Tailor Made Program Based on Profile




Enforce Demos
To Build the WOW experience. Seeing is Believing Only NIIT


Curriculum Support/ Current Trends/ Certification/ Career Uncover Explicit/Implicit Needs for better program fitment

Show Case
Solution Proposition Need Based Demo Education delivery @ NIIT Prove Faculty Efficiency Prove Placements Regions Testimonials

Weed Out/ Win Win/ Why Now.

Address Doubts & Objections Win-Win Strategy Why Should the enquiry join immediately.


To Make the Enquiry feel that NIIT has designed this program specifically for his her profile type

Thank You

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