C# Basics: Muhammad Kamran Rafi

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C# Basics

Muhammad Kamran Rafi Kami_khan0597@yahoo.com

Variables Declarations

byte - 0 to 255 char - 2 bytes bool sbyte - -128 to 127 short - 2 byte int ushort - 0 to 65,535 int - 4 bytes uint - 4 bytes positive

float double decimal long ulong string

Using Variables

C# is Strongly Typed
float x = 10.9f; double y = 15.3; y = x; x = (float) y; // okay // conversion required

Variables must have Value before being used.


declarations usually include initialization

Simple Arrays
int[] myArray1 = new int[5];
int[] myArray2 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

for (int i=0;i<10; i++) Console.Write (myarray[i]); Console.WriteLine();

Looping Statements

Same as C++
while (count > 0)

process_list (count--);

process_list( ++count ); while (count < 10);

for (int i=1; i<=10; i++)

Different from C++



illegal C# unless count is bool

Decision Statements
Almost Just Like C++
if (count >= 10) { dostuff(); domorestuff(); } else ... switch (choice) { case 'Y': //must be empty case 'y': do_yes_stuff(); break; default: ...

Simple Console Output

System.Console.WriteLine System.Console.Write
System.Consolue.WriteLine ("count = {0} and sum = {1}", count, sum);

Simple Console Input

string inputline; char charvalue; int intvalue; Console.Write ("Enter a string: "); inputline = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("You just entered \"{0}\"",inputline); Console.Write ("Enter a character: "); charvalue = (char) Console.Read(); Console.WriteLine("You just entered \"{0}\"", charvalue); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write ("Enter an integer: "); inputline = Console.ReadLine(); intvalue = Convert.ToInt32(inputline); Console.WriteLine("You just entered \"{0}\"", intvalue);

Class/Interface Definitions Like Java

class modifiers: abstract, static, sealed visibility: public, protected, internal, private interface name starts with I like IComparable, ISerializable const vs. readonly attributes

const, predefined type, compile time evaluation, static readonly, value assigned only once (decl or construct)

Static Classes

They only contain static members. They cannot be instantiated. They are sealed. They cannot contain instance Constructors

Abstract Classes

An abstract class cannot be instantiated. An abstract class may contain abstract methods . It is not possible to modify an abstract class with the sealed modifier, which means that the class cannot be inherited. A non-abstract class derived from an abstract class must include actual implementations of all inherited abstract methods.

Inheritance (C++ syntax)

public class Person : IComparable { }
public class Employee : Person, ISerializable { }

public Person (string name, int ssn) { } public Employee(string name, int ssn, int phone) : base(name, ssn) { } public Employee(string name) : this (name, 999, 999) { }

Overriding Methods

Must mark all overridable methods in the superclass with virtual

public virtual int foo()

Must mark all overriding methods in the subclass with override

public override int foo()

Use base.MethodName() to call the superclass method

Overloading operators

Like C++, we can overload and redefine operators like == and +.

public static bool operator== (MyClass lhs, MyClass rhs) { } public static MyClass operator+(MyClass lhs, MyClass rhs)

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