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Group Member Name: Jamaliah Munir 29127 Kong Sing Yee 29135 Ngu Tai Lin 29191 Liu

Gar Nyuk 29140

Helper anyone assists others to understand, overcome, or deal with external or internal problems. Helpee anyone who assistance or help from others to deal with their concernor issues. Helping a process whereby someone who needs help is being helped by someone who is able to help.

Case Detail
Helpee felt stress on her studies and homesick problem and decided want to quit her University studies. Helpee is a student that just gets into University. She cant follow and suit herself with the University teaching system and variety culture. Helpee cannot cope with the learning system in her studies and afraid her coursemate will look down on her.

Helpee frequent misses her families which are live far away from her.

Helpee Profile
Name : Kong Sing Yee Date of Birth : 27 September 1989 Address :23C, Taman Seri, 31400 Ipoh Perak, Malaysia.



Main problem: Felt stress on her studies and homesick problems and decide to quit her University studies.

Techniques and skills

Face helpee squarely Open posture Learn towards helpee at times Eye contact Relax

Helping Skills


Minimal Response


Close question

Open question

Minimal Response

Helpee: Actually I felt stress on my study in this new environment and I want to quit my study here.

Helper: Emm You felt stress studying in the new environment and decided to quit your study

Helpee: At secondary school, we are taught almost everything. In university, all lecturers only teach using slides. There is no spoon feeding way of teaching like in school. Students have to independently study by their own.

Helper: You cant handle your university life.

Helpee: I felt lack of confident in class. Helper: I dont really understand why you are lack of confident in class, could you explain more about it?

Helpee: Im scared that my coursemate will look down at me.
Helper: You said that you scared your coursemates would look down at you. Am I right?

Helpee: Ive tried to give my participation by giving an idea but they just ignore and not consider my idea at all. I felt offended when they treat me like that.

Helper: Its really hurt if your coursemates ignored your participation and feeling.

Open question
Could you tell me one situation Helper: as an example?


Last week, we had a class activity which required us to sit in a group and discuss the answer for a case study. My group member just ignore my participation.

Close question

Helper: Does your family know about your problem?

Helpee: No.

So far, we have talked about your homesick and study problem. You felt stress with the problem and these problems causes you decided to quit your study. You have decided to manage on your study problem first before focusing on your homesick problem. You think that your study problem have to be solved first because it affect you a lot. Is that summarize all? If yes, we will continues discuss this issue in the coming session.


Yes, it summarizes all.

D - Develop the relationship, identify and clarifying problem

A - Assess problem and redefine in skill terms

S - State working goals and plan interventions I - Intervene to develop self- helping E End and consolidate self-helping skills

Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Help client overcome their difficulties by changing their thinking, behavior, and emotional responses. CBT has been shown to help with many different types of problems, include i) anxiety ii) depression iii) panic iv) stress , and v) others

Group Learning Experience

More understanding about helping skills process. Collaboration between group members. Increase our knowledge and creativity.

Interesting experience

Learn a lot of knowledge

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