Matrimony (Catholic)

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F U L L - L e n g t h

R i t e
All stand, including the bride and bridegroom, and the priest addresses them in these or similar words: My dear friends, you have come together in this church so that the Lord may seal and strengthen your love in the presence of the Churchs minister and this community. Christ abundantly blesses this love. He has already consecrated you in baptism and now he enriches and strengthens you by a special sacrament so that you may assume the duties of marriage in mutual and lasting fidelity. And so, in the presence of the Church, I ask you to state your intentions. (Name) and (Name), have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?

Will you love and honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives? Will you accept children lovingly from God and bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?

Priest: Since it is your intention to enter into marriage, join your right hands, and declare your consent before God and his Church.
The bridegroom says: I, (Name), take you, (Name), to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.

The bride says:

I, (Name), take you, (Name), to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.

Receiving their consent, the priest says: You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. Response: Amen.

Blessing and Exchange of Rings Priest: May the Lord bless these rings which you give to each other as the sign of your love and fidelity.
Response: Amen.

S u m m a r y

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All stand, including the bride and bridegroom, and the priest addresses them in these or similar words: My dear friends, you have come together in this church so that the Lord may seal and strengthen your love in the presence of the Churchs minister and this community. Christ abundantly blesses this love. He has already consecrated you in baptism and now he enriches and strengthens you by a special sacrament so that you may assume the duties of marriage in mutual and lasting fidelity. And so, in the presence of the Church, I ask you to state your intentions.

The priest then questions them about their freedom of choice, faithfulness to each other, and the acceptance and upbringing of children. The priest invites the couple to declare their consent. They join hands. Receiving their consent, the priest says: You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. Response: Amen. Blessing and Exchange of Rings Priest: May the Lord bless these rings which you give to each other as the sign of your love and fidelity. Response: Amen.

S y m b o l s

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M a r r i a g e

Popular wedding traditions have evolved over hundreds, even thousands of years of people joining together in some form of matrimony. Some wedding traditions that have endured are based on blessing the couple with good luck; others are a means for the couple to convey their feelings for one another. Regardless of the wedding tradition itself, all wedding traditions share the same essential symbols of unity, happiness and prosperity; messages that stand the test of time. Old, New, Borrowed, Blue The saying, "Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue is a popular rhyme that has been used since Victorian times. The "something old" represents the bond to the bride's family and her old life; "something new" represents the couple's new life together and their future hope for happiness, prosperity and success; "something borrowed" from a happily married woman is meant to impart similar happiness to the bride; and "something blue" represents fidelity and constancy.

White Bridal Dresses Wearing white also dates back to Victorian times when Queen Victoria abandoned the usual royal tradition of wearing a silver gown, instead choosing to wear white. Before that time brides simply wore their best gown, rather than a special wedding dress . The popularity of white can also be attributed to it symbolizing purity and virginity. White was also thought to ward off evil spirits. Throwing Rice Showering the couple with rice is an ancient tradition. As rice is considered a "life giving" seed it is thought that by throwing in on the couple they will be bestowed with fertility and have many children. Many churches now forbid it on their property but there are some safe alternatives to throwing rice.

Sharing Cake Sharing the first piece of wedding cake is a wedding tradition with Roman roots. The wheat used to bake the cake was symbolic of fertility and a "fruitful union", while the cake's sweetness was thought to bring sweetness to all areas of the couple's new life.

Sharing a kiss The ceremonial kiss that concludes the wedding ceremony is said to represent the couple sharing and joining their souls. Rings, Candles, Hands and Common Cup 1) The rings are a symbol of commitment to one another and exchanging these rings shows that any weaknesses of one partner can be buoyed up by the strengths of the other. 2) Candles may be held by the bride and groom to represent Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and "the light of the world." 3) The bride and groom drink from a common cup of wine to remember the miracle of Christ changing water into wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee. 4) The bride and groom join hands throughout the service to unite them and to symbolize their unity under God.

Bouquet and Rice The wedding bouquet is a tradition introduced in America. The person to catch the bouquet will be the next person to be married, according to folklore. Dress, Threshold and Gifts Another symbolic act is the groom not seeing the bride's dress the day before the wedding and the bride herself until the wedding ceremony itself. A new bride is carried over the threshold of a house to protect her from the evil spirits that may lurk in a new home. In older times, fruit was given to the bride and groom by guests to encourage fertility, but that tradition has been replaced by bringing gifts.

Nuptial Blessing Dear brothers and sisters, let us humbly pray to the Lord that on these his servants, now married in Christ, he may mercifully pour out the blessing of his grace and make of one heart in love (by the Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood) those he has joined by a holy covenant.

