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Psychology types


Study of human, their personality and behavior.


Study of people at work

Industrial Psychology

Types of Psychology

Basic/ Academic


Types of Psychology

Basic/ Academic

Science which work on academic & theoretical research to explain & predict human behavior

Types & of Psychology


Applying basic psychology to solve human behavior problems

Fields of basic Psychology

Biological Psychology Personality Psychology Abnormal Psychology Developmental Psychology Differential Psychology Experimental Psychology Cognitive Psychology Social Psychology Behavioral Psychology Quantitative Psychology Comparative Psychology

Fields of Applied Psychology

Clinical Psychology Industrial Psychology Child Psychology Criminal Psychology Sports Psychology Counseling Psychology Educational Psychology Health Psychology Military Psychology Environment Psychology Forensic Psychology

Applied Psychology

Child Psychology

From Birth to Puberty Hereditary factors Impact of home, school, community Leadership Qualities Selfishness Love and hatred Relationship with Parents, friends teachers, brothers, sisters etc

Adult Psychology

Education Environment Status Attitude Knowledge Communication Habits Peer Group

Educational Psychology

Deals with improvements of teaching and learning's in school & colleges Measuring abilities and performance Developing Curriculum, books, teaching methods Techniques for special children Act as advisors or councilors of students Programmes for students, teachers, parents

Criminal Psychology

Deals with the study of the will, thoughts, intentions and reactions of criminals. What makes someone commit crime More as offender profiling Preventive measures to control criminals behavior. Implementing plans for criminals rehabilitation

Forensic Psychology

Deals with the testimony on given issues

Conduct competency to stand trial evaluations Conduct Competency to be executed evaluations Recommending to court testimony

Counseling Psychology

Deals with improving personal and interpersonal functioning across life span with a focus on emotional, social, vocational, educational, Health, developmental and organizational concerns.

Counseling Psychology

It helps individuals resolve problems or role issues related to work or school or family matters

Sports Psychology

The study of psychological and mental factors that influence and are influenced by participation in sports, exercise and physical activities
Skills sharpened are Goal setting, relaxation, visualization awareness & Control, concentration & confidence, performance enhancement, cohesiveness, stress management

Health Psychology

Contribution of psychology to the promotion of and maintenance of health, the prevention and treatment of illness, and to the analysis and improvement of the health care system and health policy formation

Environment Psychology

Studies the inter-relationship between human and their environment .The environment include objects, plants, animals, and other human beings including learning and informational environment

Military Psychology

Military psychology is the research design and application of psychological theories and experimentation data towards understanding, predicting and countering behaviours either in friendly or enemy forces or civilian population that may be undesirable, threatening or potentially dangerous to the conduct of military operations.

Military Psychology

Military psychology is applied towards counselling and treatment of stress and fatigue of military personnel or military families as well as treatment of psychological trauma suffered as a result of military operations. .

Military Psychology

Another use of military psychology is in interrogation of prisoners who may provide information that would enhance outcomes of friendly military operations or reduce friendly casualties

Professional Psychologists

Psychologists & Psychiatrist

Psychologist applies Principles of psychology to human problems. Clinical Psychologists treat persons suffering from mental diseases.

The Psychiatrist also treat people with mental diseases but they can prescribe psychiatric medicines. He also treats psychotic persons and prescribe Medicines

Specialized Psychologists

Clinical Psychologists
Personnel Psychologists

Educational Psychologists
Research Psychologists

Clinical Psychologists

Clinical Psychologists
Who has received specialized training in the causation of abnormal behavior , its diagnosis and often its treatment to correct abnormal behavior

Personnel Psychologists

Personnel Psychologists
Who are concerned with selection, recruitment, testing and training of people

Educational Psychologists

Educational Psychologists
Who are employed by school, colleges and university for selection of students, counseling, personality development etc

Research Psychologists

Research Psychologists
Are engaged in research on various aspects of human problems including .vision, hearing, and suggesting appropriate Equipments and devices

Application of Psychology

Human Improvement

Medicine and Law

Journalism & Public Services

Architecture and Engineering

Physiology and Arts

Business & Industry

Biological Psychology

Which studies how brain & neurotransmitters influence our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. It include physiological, neuropsychology & cognitive psychology

Neurotransmitters are endogenous chemicals that transmit signals from a neuron to a target cell across a synapse. Synaptic Vesicles Neurotransmitters

Biological Psychology

It is the study of the physiological bases of behaviour concerned primarily with the relationship between psychological processes and the underlying physiological eventsor, in other words, the mind-body phenomenon..

