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International House-Jeddah

Language Center

Getting to know“

 Onion Cloud

 Two things you don’t mind share with

(Sts Write in a slip of paper then

 Two circles (T.picks up a topic then Sts talk

about it.
Classroom Management
 Lesson Planning
 Setting
 Monitoring
 Feedback
 Setting and Closing
of activities
 Management of
 Getting Student’s
Lesson Planning

?Who For how ? What ?Why

Stages Interactio Time procedur Aim
n/focus es
 An analysis of the TL
intended to be taught
regarding Meaning, Form,
Pronunciation and
 Identifyingproblems that you
anticipate students may have
with Meaning, Form and
Pronunciation and, hence,
suggesting solutions

 Listening and reading

 Speaking and writing

 Sub skills:

 Prediction and Guessing

:What are the Stages to

 Reading Comprehension Lesson

 Listening Based Lesson

 Pre-Teaching Vocabulary

 Language Based Lesson

The Perils of Teacher-centered lesson
Reading: A Receptive Skill
– Raise Student’s interest.
Establish context. Get students
personally involved in the
Prediction: of content, vocabulary, text type….
Get SS to predict from headlines, pictures,
key words etc. Brainstorm topic for ideas
and vocab
We learn more when we are personally
involved in the topic, and when we are able
to use our personal knowledge of world in
lesson. We learn best that which is
personally relevant to us.
1. Read for gist or scan for specific
Give task BEFORE the text. Tasks should be
relevant to text type. Don't over tax
other skills especially writing-so tick,
circle. put pix in order, complete notes in
chart etc.
 Why
 Students have a reason to read/listen for
global/general understanding or limited
key information. They focus NOT on what
they don’t understand but on what they
do. This gives them a more positive first
experience of the text.
1. Feedback/Task checking
 Students compare answers and then
feedback (open class).
 Why
 To increase SS’ confidence. They will
probably be more willing to give answers
to the class as a whole.
1.Read for more information
Again, SS MUST have task before they
start reading again. it will focus on
deeper understanding of content.
 Why
 The more time we ”go into“ the text the
more we go out of it. We want to give SS a
chance to read/listen to the text again but
with a different reason in order to develop
further understanding. It also reflects
strategies employed in L1.We hope SS to
feel confident enough to become more
independent in these skills in English.
 Feedback
Students compare answers and then
feedback in open class.
1. Read more intensively for further
This time you may focus on aspects of
layout and organization ,e.g. in a
letter. Or you may want to provide
a practice guessing words from
context. Or to extract structures
from this natural context for
Language work.
1. Feedback
2. Follow up tasks to receptive skills
It would almost certainly involve productive
skills: Speaking or Writing-a natural
follow up to the topic, e.g. a discussion, a
role- play ,a letter to the editor etc…
? What are theStages
Stages in a Language-Focused
 Establish Context/Topic.
 If using a text: Sts read (or listen to)
:Sts read or listen to) text
For gist i.e. for a
For detail
For even more detail
the same procedures as in skills lesson.… linguistic
1. Focus students on Target language
 If from text :isolate examples of TL
from text and:
3. Establish/identify Meaning of TL
(e.g. if TL is a tense, use timelines!)

5. Focus students on Form of TL (e.g.

put a model sentence on board and
elicit form)
2. Controlled (restricted) practice of
TL( e.g. gap fills,…)

4. Free (r) Practice

 When to focus on Pronunciation :…when/as it becomes
relevant, any time after clarifying Meaning of TL
(otherwise students are repeating things that are
 …and do remember to also address Appropriacy (register,
level of formality/informality…)as if relevant.
Teaching Vocabulary
 Four aspects must be taken into consideration:
 Meaning
 (To convey meaning: try to elicit meaning from
 Via situations
 Checking understanding
 Pronunciation
 Model- drill –choral then individual ------------
(to listen if it is pronounced correctly: Stress
 Written form on WB. ?What are the stages
 Form :verb, noun,
 Appropriacy : register , formal or informal ,slang

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