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Application and Features of HR module.

ERP- Enterprise Resource Planning

Administr ation Module
Production Module

Not just technology:

Human Resource Module

ERP is not limited to the

computer hardware and software applications that comprise the

Operation Module


Finance Module

technical part of the system: it also includes the people, policies, procedures and data

Inventory control Module Sales & Marketing

Purchasin g Module

required to manage the HR


Human Resource Management

The Human Resource Module in ERP has a set of rich features and integrates seamlessly with other module. ERP HR module offers us a wide solutions for HR department making it possible for other department to access specific employee data.
The HR modules covers all the function required in business practice and is flexible enough to optimize the business processes by configuring to suit customer's requirement.

HRM includes

Payroll management. Recruitment management. Employee management. Shift management. Leave management. Attendance management.

Managing Human Resources

Oracle HRMS Overview

Oracle Applications for Human Resources enable an organization to hire, train, and deploy, assess, motivate and reward its people more effectively than ever before, turning HR into a strategic-level function and key contributor to an organization's success. By automating its administrative duties, providing self-service for non-HR professionals, and managing information more efficiently, HR professionals can devote their energy and creativity to delivering the maximum value for the organization's investment in people.
The Oracle HRMS application modules include: Oracle Human Resources, Oracle Payroll, Oracle Training Administration, and Oracle Time Management and more.

Extensive Reporting Features

We can customize any one of the existing standard reports in ERP Software in hundreds of different ways. These reports can then be saved and viewed at any time. With an almost unlimited range of reports, using different printouts and styles that will allow a user to create a new report or modified any existing report and save as their own. Set columns of data to not only total as a sum, but also display an average, a maximum or minimum value or any other range of totaling features.

Organizational Development

This module will assist you in maintaining an accurate picture of your organizations structure, no matter how fast it changes. In many cases, graphical environments make it easy to review any moves, additions, or changes in employee positions.

Pay-Roll Accounting

The payroll accounting system can fulfill the payroll requirements and provide with the flexibility to respond to changing needs. Most payroll accounting systems give the options and capabilities to establish business rules without modifying the existing payroll. Many systems have the features to remind when transactions are due for processing. With payroll accounting, have the ability to tailor the system to organization requirement.

With country specific versions of payroll accounting, can fulfill

Time Management

It is a flexible tool designed to handle complicated evaluation rules to fulfill regulatory requirements and determine overtime and other time related data. The time evaluation component stores your organizations business rules and automatically validates hours worked and wage types.

Instant Reporting Features

We don't have to wait for end of month rollovers or batch updating anymore, our reports are instant and up to date to the mille-second. As an added bonus any piece of data that is displayed on any report can be simply drilled into, this fantastic feature will give us extensive detail of what makes up the value displayed, right back to being able to open the original transaction on the report.


Complete details as required, to keep an accurate and extensive employee database or collection of information that is fully integrated with a complete business management and accounting system. This collection of information can be added to or deleted from depending on your requirements, even down to creating your own customizable fields and drop downs.

Five Level Security Access

Employees can be assigned up to five different levels of access into each individual window, form or report, ranging from being able to delete a transaction through to no access at all. In addition you can create access level groups, simply assign individual staff members to a group and the security levels for that staff member are done.

Fully Integrated

ERP Software is sold complete with every function, included in every package. When we use ERP Software, we have the incredible benefit of having access to every module that is in ERP Software, quickly and easily at our fingertips. By doing this, ERP Software ensures that every module is fully integrated; any data changes and additions to any module will immediately impact on any and every other module within ERP Software.


ERP Software has a fully integrated roster module, not only is it attached to the Employee, but it can be directly loaded from the roster into Payroll. Assign all forms of leave on the roster, such as sick and annual leave, for any or all employees, which again will flow, directly into payroll. Great for tracking which store and what times staff need to be at work.

Clock On/Off

The Clock On, Clock Off feature allows Employers to track the 'Actual' times of each employee, and load 'Actual' times into Payroll. Also has full reporting on who has turned up late or finished early.

Combine this with the counter tracking system and you get an accurate picture of conversion ratios per staff member and what your staffing levels need to be at certain times of the day on certain days.

