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Enhanced service through batch signature

Guide: Dr. S.M. Afroz

S.Santhi Priya

Utilizes an efficient asymmetric cryptographic primitive Supports the authentication of any number of packets simultaneously with one signature verification Provides data integrity, origin authentication, and no repudiation

Existing System
packet loss - very frequent.

smaller data rate - increases the congestion.

Not desirable for applications like real time online streaming or stock quotes delivering. End users of online streaming will complain as they experience constant service interruptions due to packet loss, and missing critical stock quotes can cause severe capital loss of service subscribers.

Authentication is critical for securing multicast environment. Does not provide any loss recovery support.

Proposed System
The proposed system overcomes the above mentioned drawbacks. Asymmetric cryptographic primitive called batch signature Address the efficiency and packet loss problems

Data integrity: Each receiver should be able to assure that received packets have not been modified during transmissions.

Data origin authentication: Each receiver should be able to assure that each received packet comes from the real sender as it claims.
Non repudiation: The sender of a packet should not be able to deny sending the packet to receivers in case there is a dispute between the sender and receivers.

MABS provides packet filtering to avoid packet loss. Authenticates any number of packets simultaneously. Highly unforgeable


Operating system Front End Backend

:- Windows 07& XP :- Visual Studio 2008, .Net, C# :- SQL Server 2005


: Pentium IV : 40 GB : 512 MB

Analysis and Design

<<include>> Register validate

MABS Split User store part files <<include>>

<<include>> provide split count

MFile sender <<include>> store key

generate key

PartFile receiver apply batch BLs <<include>> Key send

<<include>> collect files browse

<<include>> merge retrieve key

Public Key

Private Key

/ : User

/ : MABS 1 : prompt to enter username() 2 : enter user name()

3 : verify username validity()

4 : prompt to enter pasword() 5 : enter password()

6 : prompt to enter security code()

7 : enter security code()

8 : prompt to enter mailid()

9 : enter mailid()

10 : check validity() 11 : registration successfull()

/ : User

/ : MABS

1 : prompt to enter username, password and security code() 2 : enter username,password and security code()

3 : check validy of user() 4 : login successfull()

/ : sender 1 : generate keys()

/ : MABS

/ : Key

2 : prompt to save keys()

3 : save public and private keys()

4 : proper extension given for public and private keys()

5 : keys saved()

6 : key generation successfull()

/ : sender

/ : MABS

/ : MFile

/ : PartFile

1 : select file split option()

2 : display file details to browse() 3 : select multimedia file() 4 : selct media file() 5 : check file()

7 : prompt to enter split count()

6 : success()

8 : enter split count()

9 : check valid count()

10 : apply split()

11 : generate parts()

12 : file split successfull()

/ : PartFile / : sender / : MABS / : Key 1 : prompt to select files to send()

2 : selects files through browse option() 3 : broese part files()

4 : file selection success()

5 : prompt to enter keys() 6 : select keys through browse() 7 : browse the keys() 8 : verify keys and apply BLs()

9 : prompt to enter clients to send() 10 : select clients()

11 : check clients connection()

12 : files sent successfully()

/ : receiver 1 : check files()

/ : MABS

/ : PartFile

/ : Key

2 : browse files()

3 : check for all files()

4 : list all files reeived()

5 : aplly BLS() 7 : merge partfiles() 6 : use key() 8 : check key() 9 : merge successfull()

10 : display media file()


BonehLynnShacham consists of three functions - generate, sign, and verify Key generation: selects a random integer x {private } publishes the public key, gx. Signing : signature by hashing as h = H(m). = hx. Verification: Given a signature and a public key gx, we verify that e(,g) = e(H(m),gx). Batch signature , has e(ni=1 , i,gi).

Testing is made by giving improper inputs, the errors occurred handled through exceptions. This system is also checked for errors like runtime errors and long run errors.

Screen shots

CONCLUSION Novel authentication scheme for vulnerability to packet loss. Deal with DoS attack. Data authentication

Future scope
To this batch signature, we are used the BLS cryptographic algorithm In future, the bit rate can be 1024 and be more securable.

Papers published
S.Santhi Priya and Dr. S.M. Afroz , Security Issues and Solutions in Multicast Environment through Tree based Scheme in Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology. S.Santhi Priya and Dr. S.M. Afroz, Implementing key Technologies in Multicast Environment through IP Multicast - International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science .

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