And all pray in silence for a while. And all pray in silence for a while. Then the Priest, with hands extended over the bride and bridegroom, continues: O God, who by your mighty power created all things out of nothing, and, when you had set in place

the beginnings of the universe, formed man and woman in your own image, making the woman an inseparable helpmate to the man, that they might no longer be two, but one flesh, and taught that what you were pleased to make one must never be divided; O God, who consecrated the bond of Marriage by so great a mystery that in the wedding covenant you foreshadowed the Sacrament of Christ and his Church; O God, by whom woman is joined to man and the companionship they had in the beginning is endowed with the one blessing not forfeited by original sin nor washed away by the flood. Look now with favor on these your servants, joined together in Marriage, who ask to be strengthened by your blessing.

Send down on them the grace of the Holy Spirit and pour your love into their hearts, that they may remain faithful in the Marriage covenant.
May the grace of love and peace abide in your daughter N., and let her always follow the example of those holy women whose praises are sung in the Scriptures. May her husband entrust his heart to her, so that, acknowledging her as his equal and his joint heir to the life of grace, he may show her due honor and cherish her always with the love that Christ has for his Church. And now, Lord, we implore you: may these your servants hold fast to the faith and keep your commandments; made one in the flesh, may they be blameless in all they do; and with the strength that comes from the Gospel,

may they bear true witness to Christ before all; (may they be blessed with children, and prove themselves virtuous parents, who live to see their children's children).

And grant that, reaching at last together the fullness of years for which they hope, they may come to the life of the blessed in the Kingdom of Heaven. Through Christ our Lord.
Response: Amen.

Blessing at the End of Mass The Priest, with hands extended over the bride and bridegroom, says: May God the eternal Father keep you of one heart in love for one another, that the peace of Christ may dwell in you and abide always in your home. Response: Amen. May you be blessed in your children, have solace in your friends and enjoy true peace with everyone. Response: Amen. May you be witnesses in the world to God's charity, so that the afflicted and needy who have known your kindness may one day receive you thankfully

And he blesses all the people, adding: And may almighty God bless all of you, who are gathered here, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Response: Amen. Opening Prayer (Collect) Be attentive to our prayers, 0 Lord, and in your kindness uphold what you have established for the increase of the human race, so that the union you have created may be kept safe by your assistance. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Prayer over the Gifts Receive, we pray, 0 Lord, the offering made on the occasion of this sealing of the sacred bond of Marriage, and, just as your goodness is its origin, may your providence guide its course. Through Christ our Lord.

B i b l i c a l

B a s e s

* God created man in His image; male and female He created them. He blessed them saying: Be fertile and multiply, fill the whole earth and subdue it. (Gn 1:27f) * The Bible reveals this natural covenant of love as the image/symbol of God the Creators absolute and unfailing love. Created male and female, human persons are created through Gods love, in the image of God who is Love, and called to love one another in sharing Gods own love. Marriage in Genesis A. God created man in His image; male and female He created them. He blessed them saying: Be fertile and multiply, fill the whole earth and subdue it. (Gn 1:27f). Thus, marriage has the social purpose of propagating the human race by sharing in Gods own creativity. B. It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him that is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body (Gn 2:18, 24). This expresses the personal purpose of marriage as the mutual love, support, and unity of the couple.

C. One Body or Flesh For the Hebrew author of Genesis, this meant not just physical unity, but the unity of two persons in all their basic human levels physical, psychological, and spiritual, or body, mind, and heart or spirit. This unity does not mean losing ones own identity by merging with another into one personality, nor yielding to domination by the other. Rather it is the intimate partnership of life and love (GS 48) in which the couple freely are present to, think about, care for, and enter into, each other. Their thoughts, ideals, hopes and destinies become intertwined. Yet, within this deep mutual inter-personal relationship, both become more uniquely themselves, with their own personal character and traits. D. The Old Testament prophets, by using marriage as a symbol of Gods covenant with His Chosen People, had already pictured marriage as a covenant which should imitate Gods own fidelity (cf. Hos 2:21f; Is 54:4-6, 10; 62:4-5; Ez 16:8-14, 60-63). You must not break faith with the wife of your youth. For I hate divorce, says the Lord, the God of Israel (Mal 2:15f; cf. CCC 1609-11). But it was only through Jesus Christ that the covenant of human love, symbol of Gods love forhis people in creation, could be raised to become the sacrament of the new covenant of Christs redemptive love with His people, the Church.

