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Assessing the Effectiveness of Training & Development

By: Neeru Choudhary Lecturer, JIMS

Training Evaluation System

It is the systematic collection of descriptive and judgmental information necessary to make effective training decisions related to the selection, adoption, value and modification of various instructional activities.

In Other Words
Are we training: the right people the right stuff the right way with the right materials at the right time?

Why HRD Evaluations are Rare

Reluctance to having HRD programs evaluated. Evaluation needs expertise and resources. Factors other than HRD performance improvements, e.g., Economy Equipment Policies, etc. cause

Importance of Training Evaluation

Improved quality of training activities Improved ability of the trainers to relate inputs to outputs Better discrimination of training activities between those that are worthy of support and those that should be dropped Better integration of training offered and on-the job development Better co-operation between trainers and line-managers in the development of staff Evidence of the contribution that training and development are adding value to the organization


Time series

Evaluation methods

Experimental & Control groups

Cost benefits analysis

Models and Frameworks of Evaluation

1. Kirkpatricks Model

Kirkpatricks Model

Many companies evaluate their training programs based on a four-level evaluation model developed by Donald Kirkpatrick in the late 1950s.

Reaction - Measures trainees satisfaction with aspects of the training program including topic, speaker, schedule, etc.
Learning - Measures the knowledge trainees acquire during the program, including skills improved, attitudes changed, etc. Job Behavior - Measures the extent to which participants change their behavior on the job as a result of the knowledge they acquire during training. Results - Measures the results of training programs, including higher productivity, improved quality, increased sales, larger profits, reduced turnover, and reduced costs.

Learning Evaluation

Results Evaluation

A Sample Training Evaluati on Form

Introduction of the Participant

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Name Age Gender Designation Nature of Job

: : : : :

Expectations from the Programme 1. Conceptual Inputs


Utility at Work Place

Action Planning Format 1. 2. Programme Date(s) : :

Expectations from the Programme

1. List at least ten learning points of this programme.

2. List those learning points which you can put into practice at your work situation, in order of priority.

3. Briefly state how will you put them into practice.

4. What is the time frame for implementation of those points.


What management support would you require for successful implementation of your learning from this programme?
: : :

Place Date Signature

Training Programme Feedback Form

Organisation Programme Date (s) Venue

: : : :

Your feedback regarding the programme, its achievements / drawbacks and your comments / suggestions will help us to evaluate this programme and make changes wherever necessary. Kindly fill up carefully and elaborate your comments and suggestions.

1. Did the programme achieve its objectives? (Please check mark in the relevant column) - Fully _________________ - Partly _________________ - Not at all _________________
2. Your comments on the coverage of topics: (Please rate content and exercises / interaction on the following scale: Excellent 4; Good 3; Average 2; Poor 1)

Topic Content

Exercises / Interaction


3. Duration of the programme was a) Too Long ____ b) Just right ____ c) Too short ____ 4. Duration of the sessions were a) Too Long ____ b) Just right ____ c) Too short ____ 5. Appropriateness of training methodology: a) Very appropriate _____ b) Somewhat appropriate _____ c) Better methods should be searched _____

6. Scope for participation and improvement: a) Enough opportunity was given and efforts were made by the faculty member (s) _____ b) Some opportunity was given _____ c) Sufficient opportunity was not given _____

7. Manner of presentation: a) Very systematic b) Somewhat systematic c) Not very systematic

_____ _____ _____

8. Communication style of faculty members: a) Very clear ______ b) Somewhat clear ______ c) Not very clear ______

9. Was sufficient opportunity provided for discussion clarification of points / doubts? a) Yes ______ b) No ________


10. Mention any specific session(s) which you found most useful. a) _______ b) _______

11. Mention any specific session(s) which you found irrevalent. a) b)

12. What other topics do you suggest for inclusion in future programmes of this nature? a) b)
13. On which topics would you want more information and of what nature? a) b) 14. The administrative arrangements for the programme were: a) Excellent ____ b) Good ____ c) Average ____

15. How do you plan to use the knowledge, concepts and skills you learnt during this programme in your work place?

16. Overall assessment of the programme: on the whole, do you think the programme was useful to you? a) Extremely useful and stimulating ____________ b) Very useful ___________ c) Somewhat useful ___________ d) Of little use ____________ e) Of no use at all ____________ 17. Any other observations / suggestions you would like to make?

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