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The word ethics is derived from the Greek word Ethikos which means custom or character.

Our concern for good behaviour. We feel an obligation to consider not only our own personal well being but also that of others. Albert Schweitzer


defines Marketing as: Marketing is the management process responsible

for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirement profitably. According to Philip Kotler: Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products and services of value with others.

Deciding between making more profit for the company or making the product more affordable

Pricing strategies that hurt the consumer but are profitable

Selling a product that is bad for consumers health A product that is bad for the environment Having a very low cost strategy that hurts the local established small companies False advertising

Sacrificing the conditions for workers in order to cut cost

Each Country is so diverse. Unchanged processes and standard can alienate potential market. People have diverse views on ethics and what constitutes ethical behavior versus unethical behavior. But one thing is for sure, everyone has one, and in marketing it is crucial that you find a way to take everyones opinion into consideration. Its a difficult job, but thats why marketing managers get paid the Big Bucks.

Adding toxic materials to it. Rearranging it for our own purposes. Removing pertinent parts from it such as by mining, forestry, oil, and gas industries. Example: Nike to help and protect the environment phasing out the use of PVC from its product.

Test cosmetics, medication, or other products Learn through experimentation Teach Entertainment

Not every one is born with same benefits and opportunities to succeed.

Advertising to children Usage of sexual or seductive messages in order to gain more attention and product recognition Subliminal messages Indirect information Use of exaggerated claims (puffery) Withholding the truth or advertising partial truth in messages

Managers should be concerned about affect of their decisions on society as well as on the company The strength of the company lies in operating in ethical manner Contributing to the society will help getting better future and better company image As the competition is getting intense day by the consumer will turn away from unethical company towards the company with good reputation. Marketers have to develop the strategies that could fulfil both performance and ethical objective. Using Ethical Reasoning Model can be helpful deciding whats ethical and what is unethical.

Blythe, J, 2006. Principles and Practice of Marketing. 1st ed. London: Thomson Learning. Lynch,R. (2009) Strategic Management. 5th ed .Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Carol M. Lehman, 2010. Business Communication (Book Only). 16 Edition. Cengage Learning.

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