C h u r c h

T e a c h i n g s

* This understanding of Christs teaching on marriage as a new covenant of love is confirmed in the famous text from Ephesians (cf. 5:21-33; CCC 1616-17). The key message is: the covenant between man and woman is seen as the image of the covenant between Christ and the Church. Husbands and wives, therefore, should love and act toward each other as Christ loves and treats us, his Church. Hence, marriage partners are admonished: Defer to one another out of reverence for Christ (Eph 5:21). All domination by one partner over the other is thus directly rejected. * Catholic tradition has recognized marriage of the baptized is one of the seven sacraments of the New Covenant (FC 13; cf. Trent, ND 1808; CCC 1638). Marriage is seen as A) an ongoing saving symbolic action, B) grounded in the ministry of Christ and continued in and through the Church, which) when proclaimed, realized and celebrated in faith, C) makes present and actually shares in, Gods love and faithfulness in Jesus Christ, in the pattern of his Paschal Mystery.

As the Third Preface of the Wedding Mass prays to the Father: The love of man and woman is made holy in the Sacrament of Marriage, and becomes the mirror of your everlasting love.

1) By proclaiming the word of God, the Church reveals to the Christian family its true identity [truth] what it is and should be according to the Lords plan.
2) By celebrating the sacraments, the Church enriches and strengthens the Christian family with the grace of Christ for its sanctification to the glory of the Father. 3) By the continuous proclamation of the new commandment of love, the Church encourages and guides the Christian family to service of love so that it may imitate and relive the same self-giving and sacrificial love that Jesus has for the entire human race (FC 49).

Married Christians, in virtue of the sacrament of Matrimony, signify and share in the mystery of that unity and fruitful love which exists between Christ and His Church. This intimate union and the good of the children impose total fidelity on each of them and argue for an unbreakable oneness between them.

Christ the Lord raised this union to the dignity of a sacrament so that it might more clearly recall and more easily reflect his own unbreakable union with His Church.
Christian couples, therefore nourish and develop their marriage by undivided affection, which wells up from the foundation of divine love, while in a merging of human and divine love, they remain faithful in body and in mind, in good times and in bad.

Rite of Matrimony Statement of Vows Consent Blessing and Exchange of Rings Symbols of Marriage Old bride and old life New couples new life and hope for happiness Borrowed impart happiness to the bride Blue fidelity and constancy White Bridal Dresses abandoned tradition, white symbolizes purity and virginity, white was thought to ward off evil spirits Throwing Rice an ancient tradition, for fertility and many children Sharing Cake wheat in the cake symbolizes fertility and a fruitful union, sweetness for the sweetness of couples new life Sharing a kiss sharing and joining their souls Rings commitment and support

Candles Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the light of the world Common Cup remembering the miracle of Christ (Wedding at Cana) Joining of Hands unity Bouquet of Rice according to folklore, the person to catch the bouquet will be the next person married Dress husband not seeing dress before the wedding was a symbolic act Threshold protect the bride from evil spirits Gifts from the guests for fertility Prayers Nuptial Blessing Blessing at the End of Mass Opening Prayer (Collect) Prayer over the Gifts Biblical Bases God created man in His image; male and female He created them. He blessed them saying: Be fertile and multiply, fill the whole earth and subdue it. (Gn 1:27f), human persons are created through Gods love

Marriage in Genesis: multiply; marriage must have mutual love, support, unity; merging with your partner while retaining your individuality; marriage as a symbol of Gods covenant with His Chosen People Church Teachings The key message is: the covenant between man and woman is seen as the image of the covenant between Christ and the Church Marriage is a saving symbolic action, grounded in the ministry of Christ, shares in Gods love and faithfulness in Jesus Christ Church reveals to the Christian family its true identity Church enriches and strengthens the Christian family with the grace of Christ for its sanctification to the glory of the Father Church encourages and guides the Christian family to service of love

Importance of Matrimony Christians share in the unity and fruitful love which exists between Christ and His Church

Q U E S T I O N S :


What is the 3rd part of the Rite of Matrimony? Give 4 examples of symbols of marriage. (4 pts) List 3 prayers done during marriage. (3 pts) Be fertile and multiply, fill the whole earth and subdue it. Which book in the Bible is this from? Complete the statement: One ____ or _____. (2 pts) True or False: Marriage is a new covenant of love. Complete the statement: Church reveals to the Christian family its true _____. Christians share in the unity and fruitful love which exists between _____ and ______ (2 pts) True or False. Under the normal outline of vows, is this true or false: I, (Name), take you, (Name), to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in success and in failure. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. Candles represent ______. Couples drink from a common cup to remember Jesus miracle which was ___________. True or False. The belief that whoever catches the bouquet first is based on Church teachings.

20. True or False. The sharing of cake is done for fertility.

A N S W E R S :


1. Blessing and Exchange of Rings 2-5. See list. 6-8. See list. 9. Genesis 10-11. Book, Flesh 12. True 13. Identity 14-15. Christ and Church 16. False 17. Jesus Christ 18. Turning of water to wine at the Wedding of Cana 19. False 20. True

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