4.retail Merchandising & Shop Displays

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Merchandising, Basis of retail merchandising,

Ms. Sayed Shakila Nawab

Merchandising, Basis of retail merchandising,

Product and merchandising management is key activity in the management of retail business. The primary function of the retailing Is to sell Merchandise. One of the most strategic aspects of the retail business is to decide the merchandise mix and quantity to be purchased .

Merchandising can be termed as the planning, buying and the selling of merchandising .

Define Merchandising as The analysis, planning, acquisition, handling and control of merchandise investments of a retail operation. Merchandising is the core of retailing.

The function of merchandising is an integral part of retailing and also one of the most challenging functions.
AMA define The planning involved in marketing the right merchandise at the right place at the right time in the right quantities at the right price.

Achieving these five Right is the key to successful merchandising and many a times, this remains an elusive goal for most retailers. Merchandising management can be termed as Planning, analysis, acquisition, handling and control of the merchandise

Analysis: because retailers must be able to correctly identify their customers before they can ascertain consumer desires and their needs/requirements for making a good buying decision. Planning is important because merchandise to be sold in the future must be bought now. Acquisitions because the merchandise needs to be procured from others, either distributors or manufactures. Handling involves seeing that the merchandise is where it is needed and in the proper condition to be sold. Control is required since the function of merchandise involves spending money for acquiring products it is necessary to control the amount of money spent on buying

Factors Affecting the Merchandising Function

Merchandising does not function in isolation. It is affected by various factors like the organization structure, the size of the retail organization and the merchandise to be carried. Rarely are any two stores organized in the same way. The function of the merchandising is vary from one organization to another. Size: The needs of the individual retailers vary from those of large chain store operation.

Size of organisation
Merchandise to be carried

Merchandising function
Organisation Structure

Types of store

The merchandiser to be carried by a retailer largely determines the responsibilities of the merchandiser. Merchandise to be carried: The buying for basic merchandise is fairly different from buying fashion merchandise. A merchandisers who handling fashion products will need to spend more time in the market, and looking for the products which is more suitable for the customers. Organization structure that the retail organization adopts also affects the merchandising function.

The Merchandises Role & Responsibilities

Planning: Thought the merchandising may not be directly involved in the actual purchase of merchandise. They formulate the policies for the areas in which they are responsible. Forecasting sale for the forth coming budget period and can estimate the consumer demand and the impact of changes in the retail environment. Directing: Guiding and training sales people as well as purchasers as and when the need arises, is also a function of the merchandiser. The purchasers have to be guided to take additional markdowns for products which may not be doing too well in the stores.


Co-ordinating: Merchandise managers supervise the work of more than one department.
They need to coordinate the buying effort in terms of how well it fits in with the store image and with the other products being bought by other buyers.

Controlling: assessing the departments/sections performance , is a also part of the merchandise managers Job.
This includes evaluated on the basis of net sale, maintain mark up percentage, gross margin % and stock turn


Role of the Buyer/purchase manager

Buyers plays an important role in the retail industry. they select and order merchandise to be sold. Buyers may be responsible for buying for a department, an entire store, or a chain of stores

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Developing the merchandising strategies for the product line Planning and selecting merchandise assortments Vendor Selection Pricing of the merchandise Inventory Management

Retail Store Design & Visual Merchandising

Store design and layout tells a customer what the store is all about and it is very strong tool in the hands of the retailer for communicating and creating the image of the store in the mind of the customers.

The design and layout of the store are a means of communicating the image of the retail store.
The environment which is creates in the retail store, is a combination of the exterior look of the store, the store interiors, the atmosphere in the store and the events, promotions and the themes.

The overall look of a store and the series of mental pictures and feelings it evokes within the beholder. For the retailer, developing a powerful image provides the opportunity to embody a single message, stand out from the competition and be remembered.


Elements of store design

Frontage & Entrance

Ext. Display space

Building architecture



Health & Safety

Store design
Store theme
Target Customers


Merchandise Mix


Exterior Store Design & Interior Design

Exterior Location Parking Ease of access The building architecture Health and safety standards Store windows, lighting Interior Fixtures Flooring & Ceilings Lighting Graphics & Signages Atmospherics

Visual merchandising Can be termed as the orderly, systematic, logical and intelligent way of putting stock on the floor
VM is the art of presentation, which puts the merchandise in focus. It educates the customers, creates desire and finally augments the selling process.


METHODS OF DISPLAYS Color Dominance Co-ordinated Presentation Presentation by price


Brand management and Retailing

Brand Management of the Retail outlet Own branding Life cycle stages


Strategy variable Target Market

Introduction High income ,innovators

Growth Middle income

Maturity Mass Market

Decline Lowincome


One basic offering

Limited variety product features

More retailers

Greater variety

Less variety


Limited or extensive

More retailers Multiple retail formats Lower prices

Fewer or no retailers


Penetration or skimming

More price level

Lower prices


Informative, Induce trial




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