Emergent Assessment

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Results of Physical Assessment

Demographic Profile

BMI = 30 15 environment

Chief Complaint

Level of Consciousness

lethargic to unconscious conscious but not alert

Chief Complaint

time of arrival
more than 10 minutes

Chief Complaint

referred pain

head+neck+eyes chest + left arm flank and genital

General Appearance

Asymmetry with massive bleeding

size 12 inches 4 pads / 10 gauze

General Appearance

external manipulation

impalement injury massive bleeding

Emergent assessment for interview

Two of the following selections

Inspection region one


retinal color gray detachment = red massive bleeding conjunctiva = pale

Inspection region one


4m nonREACTIV ANISOCORIC headache = O.P.

Inspection region one


absence of gag reflex = aspiration precaution central hearing loss

Inspection region one


lymph nodes neck region orbital region

Inspection region one

39 - blushing cheeks - sunken eyes

Inspection region two

color of skin = blue or black edematous

grade 4

Inspection region two

chest costal

barrel chest pigeon breast flail retracting

Inspection region two

nipple line

deviating to lateral pustular secretion swelling or tumor

Inspection region two

rib count - 12 Cspine fracture genital = urine output per hour

Inspection region two

site of injection

GLUTEUS rectus abdominis pectoralis

Inspection region two

range of motion

FRACTURE spinal cord injury brain injury

Inspection region two


rate = 30 = 30kgs rate = 50 = 15kgs rhythm = kaussmal dynamic = abdomen

Inspection region two

chest wall
no diaphragm relaxation upon expiration

Inspection region two

precordium = dynamic pain score 7

Inspection region three

color = blue nails =CRT 4s fissures = cut or indentations

Inspection region three


edematous retracting atrophy

Inspection region three


absence tingling numbness

Inspection region three

site of injection

deltoid muscle vastus lateralis rectus femoris

Inspection region three

range of motion

spinal cord injury brain injury internal fracture

Inspection region three


febrile to touch 0 38 centigrade

Inspection region three

pain score = 7

hyper algesia hypo algesia

Inspection region three

capillary refill= 4 capillary blood glucose

60 mg/dl or 100

Inspection region three

deep tendon reflex

patellar brachial posterior tibial

Emergent assessment inspection

2. 3.

10 of the selections No nasal breathing episodes GCS = 3 + no verbal output


pain score 8-9 dull resonating

posterior chest


umbilical + traubes space
both tympanitic

Emergent assessment percussion

3 of the criterias every sound are tympanitic in effect no breath sounds

Palpation region one

joints = lock jaw + crepitations on the neck region no carotid pulse

Palpation region two


anterior chest posterior chest


Palpation region three

lymph nodes engorged no peripheral pulse

Emergent assessment palpation

3 criterias present no peripheral pulse


blood pressure

15 kgs = 120 sbp 110/40 to 180/110 palpatory systolic


blood pressure

30 kgs 150/90 to 200/110 palpatory systolic


normal pulse pressure

40 65


heart sound

closure of S4 is very loud heaves + thrills


bronchial sound

wheezing rales / ronchi stridor


bowel sound

less than 19 per minute more than 50

Emergent assessment auscultate

all of the above 3 of the above


FiO2 = 80% resp acidosis conduction system


ventricular tachycardia


fibrillation PVC or PAC Supraventricular tachycardia

Serum Osmolarity
2 x Na + K + BUN/2.8 + DXT/18
Compute for the serum osmolarity = 270 mmOsm 290 mmOsm

Total score

10 + 3 + 3 + 3 + FiO2 + ABG + ECG + serum Total = 22 25 criterias present

Prevention is better than cure

Terima Kasih

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