Complete Employee Document Tracking

Keeps a record from within ERP Software of the exact location of every letter, fax or email sent to each and every individual employee. As ERP Software automatically interfaces with Microsoft Word, you simply select the letter option within ERP Software to automatically open Microsoft Word. ERP Software will then fill in the employee details and have the cursor ready to go, so you can just start typing. On saving the letter, ERP Software will store a link of where the letter is saved, so that at any time you simply select the link and again, ERP Software automatically re-opens the letter

Appointment Interfacing

When using the roster module, ERP Software will indicate on the appointment calendar when, by the roster entry, the individual is available or has been booked out. Again because ERP Software is a fully integrated system, the data need only be entered once to fully populate the rest of ERP Software.

Shift Planning

Shift planning module helps you to plan your workforce requirements quickly and accurately. You can plan your shifts according to your requirements taking into consideration all criteria, including absences due to leave or sickness, and employee requests for time off. Shift planning keeps you informed at all times of any staff excess or deficit. Another advantage of shift planning is that it enables you to temporarily assign an employee or employees to another organizational unit where they are needed, allowing for a temporary change of cost centre.

To Do List

Tasks can be assigned to different employees, who when logging on to their system, a screen will pop up to remind them to complete these tasks. These can be viewed and alter at any time and also reported on.

Customizable Fields

Add your own specific fields to categorize your Employees. These fields can be text fields as well as 'Drop Down' fields. By making them drop downs you force a certain value to be selected, thus making your database consistent with what is displayed. There is even an option that you can turn on or off, with these fields that prevents the form from being closed if one of the values has not been entered.

Job Profitability Reports

Jobs can be fully reported on, at any time, right back to and including time sheet entry work for each staff member. This will give you all the costs associated with any job, from repairs to service work, products and services used, even labor costs from staff members.

Representative/Trainer Listing

Complete details as required, to keep an accurate Rep/Trainer database, a database or collection of information, that is fully integrated with a complete business management and accounting system, including a full calendar display screen, showing appointments and meetings for each and every Rep/Trainer.

Personal Preferences

Allows each employee to set their own personal preferences, without accessing vital data, or areas of 'No Access'. They can completely customize the way ERP Software looks for them even down to which fields the cursor stops on, including colors displayed and columns on reports that are seen.

Sale Leads Tracking

Full follow-up prompting, which will automatically load, when logging onto any computer on the network. Even track what the likelihood of getting the deal is.

Canvasser Tracking

Complete details as required, to keep an accurate Canvasser database, a database or collection of information that is fully integrated with a complete business management and accounting system.

This collection of information can be added to or deleted from depending on your requirements, even down to creating your own customizable fields and drop-downs.

Auto Loading Reminders

As with the To Do List, when the staff are logging on to their system, a screen will pop up to remind them to complete these tasks or prompt them that they have appointments, quotes to finish, or follow-up calls to make etc. A great tool for ensuring that even the most, simplest thing that keeps getting overlooked is completed, efficiently and on time. There is a huge range of reminders and prompts that can be turned on or off as each staff members sees fit, enabling them to customize ERP Software to suit their personal requirements.

Personnel Development

Effective personnel development planning ensures that the goals of the organization and the goals of the employee are in harmony.
The benefits of such planning include improvements in employee performance, employee potential, staff quality, working climate and employee morale. Training and Event Management A good HR system will have scheduled seminars, training courses and business events. On completion of a training course, appraisal forms can be automatically issued for instructors, attendees, business events

Integration Of HR Module with other ERP Modules

The below list may be helpful to just see an overview: Production Planning , Production Management - Time Management/Shift Planning. Sales and Distribution - Personnel Commission related data for employees sales Finance and Control - Payroll, cost accounting, time reporting, travel expenses Work Flow - Routing tasks to correct staff. Employee Interaction Centre (is CRM + HR) - all PA info types will be integrated

Screenshots of HR Modules

Product function chart

Appraisal screen

Attendance screen

Employee Master screen

Grade Master screen

Loan Management screen

Overtime Rule screen

Salary Head screen

Training Plan Schedule Screen

Thank You

By Debsopan Nayak (07) Poonam Peswani (15)

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