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Sample Outline for a Critical Essay

I. Introduction
a.Identify the work being criticized. b.Present thesis or argument about the work. c. Preview your argument (what are the steps you will take to prove your argument).

II. Summary of the Work

This does not need to be comprehensive. Present only what the reader needs to know to understand your argument.

III. Your Argument

a. Your argument will likely involve a number of subarguments or mini-theses you prove to prove your larger argument true.

Thesis: The author s presumption that the world will soon face a clash of civilizations is flawed because he inadequately specifies his key concept, civilizations.

How You Might Prove It

i. Note competing definitions of civilizations. ii. Identify how his examples do not meet the example of civilizations. iii. Argue that civilization is so broad and non-specific that it is not useful.

III. Your Argument

b. This should be the bulk of the paper.

c. What is important is your argument about the work, not a summary.

IV. Conclusion
a. Reflect on how you have proven your argument. b. Point out the importance of your argument. c. Note potential avenues for additional research or analysis.

Properly cite your sources within the body of the essay and include a list of sources at the end of the paper.

Proofread your essay. Mechanical errors (spelling, grammar, punctuation) lessen your credibility as an expert on your topic.

Comparison of Two Young Women Characters in Two th Classic 19 Century Short Stories
Excerpts from a Critical Essay

Women have traditionally been known as the less dominant sex. Through history women have fought for equal rights and freedom. They have been stereotyped as being housewives, and bearers and nurturers of the children. ..

Two interesting short stories, The Yellow Wall-paper and The Story of an Hour, focus on a womans plight near the turn of the 19th century. This era is especially interesting because it is a time in modern society when women were still treated as second class citizens

These two characters will be examined to note the commonalities and differences it will be shown that the woman in the The Story of an Hour is a stronger character based on the two important criteria of rationality and freedom.

Summary of the Work

In The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the unnamed female protagonist is going through a rough time in her life confined to room to a room with strange wall-paper. This odd wallpaper seems to symbolize the complexity and confusion in her life

Your Argument
As far as the very important quality of rationality is concerned, there is a significant difference between these two main characters. Mrs. Mallard is the more rational of the two female heroines. She is very articulate and she knows what she wants.

Your Argument
Her depictions of life are very clear and intelligent. For example, in her thoughts is this: In a street below a peddler was crying his wares (Chopin 71). With such depiction she reveals a sharp mind. Her sense of hearing is acute and she is very aware of her surroundings.

Your Argument
On the other hand, the narrator in Wallpaper is more irrational she is obsessed with the wall-paper in her room. She just stares at it with the intent of finding some meaning in her life. Being confined to her room, this is how she passes her time. She, however, gets too involved.

Your Argument
Here is some of her crazy description: But, on the other hand, they connect diagonally, and the sprawling outlines run off in great slanting waves of optic horror, like a lot of wallowing sea-weeds in full chase (Gilman 165).

There are many similarities between these two heroines in some way they both struggle for their rationality, however, Mrs. Mallard succeeds best in doing so even with a relatively short life, Mrs. Mallard is a stronger character because she is more rational and freer

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