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Project in Arts

Submitted by:
Evan McLoid Cepillo
Shiela Mae Medrano
Historical View of Western Art

 Many Qualities that we

now associate with art-
originally and individual
expression began to take
place only the 1500s and
flourished in the 1700s.
Ancient Greece
 Philosophy is an important part of the Greek
 Unlike Egypt, Greece was divided politically Into
small city-states (polis) with autonomous
 Doric Order

 Ionic Order

Greek art
Ancient Egypt

 Ancient Egypt, which along

the banks of the Nile river,
branching out into the
fertile delta of lower Egypt
and emptying into the
Mediterranean sea, was
one of the earliest
important agricultural
civilizations .
Arts of Egypt
Ancient Rome
 It has a powerful armies
and conquered most of
the Mediterranean area
and set up a large
empire. Roman
architects used the arch
in their aquaducts and
bridges .they built
domes and bridges with
brick and concrete
which they invented.
Ancient Rome

 This model of ancient Rome shows how the city grew from
its legendary beginnings. By 300 A,D., Rome was the
largest city in the world with more than one million people.
Arts of Ancient Rome
Sculpture Of Ancient Rome
The middle ages: Craftsmanship
During the middle ages,
Christianity Dominated
Western culture. Thus,
The main Purpose of the
visual Arts was to teach
people, many of whom
could not read, about
religion. Art taught by
means of delight, drawing
peoples attention .
Early Christian Art
 In contrast to the
roman love of luxury
and worldly pleasures,
as well as their thirst
for power , Christianity
introduced a new
sense of values, laying
emphasis on the
spiritual and the
eternal life.
It was the period of
economic progress
where cities were
built. The term
”renaissance’’ cane
from the French
language meaning
“rebirth’’ .
Byzantine Art

 The term Byzantine

refers to the eastern
branch of the roman
empire which existed
from the founding of
Constantinople by the
emperor Constantine
in 330A.D. to its
conquest by the Turks
in 1453.
Gothic Art
 In this period
.churches and
buildings became
increasingly larger,
higher, and wider-
until one collapsed.
Gothic architects
learned from earlier
buildings and added
some new ideas:
flying buttresses,
decorative outsides,
pointed arches ,and
various technical
Baroque Art

Baroque style of
architecture prevailed
in Europe during the
17th and 18th centuries
and was characterized
by elaborate and
Grotesque forms and
ornamentations. In
painting , this is
characterized by
movement ,energy
,and restlessness.
Mediums of Visual Art
(Western Art)

 Tempera Fresco Mosaic

Dance And Theater
 Dancing


Is a band of
masked persons
of the same sex
accompanied by
arrived at a
social gathering
to dance with
the guests.

 Is a theatrical dance
presentation with a
choreographic or dramatic
plot that integrates music,
dancing, and stage
It is a combination of difficult
Photography and Printmaking

Our presentation
is Ended

Submitted to:
Mrs. Villahermosa

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