Biological Psychology

Its focus is the function of the brain and the rest of the nervous system in activities (e.g., thinking, learning, feeling, sensing, and perceiving) recognized as characteristic of humans and other animals.

Physiological Psychology

The mental activity of an organism depends upon bodily structure and related to nervous system, sense organs, muscles, and glands


It studies the brain and how our hormones affect human behavior and physical processes involved in It studies the brains functioning in case of injury learning & emotions

Cognitive Psychology

ItIt studies the brain and how brain our hormones affect studies the link between and behavior and human behavior and processes in find out the areas ofphysical brain active duringinvolved particular learning & emotions tasks-learning

Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive psychology explore internal Mental Processes It is the study of how people perceive, remember, think, speak, and solve problems.

Experimental Psychology

Carries research on basic aspects of behavior like perception, learning, sensation, memory, motivation .
Experiments on situationbehavior relationship

Develomental Psychology

Deals with various Stages of development in an Organism ie in life cycle of the organism ( infancy to old age)

Norms for different age groups

Norms for speech, intelligence . Developed

Abnormal Psychology

Concerned with understanding abnormal behavior

Investigating causes of such behavior

Disorders, phobias, fears, schizophrenia, Treatment for such behavior

Social Psychology

Study of human behavior

in Groups as member of society

as citizens of a community
as a nation

Personality Psychology

Personality may be defined as the sum total of behavior or sum total of all the qualities or characteristics that an individual has inherited and acquired by experience.

P= F (HE) Where F is function H is hereditary characteristics E is Environmental learning's

Personality Psychology


Psychology influenced by biological processes

Impact on behavior & Actions Multiple Expressions behavior, thoughts, feelings

Personality Theories

Big 5 Theories

Five Factor Model---

Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism

Big Five personality traits

Curious vs Cautious. Transparency Appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas,

Paramjit Sharma

Big Five personality traits

Efficient/ Organized vs. Easy-going / careless).

A tendency to show self-discipline,

act dutifully, and aim for achievement Planned rather than spontaneous behaviour.

Paramjit Sharma

Big Five personality traits

Friendly / Compassionate vs.
Competitive / Outspoken). A tendency to be Cooperative rather than suspicious

Paramjit Sharma

Big Five personality traits

Sensitive / nervous vs. Secure / confident). A tendency to experience unpleasant emotions, such as anger, anxiety, depression

Paramjit Sharma

Big Five personality traits

Outgoing / Energetic vs. Shy / Reserved.
Positive emotions, and The tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others.

Paramjit Sharma

Differential Psychology

It compares the differences between individual and Group Psychologies

Comparative Psychology

It is the study of the behavior & mental life of animals, other than the human beings

Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive psychology studies how people acquire, process and store information

Quantitative Psychology

It involves application of mathematical & Statistical modeling in psychological research and development of statistical methods for analysing and explaining behavioral data

Quantitative Psychology

It involves measurement of Knowledge, Abilities, attitudes and personality traits

Behavioral Psychology

It is a theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interactions with the environment

Conditioning---2 types

Classical it is a technique used in behavioral training in which naturally occurring stimulus is paired with a response---conditioned stimulus and conditioned response

Conditioning: Pavlovs Dog

Pavlovs Dog

Conditioning---2 types

Operant it is a method of learning that occur through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a particular behavior and a consequence of that behavior

All Human Beings have..
Mother child Intrinsic Motivation: Performing for its own sake. Motivation comes from performing the work.

Extrinsic Motivation:

Performing to acquire rewards. Motivation is the consequence of an action

In any Organization.

Outcomes & Inputs

Regardless of the source of motivation, people seek outcomes.

Outcome: anything a person gets

from a job. Examples include pay, autonomy, accomplishment.

Input: anything a person contributes to

their job. Examples include skills,

knowledge, work behavior.

Managers use Outcomes to motivate workers to provide Inputs.

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