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Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way.

Negotiation is a discussion intended to produce an agreement; a treaty with another representing sale or purchase; a transaction of business between nations; the mutual interaction of governments by diplomatic agents, in making treaties, smoothing differences, etc.

Negotiation It is the action and the process of reaching an agreement by means of exchanging ideas with the intention of dispelling conflicts and enhancing relationship to satisfy each others needs.
Zhuge, Liang Disputes With The Southern Scholars

Business negotiation A process of conferring in which the participants of business activities communicate, discuss, and adjust their views, settle differences and finally reach a mutually acceptable agreement in order to close a deal or achieve a proposed financial goal.

The objective of business negotiation is to obtain financial interest (2) The core of business negotiation is price (3) Its principle is equality and mutual benefit (4) Items of contract should keep strictly accurate and rigorous

1. Equality principle 2. Cooperation principle 3. Flexibility principle 4. Positions-subjected-to-interests principle 5. Depersonalizing principle (Separating the people from the problem) 6. Using objective criterion

The business negotiation that takes place between the interest groups from different countries or regions.

(1) (2)

(4) (5)

Language barrier Cultural differences International laws and domestic laws are both in force International political factors must be taken into account The difficulty and the cost are greater than that of domestic business negotiations

1.2.1 Classification by chief negotiator 1.2.2 Classification by negotiation object 1.2.3 Classification by form 1.2.4 Classification by procedure

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Government- to- governments negotiation Government- to- Businesss negotiation Producer- to- Producers negotiation Producer- to- Traders negotiation Retailer- to -Producers negotiation Business- to- Businesss negotiation Business- to- Consumers negotiation

(1)Product trade negotiation

(2)Technology trade negotiation (3) Service trade negotiation

(4) International project negotiation


One- to- one negotiation

Team negotiation Multilateral negotiation




Horizontal Negotiation Vertical Negotiation


Identify contents of the deal Create alternatives Put yourself in their shoes Gauge the appropriateness of the message Build up relative power Understand cultural differences

Who within the firm should negotiate Expendable person Individual versus team What makes a good negotiator Patience

Clarity of the agreement What is a good outcome? Can no agreement be a good outcome? Are contracts used after signing?

The importance of negotiation in business is to make sure that your company can and will continue to thrive, grow and become leaders in your field of business. It is the best way to achieve a win all situation!!


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