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Created by: Dasima nasution Nondang sari bulan Sabban simbolon Siti aisyah Shiela candra h yUsi damayanti

A pronoun is a word that can replace a noun in most sentences.In indonesia pronoun merupakan kata yang menggantikan benda dalam kalimat. Example : Surya is absent,because he is ill. Kata he adalah pronoun karena kata itu menggantikan kata benda Surya.

Kinds of pronouns
Personal Pronouns ( kata ganti orang ) Possesive Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns Distributive Pronouns Relative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns

1.Personal pronoun ( singular)

1st person 2 nd person 3rd person masculine 3rd person feminine 3rd person neuter I you he she it

me your his her it

Possesive adjective my your his her its

Possesive pronoun mine yours his hers its

Subject Object

Possesive adjective

Possesive pronoun

1st we person 2nd you person 3rd they person all genders

you them their theirs our ours



I am a student He miss you She gives us some books You are playing football with them. Etc............

Adjective ( mendahului kata benda) My Your Our Their Her His its

Pronoun( kata ganti empunya ) Mine Yours Ours Theirs Hers His its


Adjective This is my book This is your pencil That is his house These are our bags That is her ring Those are their boxes This is its nail

Pronoun This book is mine This pencil is yours That house is his These bags are ours That ring is hers Those boxes are theirs This nail is its

3.Reflexive pronoun

My self Your self Him self Her self It self

Reflexive pronoun merupakan kata ganti orang yang digunakan untuk dua tujuan yaitu : 1. untuk menunjukkan bahwa seseorang/hewan melakukan sesuatu pada dirinya.

Example:- I hurt my self - He hit him self 2. untuk membuat kata ganti itu menjadi tegas. Example : -I will do it my self - He will see it him self

Our selves Them selves


4. Demonstrative pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun adalah kata ganti petunjuk yang

terdiri dari kata-kata :this,these,that,those.

Demonstrative pronoun dikatakan demikian jika sesudah

kata petunjuk di diikuti kata kerja.Sedangkan jika diikuti kata benda disebut demonstrative adjective.
Example: -this is a present from my father -this dictionary is mine and that book is yours

Merupakan kata ganti tak tentu yang merujuk kepada

orang atau benda-benda secara umum,bukan secara khusus.Indefinite pronoun terdiri dari kata-kata: All,any,any body,any one,anything,everybody,everyone,everything,few,many,m ost,nobody,none,nothing,one,someone,somebody,someth ing,other,etc.

Example: -anyone can do it -She eats anything -Someone told me about the story

6. Distributive pronoun
Merupakan kata ganti distributif yang terdiri dari

kata-kata : each,either,neither Each berarti masing-masing,digunakan untuk menunjukkan setiap satu dari sejumlah orang atau benda. Example: each of them can speak english. Either berarti salah satu dari dua atau salah seorang Example : You have either one of these pens Neither berarti tiada atau tidak seorangpun Example : i neither saw her nor heard her

7. Relative pronoun
Adalah kata ganti penghubung yang digunakan untuk 1. Menunjuk kepada antecedent(kata/bagian yang

mendahului kata pengganti) 2. Menghubungkan dua buah kalimat menjadi satu kalimat Kata-kata yang termasuk relative pronoun : -who (yang) -which (yang) -that (yang) -whom (yang) -whose (yang....-nya) -what (yang)

-I met Joko.Joko had just returned -I met Joko who had just returne - This is the fish which I fished yesterday -Take anything that you like -I dont understand what you mean -They are the writers whom I admire - The man whose wife i gave the dictionary two days ago.

8. Interrogative pronoun
Adalah kata ganti yang di gunakan untuk mengajukan suatu pertanyaan. What =apa for name,noun,job. Which =yang mana used for choice Who = siapa to ask someone or subject in a sentences Whom = siapa to ask object Whose = milik siapa

Example : What is your name? Which is his motorcycle? Who is knocking the door? To whom were you speaking? Whose is this dictionary?

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