Special Project: by Marissa Robinson

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Special Project

By Marissa Robinson

What I did for my project

For my project I drew Mandalas. Mandalas are a great form of meditation. When drawing a mandala you want to focus on the center of it and the center of the mandala represents your center. When I started this project I used a mandala kit, which just so happens to be the inspiration for my project.

I also decided to draw a mandala every day for three weeks. With this project I experimented with different mediums and I also used various templates for the mandalas. Most of them are drawn free hand.

Day 1: April 21, 2013

I was feeling a little bit stressed about Earthday. I am the president of the eco club and we did a papermaking workshop the next day.

Day 2: April 22, 2013

I was pretty stressed. I would say 4/5. Over all the papermaking workshop went well but I ended up getting to my class late. My class was a lesson which is one on one.

Day 3: April 23, 2013

Not much to report nothing exciting happened. It was just a day.

Day 4: April 24, 2013

The only stressful thing was work. Work isn't stressful but I really don't want to work from 5-10 on campus two days in a row and most days I can't leave early.

Day 5: April 25, 2013

The only stressful thing was work because one i didn't want to be there till 10 and two because a women asked to stay 10 mins late to finish her prints and stayed 30 mins. I should mention that I work in the printmaking lab on campus.

Day 6: April 26, 2013

Stress level today was a 5/5. There is this one guy who is in two ensembles with me and he has problems counting. This makes playing ensemble music really hard and it really gets to me.

Day 7: April 27, 2013

Not much to report. It was just a lazy saturday.

Day 8: April 28, 2013

Not much to report, just a lazy sunday.

Day 9: April 29, 2013

Stress was about 3/5 because I am really struggling to play part of my piece for my lesson and performance class. Also because there is a test tomorrow.

Day 10: April 30, 2013

Stress level today was 4/5 because of the test and because I had to make a string band gig right after school and i was worried about getting there in time.

Day 11: May 1, 2013

Stress was a 4/5 because the same women asked to stay late at work. She asked for 10 mins and I begrudgingly said yes and she stayed for 20mins.

Day 12: May 2,2013

Stress today was a solid 5/5. I had to do a presentation and was really nervous for it. Also I was worried that the same women would ask to stay late yet again.

Day 13: May 3, 2013

Stress was 5/5. Ensembles were rather disastrous and I had to do a string band gig. I was worried about getting there in time.

Day 14: May 4, 2013

Stress was 5/5. I had to work and prepare for a paper making demo the next day. Also I had to set up a table for Bucks Bonanza before work. Also while working had to check on the table and the people manning it. Also I was supposed to leave work and the bonanza early to go to a concert in philly. I left school about 3hrs later than planned and by the end of the day was stress free because I had fun with my friends in philly and we raised $110 for CHOP

Day 15: May 5, 2013

Today I was pretty stressed. 4/5. I woke up late and was on the wrong page with my friend who helped with the demo. Over all it went well but it was a pretty intense day and took almost 2hrs to clean up.

Day 16: May 6, 2013

Stress level was 5/5. I was really worried for the concert tonight. Both performances went well but one of the ensembles could have been a lot better.

Day 17: May 7, 2013

Stress was 5/5. I was really worried about my ear training test and I had another string band gig to do right after school. Also I was even more stressed out because i fell asleep on the bus and ended up 30mins behind schedule.

Day 18: May 8

stress was 1/5. I was really thinking about work and wanting to leave early all day.

Day 19: May 9, 2013

Stress was 5/5. I was worried about my ear training test and tonights big band performance. Both went okay.

Templates and Failed Day 20

Here are the templates that I used for some of the mandalas. I used the templates to make them symmetrical. Day 18's mandala is a template. I decided to color it in. Also day 20 was the only one that I didn't finish because I didn't like how it was going. Also in case you are interested day 20 went well and was not stressful at all. Overall this project was very therapeutic and I might continue to draw mandalas to cope with stress.

Day 20: May 10,2013


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