Comparative Effectiveness Research Key Function Committee (Cer KFC)

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Comparative Effectiveness Research Key Function Committee (CER KFC)


4:30pm-5:30pm EST, February 22, 2010

NIH Coordinator, Rosemarie Filart

CTSA CER Key Function Committee (KFC) Meeting Agenda February 22, 2010 4:30-5:30pm EST Teleconference Dial-in: 1-866-657-9756 Access Code: 2152151 Time (EST) 4:30 (10 min.) Topic Welcome, Overview, Announcement of co-Chairs and PI Liaison Presenter(s) Rosemarie Filart, Lisa Simpson, Jodi Segal, and Harry Selker

4:40 (10 min.) 4:50 (30 min.)

SGC CER Update Update on Kick-Off Meeting Action Items 1. 2. 3. Drafting Mission and Vision Statements (5 min.) Top 2 Priorities for KFC interests/deliverables (5 min.) Two Subgroups to Address Top 2 Priorities (20 min.)

Harry S.

1. 2. 3.

Lisa S. Rosemarie F. Jodi S.

5:20 (5 min.)

Logistics Governance: Drafting KFC Leadership and Membership policies. CER Liaisons for CTSA KFCs Wiki Access Action Items and Next Meeting Adjournment Rosemarie F.

5:25 (5 min.) 5:30

Lisa S. Rosemarie F.

CER KFC Leadership

PI Liaison Co-Chair Co-Chair

Dr. Harry Selker

Dr. Jodi Segal

Dr. Lisa Simpson


December 14th Kick-Off Action Items 4:50pm- 5:20pm EST

Definition of a Mission Statement (Cause): Adapted from -Written declaration of the CER KFC core purpose and focus (which normally remain unchanged) -Serves as filters to separate what is important from what is not -Clearly state which audience it will be served and how -Communicate a sense of intended direction to the entire Consortium

Latest Draft CER KFC Mission Statement

The Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) Key Function Committee builds the field of Comparative Effectiveness Research by creating a learning community across CTSA institutions, spurring the development of methods, expanding training and education, promoting public engagement and application of CER findings and sharing successes and lessons learned.

Definition of a Vision Statement (Effect): Adapted from -Aspirational description of what the CER KFC would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future -Serves as a clear guide for choosing current and future courses of action

Latest Draft CER KFC Vision Statement

The Comparative Effectiveness Research Key Function Committee catalyzes advancements in the generation and synthesis of evidence about alternative interventions that results in actionable findings for policymakers, clinicians, patients, and purchasers to use in improving the quality and outcomes of health care.

Members submitted ideas about the top 1-2 priorities to be addressed within the first 6 months.
CER KFC Priorities Poll Results
Priority Rankings (from highest rated to lowest rated). Results compiled from the Dec 14th meeting, emails, and e-polling results. CER Workforce development 43% CTSA Network for CER33% Clinical Trial Infrastructure21% CER HIT and EHR21% CER Capacities using community engagement components15% CER New Research methods7%

#1 CER Workforce development project ideas

-Would appreciate sharing workforce expertise to address gaps in multi-disciplinary expertise at an individual site (e.g., biostatistics, economic evaluation, observational study research design, CER; a lot of incorrect information about CER in the community) - What is the role of education to the community on CER? -Workforce need is obvious. Methods currently need improving to be better embedded in customary care and extant opportunities. -It is essential to find ways of getting junior investigators trained, funded and invested in CER.

#2 CTSA Network for CER project idea

-The network needs clinical and methodological expertise with an infrastructure of clinical data Need to determine workforce areas

CER KFC Logistics

5:20pm EST
Governance of membership and leadership timeframe CTSA Consortium KFC Liaisons to CER KFC CER KFC outreach to other KFCs - CER KFC Liaisons Member Access:
Link to CER KFC Wiki Page: General Training Modules and Access Issues
Wiki Basics: If you cannot access your CTSA Wiki account, do not remember your password, or have other questions, please contact the CTSA Help Desk ( )

The following dial-in information will be used for all future CER KFC teleconferences.
Dial-in: 1-866-285-7778 Access Code: 8383770

Action Items
5:25pm EST
Finalizing KFC Mission and Vision Statements by email Forming subgroups to address top 2 priorities to report at next meeting Draft Governance follow-up by email Fostering SGC and KFC alignment-follow-up at next meeting Volunteer Liaisons to other KFCs- communication by email Setting Regular Meetings Next meeting? Communications:
KFC Co-Chairs Lisa Simpson ( ) Jodi Segal ( ) NIH, Coordinator, Rosemarie Filart ( Booz Allen PM support, Eric Vidal ( )


5:30pm EST

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